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Keybot 29 Results  ssrpm.ch
  Azərbaycan-Yaponiya işg...  
Tədbirdə çıxış edən AZPROMO-nun vitse-prezidenti Vidadi Quliyev Azərbaycanın qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, ölkəmizin iştirakçısı olduğu irimiqyaslı regional layihələr və AZPROMO-nun fəaliyyəti barədə məlumat vermişdir.
Vice-president of AZPROMO Vidadi Guliyev briefed the delegation on business and investment environment of Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects implemented and AZPROMO's activity.
Vice-president of AZPROMO Vidadi Guliyev briefed the delegation on business and investment environment of Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects implemented and AZPROMO's activity.
  Portuqaliya nümayəndə h...  
Tədbirdə AZPROMO-nun rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov Azərbaycanın qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, iştirakçısı olduğu irimiqyaslı regional layihələr, ölkəmizdə sahibkarlar üçün yaradılmış əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, eləcə də AZPROMO-nun iş adamlarına göstərdiyi dəstək barədə məlumat vermişdir.
The head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the audience on Azerbaijan's economic success, large-scale regional projects implemented by the participation of the country, various sectors of economy, favorable business and investment climate created for the local and foreign businessmen, support mechanisms for entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan, as well as AZPROMO's activities.
The head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the audience on Azerbaijan's economic success, large-scale regional projects implemented by the participation of the country, various sectors of economy, favorable business and investment climate created for the local and foreign businessmen, support mechanisms for entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan, as well as AZPROMO's activities.
  Azərbaycan-Kanada işgüz...  
Görüşdə AZPROMO-nun rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov Azərbaycanda uğurla həyata keçirilən sosial-iqtisadi siyasət nəticəsində ölkəmizin qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, ölkəmizin iştirakçısı olduğu irimiqyaslı regional layihələr və AZPROMO-nun fəaliyyəti barədə məlumat vermişdir.
Head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the delegation on economic growth of Azerbaijan, favourable business and investment climate, regional projects carried out with participation of Azerbaijan, as well as activity of AZPROMO.
Head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the delegation on economic growth of Azerbaijan, favourable business and investment climate, regional projects carried out with participation of Azerbaijan, as well as activity of AZPROMO.
  İtaliya iş adamları Azə...  
Görüşdə AZPROMO-nun rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov Azərbaycanda uğurla həyata keçirilən sosial-iqtisadi siyasət nəticəsində ölkəmizin qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, həyata keçirilən irimiqyaslı regional layihələr və AZPROMO-nun fəaliyyəti barədə məlumat vermişdir.
Head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the delegation on successes as a result of socio-economic policy, business and investment environment, large-scale regional projects implemented and AZPROMO's activity.
Head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the delegation on successes as a result of socio-economic policy, business and investment environment, large-scale regional projects implemented and AZPROMO's activity.
  Azərbaycan-Sloveniya iş...  
Azərbaycanda investisiya mühiti və biznes imkanlarına dair təqdimatla çıxış edən AZPROMO-nun rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov təqdimatında ölkəmizin qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, sahibkarlar üçün yaradılmış əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti barədə məlumat vermişdir.
Rufat Mammadov, President of AZPROMO, gave promotion about country's economic success, favorable business and investment climate. He emphasized that Azerbaijan is an attractive country for foreign investment, and asked Slovenian businessmen to be active for the future corporations.
Rufat Mammadov, President of AZPROMO, gave promotion about country's economic success, favorable business and investment climate. He emphasized that Azerbaijan is an attractive country for foreign investment, and asked Slovenian businessmen to be active for the future corporations.
  Azərbaycan-İtaliya işgü...  
İşgüzar görüşdə AZPROMO-nun rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov Azərbaycanın qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, iştirakçısı olduğu irimiqyaslı regional layihələr, iqtisadiyyatın müxtəlif sahələri, ölkəmizdə yerli və xarici iş adamları üçün yaradılmış əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, sahibkarlara göstərilən dəstək mexanizmləri, eləcə də AZPROMO-nun fəaliyyəti barədə məlumat vermişdir.
Furthermore, the head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the audience on Azerbaijan's economic success, large-scale regional projects implemented by the participation of the country, various sectors of economy, favorable business and investment climate created for the local and foreign businessmen, support mechanisms for entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan, as well as AZPROMO's activities.
Furthermore, the head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the audience on Azerbaijan's economic success, large-scale regional projects implemented by the participation of the country, various sectors of economy, favorable business and investment climate created for the local and foreign businessmen, support mechanisms for entrepreneurs in Azerbaijan, as well as AZPROMO's activities.
  Azərbaycanın investisiy...  
Görüşdə AZPROMO-nun rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov Azərbaycanın iqtisadi uğurları, ölkəmizdə yaradılmış əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, həyata keçirilən iri layihələr barədə məlumat vermiş, Azərbaycanın xarici investisiyalar üçün əlverişli və cəlbedici ölkə olduğunu qeyd edərək İsveçrədən olan iş adamlarını əməkdaşlığa dəvət etmişdir.
The head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov gave information on Azerbaijan's economic success, a favourable business and investment climate, large-scale projects. It was noted that Azerbaijan was a favourable and attractive country for foreign investment. Mr. Mammadov invited the Swiss businessmen to an active cooperation. The information about the activities of AZPROMO was delivered at the meeting, too.
The head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov gave information on Azerbaijan's economic success, a favourable business and investment climate, large-scale projects. It was noted that Azerbaijan was a favourable and attractive country for foreign investment. Mr. Mammadov invited the Swiss businessmen to an active cooperation. The information about the activities of AZPROMO was delivered at the meeting, too.
  Türkdilli Dövlətlərin Ə...  
Zaur İbrahimov  ölkəmizin qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, iştirakçısı olduğu irimiqyaslı regional layihələr, Azərbaycanda yerli və xarici iş adamları üçün yaradılmış əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, AZPROMO-nun fəaliyyəti barədə geniş məlumat vermişdir.
The representative of AZPROMO  Zaur Ibrahimov had a presentation on investment climate and business opportunities in Azerbaijan. He gave information about business and favorable investment environment of Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects implemented and AZPROMO's activity.
The representative of AZPROMO  Zaur Ibrahimov had a presentation on investment climate and business opportunities in Azerbaijan. He gave information about business and favorable investment environment of Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects implemented and AZPROMO's activity.
  Londonda "Azərbaycanın ...  
Tədbiri giriş sözü ilə açan Avropa Azərbaycan Cəmiyyətinin biznes əlaqələndiricisi Venesa Rain Azərbaycanın müasir tələblərə cavab verən infrastruktura malik olduğunu, ölkəmizin son illərdəki iqtisadi inkişafı, insanların həyat səviyyəsinin yüksəlməsi, dövlət-özəl sektor əməkdaşlığının güclənməsi istiqamətində qazandığı uğurlar barədə məlumat vermişdir.
In her opening speech Vanessa Raine, business coordinator of TEAS,  noted that Azerbaijan has infrastructure meeting modern requirements, and spoke about economic development in recent years, improvement of people's living standards, as well as successes in strengthening of cooperation between the state and the private sector. Vanessa Raine stressed that this organization contributes to the further development of relations between Azerbaijan and the United Kingdom.
In her opening speech Vanessa Raine, business coordinator of TEAS,  noted that Azerbaijan has infrastructure meeting modern requirements, and spoke about economic development in recent years, improvement of people's living standards, as well as successes in strengthening of cooperation between the state and the private sector. Vanessa Raine stressed that this organization contributes to the further development of relations between Azerbaijan and the United Kingdom.
  Azərbaycanın investisiy...  
Tədbirdə İqtisadi İnkişaf nazirinin müavini Niyazi Səfərov Azərbaycanda uğurla həyata keçirilən sosial-iqtisadi siyasət nəticəsində ölkəmizin qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, ölkəmizin iştirakçısı olduğu irimiqyaslı regional layihələr haqqında məlumat vermişdir.
Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Niyazi Safarov accentuated economic successes of Azerbaijan achieved as a result of socioeconomic policy implemented successfully, favourable business and investment climate, large-scale projects of which Azerbaijan is a participator. Highlighting successful development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Brazil, the deputy minister stressed the establishment of relations on mutual friendship and partnership, an important role of mutual visits in the development of bilateral ties.
Deputy Minister of Economic Development, Niyazi Safarov accentuated economic successes of Azerbaijan achieved as a result of socioeconomic policy implemented successfully, favourable business and investment climate, large-scale projects of which Azerbaijan is a participator. Highlighting successful development of cooperation between Azerbaijan and Brazil, the deputy minister stressed the establishment of relations on mutual friendship and partnership, an important role of mutual visits in the development of bilateral ties.
  Azərbaycan-Litva biznes...  
Biznes forumdan əvvəl Litva Respublikasının Baş naziri Algirdas Butkeviçius Bakı Biznes Mərkəzində Azərbaycanın sosial-iqtisadi uğurları barədə təqdimatla tanış olmuşdur.
Prior to the business forum, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania, Algirdas Butkevicius got acquainted with the presentation on the socio-economic successes of Azerbaijan in Baku Business Centre.
Prior to the business forum, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania, Algirdas Butkevicius got acquainted with the presentation on the socio-economic successes of Azerbaijan in Baku Business Centre.
  Londonda "Azərbaycanın ...  
Azərbaycanda uğurla həyata keçirilən sosial-iqtisadi siyasət nəticəsində ölkəmizin qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar və reallaşdırılan iri layihələr barədə məlumat verən Rüfət Məmmədov Azərbaycanın xarici investisiyalar üçün cəlbedici ölkəyə çevrildiyini vurğulamış, ölkəmizin investisiya ixracatçısına çevrildiyini qeyd etmişdir.
Head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov made presentation on investment climate and business opportunities of Azerbaijan, as well as highlighted the role of business forums, business meetings and other events in the development of economic relations. Rufat Mammadov spoke about business and investment environment of Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects implemented in Azerbaijan. Furthermore he stressed that Azerbaijan has become an attractive country for foreign investments and has turned into exporter of investment.
Head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov made presentation on investment climate and business opportunities of Azerbaijan, as well as highlighted the role of business forums, business meetings and other events in the development of economic relations. Rufat Mammadov spoke about business and investment environment of Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects implemented in Azerbaijan. Furthermore he stressed that Azerbaijan has become an attractive country for foreign investments and has turned into exporter of investment.
  Azərbaycan-İsrail işgüz...  
Tədbirdə AZPROMO-nun rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov Azərbaycanın qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, iştirakçısı olduğu irimiqyaslı regional layihələr, ölkəmizdə yerli və xarici iş adamları üçün yaradılmış əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, eləcə də AZPROMO-nun iş adamlarına göstərdiyi dəstək barədə məlumat vermişdir.
The head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the delegation on business and favorable investment environment of Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects implemented and AZPROMO's activity.
The head of AZPROMO Rufat Mammadov briefed the delegation on business and favorable investment environment of Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects implemented and AZPROMO's activity.
  Azərbaycanın investisiy...  
Tədbirdə Azərbaycanda İxracın və İnvestisiyaların Təşviqi Fondunun (AZPROMO) rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov ölkəmizin qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, həyata keçirilən iri layihələr barədə təqdimatla çıxış etmişdir.
Head of the Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) Rufat Mammadov made a presentation on the economic successes of our country, a favorable business and investment climate and the implementation of large projects.
Head of the Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO) Rufat Mammadov made a presentation on the economic successes of our country, a favorable business and investment climate and the implementation of large projects.
  Azərbaycan-Sinqapur Biz...  
Biznes forumda AZPROMO-nun rəhbəri Rüfət Məmmədov Azərbaycanda uğurla həyata keçirilən sosial-iqtisadi siyasət nəticəsində ölkəmizin qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar barədə məlumat vermiş, Azərbaycanın xarici investisiyalar üçün əlverişli və cəlbedici ölkə olduğunu vurğulamışdır.
Rufat Mammadov, President of AZPROMO, gave promotion about country's economic success, favorable business and investment climate. He emphasized that Azerbaijan is an attractive country for foreign investment, and asked Singapore’s businessmen to be active for the future corporations.
Rufat Mammadov, President of AZPROMO, gave promotion about country's economic success, favorable business and investment climate. He emphasized that Azerbaijan is an attractive country for foreign investment, and asked Singapore’s businessmen to be active for the future corporations.
  Azərbaycan-Rusiya bizne...  
Həmin gün Rusiya Federasiyasının İnquşetiya Respublikasının Baş naziri Musa Çiliyevin rəhbərlik etdiyi nümayəndə heyəti İqtisadi İnkişaf naziri Şahin Mustafayevlə görüşmüşdür. Görüşdən əvvəl qonaqlar Bakı Biznes Mərkəzində Azərbaycanın iqtisadi uğurlarına həsr olunmuş sərgi ilə tanış olmuşlar.
On the same day the delegation headed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Ingushetia of the Federation of Russia Musa Chiliyev met with the Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev. Prior to the meeting, the guests got acquaintance with the exhibition dedicated to the economic achievements of Azerbaijan in Baku Business Centre. The Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev gave detailed information about major progress achieved in socio-economic and other spheres of Azerbaijan within the last decade.
On the same day the delegation headed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Ingushetia of the Federation of Russia Musa Chiliyev met with the Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev. Prior to the meeting, the guests got acquaintance with the exhibition dedicated to the economic achievements of Azerbaijan in Baku Business Centre. The Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev gave detailed information about major progress achieved in socio-economic and other spheres of Azerbaijan within the last decade.
  Azərbaycan - Rusiya Biz...  
Azərbaycanın əldə etdiyi iqtisadi uğurlar barədə məlumat verən nazir müavini son 10 ildə ÜDM istehsalının 2.3 dəfə, dövlət büdcəsinin gəlirlərinin 8.3 dəfə, qeyri-neft sektorunun 2.3 dəfə, strateji valyuta ehtiyyatlarının 16.3 dəfə artdığını, qeyri-neft sektorunun ÜDM-də payının 69.3%-ə çatdığını vurğulamışdır.
Niyazi Safarov then touched upon the economic successes of our country for the last 10 years, adding that GDP growth increased by 2.3 times, government budget by 8.3, non-oil sector by 2.3 and strategic currency reserves by 16.3. Plus, share of the non-oil sector in GDP reached 69.3%.
Niyazi Safarov then touched upon the economic successes of our country for the last 10 years, adding that GDP growth increased by 2.3 times, government budget by 8.3, non-oil sector by 2.3 and strategic currency reserves by 16.3. Plus, share of the non-oil sector in GDP reached 69.3%.
  Azərbaycan-Rusiya bizne...  
Həmin gün Rusiya Federasiyasının İnquşetiya Respublikasının Baş naziri Musa Çiliyevin rəhbərlik etdiyi nümayəndə heyəti İqtisadi İnkişaf naziri Şahin Mustafayevlə görüşmüşdür. Görüşdən əvvəl qonaqlar Bakı Biznes Mərkəzində Azərbaycanın iqtisadi uğurlarına həsr olunmuş sərgi ilə tanış olmuşlar.
On the same day the delegation headed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Ingushetia of the Federation of Russia Musa Chiliyev met with the Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev. Prior to the meeting, the guests got acquaintance with the exhibition dedicated to the economic achievements of Azerbaijan in Baku Business Centre. The Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev gave detailed information about major progress achieved in socio-economic and other spheres of Azerbaijan within the last decade.
On the same day the delegation headed by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Ingushetia of the Federation of Russia Musa Chiliyev met with the Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev. Prior to the meeting, the guests got acquaintance with the exhibition dedicated to the economic achievements of Azerbaijan in Baku Business Centre. The Minister of Economic Development Shahin Mustafayev gave detailed information about major progress achieved in socio-economic and other spheres of Azerbaijan within the last decade.
  Gəncədə Azərbaycan-Türk...  
Biznes forumda çıxış edən AZPROMO-nun vitse-prezidenti Vidadi Quliyev Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti cənab İlham Əliyev tərəfindən uğurla həyata keçirilən sosial-iqtisadi siyasət və qazanılmış uğurlar barədə məlumat verərək, ölkəmizdə həyata keçirilən genişmiqyaslı inkişaf və quruculuq proseslərinə xarici tərəfdaşlar tərəfindən də böyük maraq göstərildiyini bildirmişdir.
Vice-president of AZPROMO Vidadi Guliyev gave information on socio-economic policies and achievements implemented successfully by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The foreign partners show great interest in large-scale development and construction processes carried out in the country. Vidadi Guliyev stressed the successful development of Azerbaijan-Turkey relations, as well as economic, regional cooperation with various state agencies of Turkey. Currently, Turkish companies in Azerbaijan, as well as Azerbaijani companies in Turkey are successfully operating in different areas. Turkey holds the first place due to the volume of investment of Azerbaijan in foreign countries. It was noted that conferences, exhibitions and business forums organized in Azerbaijan and foreign countries plays an important role in the development of the bilateral relations. Vidadi Guliyev accentuated that Azerbaijan-Turkey Business Forum, the issues discussed within the framework of a business forum and bilateral meetings among businessmen will contribute to the further expansion of business ties among businessmen.
Vice-president of AZPROMO Vidadi Guliyev gave information on socio-economic policies and achievements implemented successfully by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev. The foreign partners show great interest in large-scale development and construction processes carried out in the country. Vidadi Guliyev stressed the successful development of Azerbaijan-Turkey relations, as well as economic, regional cooperation with various state agencies of Turkey. Currently, Turkish companies in Azerbaijan, as well as Azerbaijani companies in Turkey are successfully operating in different areas. Turkey holds the first place due to the volume of investment of Azerbaijan in foreign countries. It was noted that conferences, exhibitions and business forums organized in Azerbaijan and foreign countries plays an important role in the development of the bilateral relations. Vidadi Guliyev accentuated that Azerbaijan-Turkey Business Forum, the issues discussed within the framework of a business forum and bilateral meetings among businessmen will contribute to the further expansion of business ties among businessmen.
  Qəbələdə 3-cü Azərbayca...  
Nazir Şahin Mustafayev: "Bu uğurların fonunda regionda yalnız bir ölkə, işğalçı Ermənistan regional proseslərdən kənarda qalmışdır. Ermənistanın Azərbaycana qarşı davam edən təcavüzü, qonşu ölkələrə torpaq iddiaları regionda əməkdaşlığın genişləndirilməsinə ciddi maneələr törədir və bu ölkə təcavüzkar siyasəti nəticəsində regional layihələrdə iştirakdan məhrumdır, buna görə də siyasi, sosial-iqtisadi, demoqrafik uçuruma yuvarlanır. Bu siyasətə son qoyulmayanadək Ermənistanın hər-hansı bir regional layihədə iştirakı mümkün olmayacaqdır".
The minister Shahin Mustafayev: "Only one country in the region, Armenia has been left out of regional processes in the background of these successes. The aggression of Armenia against Azerbaijan, Armenian territorial claims to its neighbours create serious obstacles for the expansion of cooperation in the region. As a result of the aggressive policy this country is deprived of participation in regional projects. Therefore, Armenia falls into political, socio-economic, demographic abyss. Inclusive of Armenia in any regional projects will be impossible unless Armenia stops this policy".
  AZPROMO-da İran nümayən...  
Qonaqlara Azərbaycanın qazandığı iqtisadi uğurlar, iştirakçısı olduğu irimiqyaslı regional layihələr, ölkəmizdə sahibkarlar üçün yaradılmış əlverişli biznes və investisiya mühiti, eləcə də AZPROMO-nun iş adamlarına göstərdiyi dəstək barədə məlumat verilmişdir.
Information about the economic successes achieved by Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects it participates in, favourable business and investment environment created in this country as well as the support provided by AZPROMO to entrepreneurs was delivered to the guests.
Information about the economic successes achieved by Azerbaijan, large-scale regional projects it participates in, favourable business and investment environment created in this country as well as the support provided by AZPROMO to entrepreneurs was delivered to the guests.
  Yerli iş adamları üçün ...  
Tədbirdə çıxış edən AZPROMO-nun vitse-prezidenti Vidadi Quliyev Azərbaycanın son illər ərzində əldə etdiyi iqtisadi uğurlar, qeyri-neft sektorunda müşahidə edilən yüksək artım templəri barədə məlumat vermiş, yerli məhsulların tanıdılması baxımından ölkəmizdə və xaricdə təşkil edilən sərgi və konfransların əhəmiyyətini vurğulamışdır.
About 40 local companies participated in the event. The vice president of AZPROMO Vidadi Guliyev highlighted the promotion of the Azerbaijani products and the importance of participation of businessmen in international exhibitions in expansion of the foreign relations. Furthermore, Vidadi Guliyev spoke about the work done by AZPROMO, the coopertion between AZPROMO and JETRO in this direction and noted that AZPROMO would support the participation of national companies in the international exhibitions in the future.
About 40 local companies participated in the event. The vice president of AZPROMO Vidadi Guliyev highlighted the promotion of the Azerbaijani products and the importance of participation of businessmen in international exhibitions in expansion of the foreign relations. Furthermore, Vidadi Guliyev spoke about the work done by AZPROMO, the coopertion between AZPROMO and JETRO in this direction and noted that AZPROMO would support the participation of national companies in the international exhibitions in the future.
  Azərbaycan-Rusiya və Ru...  
layihələr üzrə əməkdaşlığı, Azərbaycan şirkətlərinin Rusiyanın bir sıra regionlarında iri layihələr həyata keçirdiyini qeyd edib. Belə tədbirlərin iqtisadi əlaqələrin inkişafı, investisiya sahəsində əməkdaşlığın genişləndirilməsi baxımından rolunu vurğulayan Şahin Mustafayev İşgüzar Şuraların fəaliyyətinə uğurlar arzulayıb.
The Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev emphasized that the goal in establishment of the Azerbaijani-Russian and Russian-Azerbaijani Business Councils is to tighten economic and investment links between countries and expand cooperation among business people. Mentioning projects jointly realized in collaboration with Russian companies and mutual investment experiences, the minister talked about the biggest project in the Caucasus “Socar Polymer”, cooperation in pharmaceutical production and grand projects realized by Azerbaijani companies in different regions of Russia.
The Minister of Economy Shahin Mustafayev emphasized that the goal in establishment of the Azerbaijani-Russian and Russian-Azerbaijani Business Councils is to tighten economic and investment links between countries and expand cooperation among business people. Mentioning projects jointly realized in collaboration with Russian companies and mutual investment experiences, the minister talked about the biggest project in the Caucasus “Socar Polymer”, cooperation in pharmaceutical production and grand projects realized by Azerbaijani companies in different regions of Russia.
  Avrasiya Sement İstehsa...  
Tədbiri giriş sözü ilə açan İqtisadi İnkişaf Nazirinin müavini Niyazi Səfərov Azərbaycan Respublikasının Prezidenti cənab İlham Əliyevin rəhbərliyi ilə ölkə iqtisadiyyatının dinamik və davamlı inkişaf etdiyini vurğumış, qazanılmış uğurlar barədə məlumat vermişdir.
Moreover, the President of the Kazakh Industry and Construction Materials Association Maral Tompiev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian National Constructors Association Anatoly Sedov, the committee chairman of the Union of Russian Cement Producers Vyacheslav Boltenko, General Manager of "Norm" LLC Hasan Yalchinkaya, deputy chairman at "Akkord Industry-Construction Investment Corporation" Suat Calbiyik, Holcim's directors for sales, marketing and logistics Carlos Terres made presentations on "Prospects for the development of construction materials industry in Kazakhstan", "The current state of the construction of the Russian Federation", "The situation of cement industry and the prospects for the development of cooperation", "Cement for the growing economic power of Azerbaijan", "Major industrial center of the western region", "Holcim and its role in the development of the construction industry of Azerbaijan" relatively. The representatives of "Loesche", "Mollers" "Hazemag & EPR GmbH" companies of Germany, "Unitherm Cemcon" company of Austria, "İnkontreyd", "FLSmidth Russia" "Termo Texno" companies of Russia and other officials made speeches about the activities of their companies at the forum.
Moreover, the President of the Kazakh Industry and Construction Materials Association Maral Tompiev, Deputy Chairman of the Russian National Constructors Association Anatoly Sedov, the committee chairman of the Union of Russian Cement Producers Vyacheslav Boltenko, General Manager of "Norm" LLC Hasan Yalchinkaya, deputy chairman at "Akkord Industry-Construction Investment Corporation" Suat Calbiyik, Holcim's directors for sales, marketing and logistics Carlos Terres made presentations on "Prospects for the development of construction materials industry in Kazakhstan", "The current state of the construction of the Russian Federation", "The situation of cement industry and the prospects for the development of cooperation", "Cement for the growing economic power of Azerbaijan", "Major industrial center of the western region", "Holcim and its role in the development of the construction industry of Azerbaijan" relatively. The representatives of "Loesche", "Mollers" "Hazemag & EPR GmbH" companies of Germany, "Unitherm Cemcon" company of Austria, "İnkontreyd", "FLSmidth Russia" "Termo Texno" companies of Russia and other officials made speeches about the activities of their companies at the forum.