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Keybot      83 Results   18 Domains
  30 Hits  
UygulamaC&I çatı üzeri güneş enerjisi sistemi
ApplicationC&I rooftop solar system
  9 Hits  
Tecrübe ve uzmanlık bilgimizi Hollanda piyasasındaki üretici ve uygulamacılarla paylaşmaktan mutluyuz:
We are proud to share our expertise and experience with producers and users in the Dutch market.
Wir sind stolz darauf, unsere Erfahrung und Fachwissen mit Herstellern und Anwendern auf dem niederländischen Markt zu teilen.
Siamo orgogliosi di condividere la nostra esperienza e le nostre conoscenze tecniche con i produttori e gli utilizzatori sul mercato dei Paesi Bassi.
Мы гордимся возможностью делиться нашим опытом и знаниями с изготовителями и пользователями на голландском рынке:
  2 Hits  
Çevik bir şirket olmak için insanları, teknolojiyi, süreçleri, yapıyı, kültürü nasıl değiştirmek gerektiği anlatılıyor. Yönetim dünyasının ünlü yazarları Tom Buzan ve Michael Gelb kitaba özel görüş verdi. Acar Baltaş, Arman Kırım gibi yönetim otoriteleri, Ahmet N. Zorlu gibi atak uygulamacılar […]
Alper Utku President of Board of Directors In this book, the success strategies of ‘agile’ corporations are analyzed. It explains how to change people, technology, processes, structure, and culture in order to become an agile corporation. Tom Buzan and Michael Gelb, the famous authors of the world of management, have provided their special opinions for […]
  2 Hits  
Clearshiled PRO uygulamacıları en kaliteli ürün için eğitilmiş olan tecrübeli uygulamacılardır. Uygulamadaki tecrübeleri ComputerCut sistemimizin tam şablonlu kesim tekniği ile birlikte toplam başarıyı sağlamaktadır.
Your vehicle: it’s more than your ride – it’s a source of pride. Why worry about paint chips, scratches and stains? With Clearshield Pro paint protection film you’ll have peace of mind knowing your vehicle will look like new for years.
  12 Hits  
Restorasyon Yüksek Lisans programından mezun olanlar başta akademik kariyer olmak üzere, kentsel koruma ve sağlıklaştırma projeleri ile tek yapılar ve yapı grupları için rölöve, restitüsyon ve restorasyon projelerinin hazırlanması, kültür varlığı niteliği kazanmış olan yapıların yeniden kullanım projeleri, tarihi çevrede yeni yapıların tasarlanması, kültürel miras yönetimi, arkeolojik alanların belgelenmesi, geleneksel yapı malzemelerinin konservasyonu alanlarında kamusal ve özel mimarlık ofislerinde tasarımcı ve restorasyon şantiyelerinde uygulamacı olarak çalışabilirler.
Learners who graduate from this program can either continue on their academic career, or they can have a career in urban conservation and rehabilitation projects, building survey, restitution and restoration projects, projects that have gained importance as cultural properties, historical environment projects, the design of new buildings, cultural heritage management, documentation of archaeological sites, conservation of traditional building materials in public areas, architectural offices, private practitioners or as a designer of restoration sites  
Sonuç olarak bağlanma stilleri, akran ilişkileri ve duygular internet bağımlılığını yordamakta ve duyguların yordamadaki katkısı dikkat çekmektedir. Sonuçlar literatür çerçevesinde tartışılmış, araştırmacı ve uygulamacılara öneriler sunulmuştur.
The role of attachment styles, peer relations and affections in predicting Internet addiction is scrutinized in this study. It has been conducted with a total of 2,440 volunteer adolescents, out of which 1,588 are females and 852 are males, all between 14 and 19 years old and attending various high schools in Elazığ’s city center. In this study, the short form of the young Internet addiction test, the Relationship Scale Questionnaire, the Friendship Qualities Scale, and the Positive and Negative Affect Scale were used as data collection tools. Collected data were analyzed through correlational, multiple, and stepwise regression analyses. Study findings demonstrate that the independent variables of attachment styles, peer relations, and affections explain approximately 19% of Internet addiction. Furthermore, Internet addiction among adolescents was observed to be predominantly predicted by the variables of negative affection, conflict, and secure attachment. Attachment styles, peer relations, and affections were determined to predict Internet addiction, and the contribution of affections in this prediction is striking. The results are discussed within the framework of the literature, and recommendations have been given for future studies and applications.  
Temel ve yeni bilgileri yetkin bir araştırmacı ve uygulamacı kadrosundan edinme fırsatı, öğrencilerimizin yüksek potansiyeli ve gelişme isteği ile buluştuğunda, ders ortamı profesyonel bir hukuk deneyimine dönüşmektedir.
Koç University Law School was inaugurated in 2003. Yet, it quickly became an internationally reputable institution in legal education and research. This success is truly deserved. Our education policy is grounded on the unity of teaching and research. Our highly esteemed scholarly and professional team is the main source of cutting-edge legal education and research at the Law School. Since the opportunity to gain fundamental and new knowledge from a body of competent research scholars and practitioners meets our students’ high potential and desire for self-improvement, classes transform into a professional learning experience. This experience is consolidated by “innovative legal teaching” and “peer support” initiatives run in cooperation with our Learning and Teaching Center. Evocable and interrelated learning is our priority in teaching. As an indispensable part of our institutional culture, regular academic discussions and administrative surveys aim at raising the quality of legal education and complying with high standards at national and international scale.  
Henüz ACHEMA 2009 esnasında ilgi duyan uygulamacılar bu yeni tesisi canlı görme şansını bulmuştu. Özel olarak fuar için organize edilmiş olan "s-Jet® goes live!" başlıklı tanıtım etkinliğinde bu yeni teknoloji ve avantajları çok sayıda fuar ziyaretçisine geniş kapsamlı olarak tanıtılmıştı.
Furthermore, at the same time as the ACHEMA 2009, interested users made use of the possibility of experiencing this new plant live. During „s-Jet® goes live!“ demonstrations, especially organized to coincide with the exhibition, this new technology and its advantages has been presented in detail to a number of visitors.
Und bereits während der ACHEMA 2009 hatten interessierte Anwender die Möglichkeit, diese neue Anlage live zu erleben. Bei der speziell zur Messe organisierten Demo-Veranstaltung „s-Jet® goes live!“ wurde diese neue Technologie und deren Vorteile einer Vielzahl an Besuchern ausführlich vorgestellt.
Furthermore, at the same time as the ACHEMA 2009, interested users made use of the possibility of experiencing this new plant live. During „s-Jet® goes live!“ demonstrations, especially organized to coincide with the exhibition, this new technology and its advantages has been presented in detail to a number of visitors.
Furthermore, at the same time as the ACHEMA 2009, interested users made use of the possibility of experiencing this new plant live. During „s-Jet® goes live!“ demonstrations, especially organized to coincide with the exhibition, this new technology and its advantages has been presented in detail to a number of visitors.
Furthermore, at the same time as the ACHEMA 2009, interested users made use of the possibility of experiencing this new plant live. During „s-Jet® goes live!“ demonstrations, especially organized to coincide with the exhibition, this new technology and its advantages has been presented in detail to a number of visitors.  
Açık kaynak sunucu uygulamacığı olan Apache Tomcat'ten yararlanarak FileMaker Server 12, daha da fazla işleme gücüne sahip olup bu, aşamalı olarak videoları ve diğer ortamları FileMaker Pro istemcinize indirmenize olanak sağlar.
FileMaker Server 12 inclut une nouvelle fonction de sauvegarde progressive qui effectue le suivi des éléments que vous modifiez dans votre base de données, les regroupe et les intègre à la sauvegarde de base. Choisissez la fréquence d'exécution de la sauvegarde progressive, que ce soit toutes les minutes ou toutes les heures. Vous avez maintenant la certitude de pouvoir récupérer toutes vos données, même celles qui ont été accidentellement supprimées.
FileMaker Server 12 aprovecha los nuevos campos contenedores, diseñados con una nueva arquitectura en FileMaker Pro 12. Maximizando Apache Tomcat, un servlet de código abierto, FileMaker Server 12 dispone de aún más potencia de procesamiento. Esto le permite descargar vídeos y demás contenido multimedia de forma progresiva a su ordenador cliente de FileMaker Pro. Ahora, puede navegar entre registros sin esperar a que los archivos se descarguen complemetamente antes de pasar al siguiente registro.
FileMaker Pro 12:n uudistetun arkkitehtuurin säilökenttiä hyödyntävässä FileMaker Server 12:ssa on entistä enemmän käsittelytehoa, joten voit ladata videoita ja muita mediatiedostoja FileMaker Pro- ja FileMaker Go asiakkaisiin progressiivisesti. Nyt sinun ei tarvitse enää tietueita selatessasi odottaa, että tiedostot ovat latautuneet kokonaan, ennen kuin siirryt seuraavaan tietueeseen. *
FileMaker Server 12 bruker de nylig gjenoppbygde container-feltene i FileMaker Pro 12. Påvirkning av Apache Tomcat, en åpen kilde servlet, gir FileMaker Server 12 enda mer behandlingskraft, slik at du kan progressivt laste ned videoer og annen media til FileMaker Pro-klienten din. Nå kan du bla gjennom kataloger uten å vente på at filer skal lastes ned fullstendig før du går videre til den neste katalogen.  
Konferans sırasında Avrupalı ​​adalarda temiz enerji projelerinin uygulanmasına ilişkin tartışmaların, araştırmacılar, uygulamacılar, politikacılar ve özellikle Avrupalı ​​ada operatörleri dahil olmak üzere daha geniş bir kitleye ulaştırılması için fikir ve bilgi alışverişi yapıldı.
", on the occasion of the completion of the PRISMI project. During the conference an exchange of ideas and know-how was held to broaden the debate on the implementation of clean energy projects on European islands to a wider audience, including researchers, practitioners, politicians, and especially European island operators, for the best transition to cleaner forms of energy for the benefit of island communities.
", à l'occasion de l'achèvement du projet PRISMI. Au cours de la conférence, un échange d’idées et de savoir-faire a été organisé pour élargir le débat sur la mise en œuvre de projets d’énergie propre dans les îles européennes à un public plus large, notamment des chercheurs, des praticiens, des hommes politiques, et en particulier des opérateurs insulaires européens. transition vers des formes d’énergie plus propres au profit des communautés insulaires.
"anlässlich des Abschlusses des PRISMI-Projekts. Während der Konferenz fand ein Austausch von Ideen und Know-how statt, um die Debatte über die Umsetzung von sauberen Energieprojekten auf europäischen Inseln auf ein breiteres Publikum auszudehnen, darunter Forscher, Praktiker, Politiker und insbesondere europäische Inselbetreiber Übergang zu saubereren Energieformen zum Nutzen der Inselgemeinschaften.
", con motivo de la finalización del proyecto PRISMI. Durante la conferencia se llevó a cabo un intercambio de ideas y conocimientos para ampliar el debate sobre la implementación de proyectos de energía limpia en las islas europeas a un público más amplio, incluidos investigadores, profesionales, políticos y, especialmente, operadores de islas europeas, para el mejor Transición a formas más limpias de energía en beneficio de las comunidades isleñas.
", in occasione del completamento del progetto PRISMI. Durante la conferenza è stato uno scambio di idee e competenze al fine di ampliare il dibattito sulla realizzazione di progetti di energia pulita nelle isole europee per un pubblico più vasto, tra cui ricercatori, professionisti, politici e organi dell'isola soprattutto europei per ottimale transizione verso forme di energia più pulite a beneficio delle comunità insulari.
", ter gelegenheid van de voltooiing van het PRISMI-project. Tijdens de conferentie was een uitwisseling van ideeën en expertise met het oog op het debat over de uitvoering van projecten voor schone energie in de Europese eilanden aan een breder publiek, met inbegrip van onderzoekers, artsen, politici en met name de Europese eiland lichamen voor een optimale verbreding overgang naar schonere vormen van energie ten behoeve van eilandgemeenschappen.
», в связи с завершением проекта PRISMI. В ходе конференции был проведен обмен идеями и ноу-хау для расширения дискуссии по вопросам реализации проектов в области чистой энергии на европейских островах для более широкой аудитории, включая исследователей, специалистов-практиков, политиков и особенно европейских островных операторов, за лучшие переход к более чистым формам энергии в интересах островных общин.
  12 Hits  
NATO’nun bir sonraki sayısı NATO’nun Orta Doğu’daki giderek artan çalışmalarını ele alıyor. Dergi’ye katkıda bulunan analist ve uygulamacılar arasında Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghiles, Jana Hubaskova ve Carlo Masala da bulunuyor.
examines NATO and its growing involvement in the Middle East with contributions from leading analysts and practitioners, including Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova and Carlo Masala.
sera consacrée à l’OTAN et son implication croissante au Moyen-Orient. D’éminents analystes et hommes de terrain y participeront, parmi lesquels Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova et Carlo Masala.
befasst sich mit der NATO und ihrem zunehmenden Engagement im Nahen Osten und enthält Beiträge führender Autoren mit theoretisch-analytischem bzw. praktischem Ansatz, darunter Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova und Carlo Masala.
analizará la creciente implicación de la Alianza en Oriente Medio e incluirá contribuciones de analistas y expertos de primera fila como Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova y Carlo Masala.
esaminerà la NATO e il suo crescente coinvolgimento in Medio Oriente e conterrà contributi di importanti analisti ed esperti, tra cui Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova e Carlo Masala.
examina a OTAN e o seu envolvimento crescente no Médio Oriente e inclui contribuições de eminentes analistas e profissionais, designadamente Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova and Carlo Masala.
εξετάζει το ΝΑΤΟ και την αυξανόμενη εμπλοκή του στην Μέση Ανατολή με άρθρα από επιφανείς αναλυτές και επαγγελματίες, όπως οι Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghiles, Jana Hybaskova και Carlo Masala
Het volgende nummer van de NAVO Kroniek bespreekt de toenemende betrokkenheid van de NAVO bij het Midden-Oosten. Het omvat bijdragen van vooraanstaande analisten en mensen uit de praktijk, waaronder Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova and Carlo Masala.
Следващият брой на „НАТО Преглед” е посветен на нарастващото участие на НАТО в Близкия изток и съдържа статии на водещи анализатори и практически дейци като Мустафа Алани, Мартин ван Кревелд, Тоби Додж, Франсис Гилес, Яна Хибаскова и Карло Масала.
bude věnováno rostoucí angažovanosti NATO na Středním východě a bude obsahovat příspěvky z pera předních analytiků a pozorovatelů jako Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghiles, Jana Hybášková a Carlo Masala.
analyserer NATO og dets voksende engagement i Mellemøsten med bidrag fra førende analytikere og praktikere, herunder Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova og Carlo Masala.
NATO Teataja järgmises numbris analüüsitakse NATO kasvavat rolli Lähis-Idas. Kaastöid teevad juhtivad analüütikud ja praktikud, sealhulgas Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova ja Carlo Masala.
következő száma vezető elemzők és gyakorlati szakemberek, köztük Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova és Carlo Masala írásai alapján a NATO-t és annak fokozódó közel-keleti szerepvállalását veszi szemügyre.
verður litið á NATO og vaxandi afskipti þess af Mið-Austurlöndum, en meðal þeirra sem leggja blaðinu til efni má nefna sérfræðinga og hlutaðeigendur á borð við Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova og Carlo Masala.
Kitame „NATO apžvalgos“ numeryje bus analizuojama vis platesnė NATO veikla Vidurio Rytuose ir pateikiami žymių analitikų ir praktikų, tokių kaip Mustafa Alani, Martinas van Creveldas, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova ir Carlo Masala, straipsniai.
tar for seg NATO og dens voksende engasjement i Midtøsten med bidrag fra ledende analytikere og utøvere, inkludert Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova og Carlo Masala.
analizuje Sojusz i jego rosnące zaangażowanie na Bliskim Wschodzie. Zawiera artykuły i wypowiedzi wiodących analityków i praktyków, takich jak: Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghiles, Jana Hybaskova i Carlo Masala.
Numărul următor al Revistei NATO va analiza implicarea sporită a Alianţei în Orientul Mijlociu, beneficiind de contribuţiile unor analişti şi experţi, printre care se numără Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghiles, Jana Hybaskova şi Carlo Masala.
В следующем выпуске “Вестника НАТО” в статьях ведущих аналитиков и специалистов-практиков, в том числе Мустафы Алании, Мартина Ван Кревельда, Тоби Доджа, Франсиса Гилеса, Яны Гыбасковой и Карло Масала, рассматриваются вопросы НАТО и ее расширяющегося участия в ситуации на Ближнем Востоке.
bo proučevala Nato in njegovo vse večjo angažiranost na Bližnjem vzhodu ter bo vsebovala prispevke vodilnih analitikov in praktikov, med katerimi so Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghiles, Jana Hybaškova in Carlo Masala.
Nākamajā NATO vēstneša numurā tiks pētīta NATO darbības paplašināšanās Tuvajos austrumos. Tiks publicēti vadošo analītiķu un praktiķu, tostarp Mustafa Alani, Martin van Creveld, Toby Dodge, Francis Ghilès, Jana Hybaskova un Carlo Masala, raksti.
буде присвячено НАТО та її дедалі активніший ролі на Близькому Сході, яка висвітлюється в матеріалах провідних аналітиків і фахівців, зокрема, Мустафи Алані, Мартіна ван Кревелда, Тобі Доджа, Франсіса Жіле, Яни Гибаскової та Карло Масали.  
Bu püskürtme işinde entegre Reaktör kullanılarak çeşitli avantajlarön plana çıktı: Reaktördeki jeneratör sayesinde güç kaynağı gerekmedi; ısıtma sistemi yönetimi sayesinde, yakıt tüketimi düşüktü; Ekimdeki bir uygulama için, saatte 8 litre mazot yerine, saatte 4-4,5 litre kullanıldı; ısıtma yönetimi sistemi yakıtta %40 ila 50 tasarruf sağladı. Dahası, püskürtme sürecini, ana kontrol panelinin yanısıra,uygulamacı tarafından kullanılan uzaktankumanda yoluyla makinenin yanına gelmedenkontrol etmek mümkün oldu.
L'entrepreneur était un consortium de OLMARK Myslowice et TRANSCOM de Katowice. Les polyurés ont été pulvérisés sur la surface du toit avec un Reactor E-XP2i Graco intégré, équipé d'un pistolet Fusion AP et d'une buse de taille 4242. La pulvérisation a souligné certains avantages de l'utilisation du Reactor intégré : aucune source d'alimentation n'est nécessaire grâce au générateur du Reactor ; la consommation de carburant est faible grâce à la gestion du système de chauffe ; 4 à 4,5 litres ont été utilisés en une heure, pour une application au mois d'octobre, au lieu des 8 litres nécessaires habituellement pour la même durée ; le système de gestion de chauffe a économisé 40 à 50 % de carburant. De plus, le processus de pulvérisation a pu être contrôlé via le panneau de commande principal et le panneau auxiliaire à distance utilisé par l'utilisateur du pistolet. Enfin, l'intégralité du processus a été enregistré sur une clé USB, ce qui permet de conserver l'ensemble du rapport de traçabilité.
Der Bauunternehmer war ein Konsortium aus den Firmen OLMARK aus Myslowice und TRANSCOM aus Katowice. Das Polyurea auf der Dachfläche wurde mithilfe des integrierten Graco Reactor E-XP2i verspritzt, der mit einer Graco Fusions-AP-Spritzpistole und einer 4242er-Düse bestückt war. Das so durchgeführte Verspritzen zeichnete sich durch einige Vorteile in der Verwendung des integrierten Reactor aus: Dank des Generators des Reactor war keine externe Stromquelle notwendig; der Kraftstoffverbrauch war gering, dank des Heizungssystemmanagements; für eine Anwendung im Oktober wurden 4 bis 4,5 Liter pro Stunde verbraucht, statt der üblichen 8 Liter pro Stunde; das Heizungsmanagementsystem brachte 40 bis 50 % Brennstoffersparnis. Überdies war es möglich, den Spritzprozess mittels Hauptsteuerkonsole sowie zusätzlichem Remote Panel, das der Arbeiter mit der Spritzpistole benutzte, zu kontrollieren. Schließlich wurde der vollständige Prozess auf einem USB-Stick registriert, wodurch es möglich war, die gesamte Datenprotokollierung nachzuverfolgen.
La empresa contratista era el consorcio formado por OLMARK (Myslowice) y TRANSCOM (Katowice). La poliurea de la superficie del techo fue pulverizada mediante un Reactor E-XP2i integrado de Graco, con una pistola Fusion AP de Graco y una boquilla de tamaño 4242. Este trabajo de pulverización puso de relieve unas cuantas ventajas del uso de Reactor integrado: no fue necesaria ninguna fuente de energía gracias al generador que lleva incorporado Reactor; el consumo de combustible fue escaso, gracias a la gestión del sistema de calentamiento; se emplearon entre 4 y 4,5 litros por ahora para una aplicación en octubre, en lugar de los 8 litros por hora habituales; el sistema de gestión del calentamiento permitió ahorrar entre el 40 y el 50 % en combustible. Además, fue posible controlar el proceso de pulverización mediante un panel de control principal y otro panel remoto adicional que usaba el operario que manejaba la pistola. Finalmente, el proceso completo quedó registrado en una memoria USB, lo cual permitirá realizar el seguimiento de toda la generación de informes.
L'appaltatore era un consorzio tra OLMARK Myslowice e TRANSCOM di Katowice. La poliurea applicata sulla superficie del tetto è stata spruzzata utilizzando il sistema integrato Graco Reactor E-XP2i dotato di pistola Graco Fusion AP e ugello di dimensioni 4242. L'utilizzo del sistema integrato Reactor per il lavoro di spruzzatura ha comportato diversi vantaggi: non è stato necessario disporre di una fonte di alimentazione, grazie al generatore integrato nel Reactor; si è registrato un ridotto consumo di carburante, grazie alla gestione del sistema di riscaldamento; per un'applicazione nel mese di ottobre sono stati utilizzati 4 - 4,5 litri all'ora, invece dei normali 8 litri all'ora; il sistema di gestione del riscaldamento ha consentito un risparmio di carburante del 40-50%. È stato inoltre possibile monitorare il processo di spruzzatura attraverso il pannello di controllo principale e il pannello remoto supplementare utilizzato dall'operatore della pistola. L'intero processo è stato infine archiviato su chiavetta USB per poter monitorare il reporting dei dati.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
De aannemer was een consortium van OLMARK Myslowice en TRANSCOM uit Katowice. De polyurea werd op het dakoppervlak aangebracht door een geïntegreerde reactor E-XP2i van Graco uitgerust met een Fusion AP-pistool van Graco en een 4242-spuittip. Het spuiten bracht verschillende voordelen van de geïntegreerde reactor aan het licht: dankzij de generator van de reactor was er geen stroombron nodig; dankzij het verwarmingssysteem was er weinig brandstofverbruik; er werd 4-4,5 liter per uur verbruikt voor een toepassing in oktober, in plaats van de gebruikelijke 8 liter per uur; het verwarmingssysteem zorgde voor een besparing van 40 tot 50% aan brandstof. Bovendien kon het spuitprocess worden gecontroleerd met behulp van het hoofdbedieningspaneel en het bijkomende externe paneel dat door de bediener van het pistool werd gebruikt. Ten slotte werd het volledige proces op een USB-stick opgeslagen, zodat u al uw gegevensregistratie kunt bijhouden.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
Entreprenøren var et konsortium av OLMARK Myslowice og TRANSCOM fra Katowice. Polyurea ble sprøytet på takflaten med en Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i utstyr med en Graco Fusion AP-pistol og 4242-dyse. Dette oppdraget viste en rekke fordeler ved bruk av den integrerte reaktoren: ingen strømkilde var nødvendig takket være generatoren på reaktoren, drivstofforbruket var lavt takket være varmestyringssystemet, 4–4,5 l/time ble brukt under et oppdrag i oktober i stedet for de vanlige 8 l/time, varmestyringssystemet medførte mellom 40 og 50 % lavere drivstofforbruk. I tillegg var det mulig å styre sprøyteprosessen via hovedkontrollpanelet og den eksterne tilleggspanelet som pistoloperatøren bruker. Til slutt ble hele prosessen registrert på en USB-pinne, noe som gjør det mulig å styre datarapporteringen.
zużycie paliwa było niskie dzięki zastosowaniu wymienników ciepła odzyskujących ciepło z generatora; w październiku średnie zużycie paliwa wyniosło 4-4,5 litra na godzinę zamiast normalnych 8 litrów; system zarządzania układem grzewczym przyniósł od 40% do 50% oszczędności na paliwie. Ponadto można było kontrolować proces natrysku poprzez główny pulpit sterowania plus dodatkowy, zdalny używany przez operatora pistoletu.. Co ważne, cały proces został zarejestrowany na dysku poprzez USB port, co pozwala na śledzenie wszystkich raportowanych danych.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.