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Keybot      62 Résultats   50 Domaines  
Die Autorin verendet 2 grosse Bananen für 8 Portionen, sind Ihre Bananen eher klein, verwenden Sie besser 3 davon.
In a food processor, combine the bananas, spirulina, vanilla, coconut, sesame seeds, and salt and blend for thirty seconds on high. Blend well until it’s much like cookie dough.  
das wilde Tier verliert die natürliche Scheu vor dem Menschen,gutmütige Tiere werden aggressiv, es können jedoch auch nur Schwierigkeiten bei der Fortbewegung und Lähmungserscheinungen auftreten und letztendlich verendet das Tier.
l’animale selvatico perde la naturale diffidenza verso l’uomo, gli animali normalmente mansueti presentano fenomeni di aggressività, tuttavia si possono osservare anche solo difficoltà nei movimenti, paralisi e infine morte. Va sottolineato che un animale che contrae la rabbia può manifestare i sintomi a distanza di settimane o mesi. Per questo motivo, non sempre si può risalire all’esatto momento in cui è avvenuta l’infezione.  
Als diese 17 Jahre nach der Bartholomäusnacht starb, war sie in Paris zu einer so verhaßten und verachteten Person geworden, daß man ihren Tod nur noch mit zynischer Genugtuung zur Kenntnis nahm. "Wie eine Katze verendet", heißt es in einem zeitgenössischen Bericht.
Those of the Huguenots who had emigrated stayed in contact with those at home. In foreign lands such as Germany, England, Russia, and also in Italy, they certainly did not disappear in shame, nor did they organise themselves into small church groups. Their industrious manner, which derived from their Calvinistic roots, greatly profited their host countries, both culturally and economically. Even at an old age, the German convert Gertrud von le Fort (1876-1971) prided herself on her Huguenot origins. It has to be mentioned that the French people also knew of the dynastic motives for the mass murder and of the central figure involved - the Queen Mother, Katharina of Medici (1519-1589). When she died, 17 years after "Bartholomew's Night", she had become such a hated and despised person in Paris that her death was only acknowledged with a kind of cynical satisfaction. A contemporary report stated that she "perished like a cat."
  2 Résultats  
Wenn man sich nun bei der Diagnose irrt, und es handelt sich um die Samtkrankheit statt Weiße-Pünktchen-Krankheit, ist der Einsatz des Heilmittels gegen Weiße Pünktchen wirkungslos. Ehe man den Fehler erkennt, können alle Fische verendet sein.
But if you misdiagnose it, and it is velvet disease, not white spot disease, using the white spot remedy will have no effect. All your fish could die before you even notice your mistake. It is better the other way round: if the fish have white spots, but are misdiagnosed and treated for Oodinium, the active substance will also treat the white spots. It won’t work as well as the white spot remedy, JBL Punktol Plus 125 , but it will work. The main drawback is that not all aquarium dwellers tolerate copper. For shrimps and other invertebrates copper, even in its smallest measurable amounts, is lethal. Using JBL Punktol, therefore, is not only the more congenial, but also the more effective solution!
But if you misdiagnose it, and it is velvet disease, not white spot disease, using the white spot remedy will have no effect. All your fish could die before you even notice your mistake. It is better the other way round: if the fish have white spots, but are misdiagnosed and treated for Oodinium, the active substance will also treat the white spots. It won’t work as well as the white spot remedy, JBL Punktol Plus 125 , but it will work. The main drawback is that not all aquarium dwellers tolerate copper. For shrimps and other invertebrates copper, even in its smallest measurable amounts, is lethal. Using JBL Punktol, therefore, is not only the more congenial, but also the more effective solution!  
Trotzdem passiert hier nichts, außer man tut es. Also werfen ein paar Jugendliche wiederholt eine Katze aus dem Fenster des obersten Stockwerks, bis das Tier nach dem vierten Anlauf verendet. "Kitty was the stunt – no safety net."
Shots of deserted housing blocks in a residential area, drawn in pencil – occasional images flash up in color, of corridors, passageways and facades – everything goes very quickly. Nevertheless, not much happens, unless somebody makes it happen. So a couple of kids repeatedly toss a cat out a window on the top floor, until the animal perishes the fourth time around. “Kitty was the stunt – no safety net.” Five lives wasted. One of them belongs to Lee. Being the oldest, he is taken into police custody and loses his job. This is what Ginny tells the psychologist. When the spoken word takes pause, is replaced by heavy breathing or a sigh, the cutting dynamically shifts to lightning quick views of abandoned high-rise landscapes and perspectives synched to the rhythm of the pauses. Ultimately this frenetic beat cannot offer an escape, because the reality captured by camera kid Ginny is the result of a socially generated boredom that remains unproductive.  
Trotzdem passiert hier nichts, außer man tut es. Also werfen ein paar Jugendliche wiederholt eine Katze aus dem Fenster des obersten Stockwerks, bis das Tier nach dem vierten Anlauf verendet. "Kitty was the stunt – no safety net."
Shots of deserted housing blocks in a residential area, drawn in pencil – occasional images flash up in color, of corridors, passageways and facades – everything goes very quickly. Nevertheless, not much happens, unless somebody makes it happen. So a couple of kids repeatedly toss a cat out a window on the top floor, until the animal perishes the fourth time around. “Kitty was the stunt – no safety net.” Five lives wasted. One of them belongs to Lee. Being the oldest, he is taken into police custody and loses his job. This is what Ginny tells the psychologist. When the spoken word takes pause, is replaced by heavy breathing or a sigh, the cutting dynamically shifts to lightning quick views of abandoned high-rise landscapes and perspectives synched to the rhythm of the pauses. Ultimately this frenetic beat cannot offer an escape, because the reality captured by camera kid Ginny is the result of a socially generated boredom that remains unproductive.  
Auf dieser Informationsseite werden beide Begriffe synonym verwendet, obwohl wir uns bewusst sind, dass der Begriff Dermatitis auch für nicht-ekzematöse Erkrankungen wie die Dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring verendet wird.
The terms "dermatitis" and "eczema" are often used interchangeably, whereas some authors use the term “dermatitis” for describing acute inflammatory lesions and the term “eczema” for rather chronic epidermal lesions with hyperkeratosis. On this information site, both terms are used synonymously, although we are well aware of the fact that the term “dermatitis” may also be used in non-eczematous diseases (such as dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring).
“Dermatit” ve “egzama” terimleri sikça birbirlerinin yerine kullanilmaktadir, oysa bazi yazarlar “dermatit” terimini akut inflamatuvar lezyonlarini açiklamak için ve “egzama” terimini daha çok hiperkeratozlu kronik epidermal lezyonlar için kullanmaktadirlar. "Dermatit” teriminin egzamatöz olmayan hastaliklar (dermatitis herpertiformis Duhring gibi) için de kullaniliyor oldugunu biliyoruz, ancak bu bilgilendirme sitesinde bu iki kelime es anlamli olarak kullanilmistir.  
Etwa 400 Tonnen liefen nach dem Unglück aus und verschmutzten Meer und Strände der Bay of Plenty, eines der bedeutendsten Meeresnaturschutzgebiete der Welt und ein beliebtes Touristenziel. Mehr als 2.000 Seevögel sind seit der Havarie verendet.
The reef seriously damaged the vessel's hull. Water leaked into the ship, causing it to list strongly. Its cargo comprised 1,368 containers with wood, machine components, dairy, fish and meat products, as well as 11 containers with hazardous materials. Of this total, 74 containers were salvaged from the sea, 649 were washed ashore and 43 are currently still missing. The Rena was carrying some 1,700 tonnes of heavy fuel oil in its tanks. About 400 tonnes leaked out after the accident, polluting the sea and beaches in the Bay of Plenty, one of the world's most important marine conservation areas and a popular tourist destination. More than 2,000 sea birds have died since the ship was grounded. Salvage teams were at least able to pump off most of the oil by mid-October 2011.  
Schnell fiel der Entschluss, nach Berlin umzuziehen, die Stadt, die Mitte der Neunziger genauso heftig nach einer neuen Identität suchte wie die beiden Skandinavier nach einer eigenen künstlerischen Sprache. "Wären wir in Kopenhagen geblieben, wir wären in der Sackgasse verendet", wissen die beiden heute.
They soon decided to move to Berlin, which in the mid-nineties was searching for a new identity just as feverishly as the two Scandinavians were seeking their own artistic language. "If we had stayed in Copenhagen, we would have wound up in a dead end," the two realize today. "The great thing about Berlin in 1997 was that there weren't any fixed structures yet. No one knew in what direction things would develop. That's why there was such openness to new arrivals in the city."
  2 Résultats  
Verendet die Technologie CEREC by Sirona für Zahnimplantate
• Стоматологическая клиника основана в 1988  
(Die Wanzen müssen jedoch mindestens zwei Wochen zuvor verendet sein)
The practical test will contain 5 hides, 1 of these hides will be a distracter.
L’épreuve pratique contiendra 5 cuirs, 1 de ces peaux sera une dissimulées.
La prueba práctica contendrá 5 cueros, 1 de estos cueros será una distracción.
La prova pratica conterrà 5 pelli, 1 di questi capanni sarà un distracter.  
Wenn einer der beiden Elternteile verendet ist (Opfer eines Fressfeinds, Auto usw.)
The adults may abandon the nest due to disturbances.
Si l’un ou les deux parents viennent à mourir (prédation, automobile, etc.)  
Pottwal verendet elend am Strand – nocomment
Polar bear cub ‘Anori’ charms visitors at German zoo – nocomment
Un cachalot échoué en Belgique – nocomment
Rinoceronte suelto en un zoológico de Tokio – nocomment
Harper em missão diplomática com pandas
حیوانات باغ وحش بلگراد با سرما دست و پنجه نرم می کنند – nocomment  
Schnell fiel der Entschluss, nach Berlin umzuziehen, die Stadt, die Mitte der Neunziger genauso heftig nach einer neuen Identität suchte wie die beiden Skandinavier nach einer eigenen künstlerischen Sprache. "Wären wir in Kopenhagen geblieben, wir wären in der Sackgasse verendet", wissen die beiden heute.
They soon decided to move to Berlin, which in the mid-nineties was searching for a new identity just as feverishly as the two Scandinavians were seeking their own artistic language. "If we had stayed in Copenhagen, we would have wound up in a dead end," the two realize today. "The great thing about Berlin in 1997 was that there weren't any fixed structures yet. No one knew in what direction things would develop. That's why there was such openness to new arrivals in the city."  
Schnell fiel der Entschluss, nach Berlin umzuziehen, die Stadt, die Mitte der Neunziger genauso heftig nach einer neuen Identität suchte wie die beiden Skandinavier nach einer eigenen künstlerischen Sprache. "Wären wir in Kopenhagen geblieben, wir wären in der Sackgasse verendet", wissen die beiden heute.
They soon decided to move to Berlin, which in the mid-nineties was searching for a new identity just as feverishly as the two Scandinavians were seeking their own artistic language. "If we had stayed in Copenhagen, we would have wound up in a dead end," the two realize today. "The great thing about Berlin in 1997 was that there weren't any fixed structures yet. No one knew in what direction things would develop. That's why there was such openness to new arrivals in the city."
  2 Résultats  
Als aber jener verendet war, kam die Wachtel wieder hervor, und indem sie dachte: „Jetzt habe ich fürwahr den Rücken meines Feindes gesehen“, stellte sie sich auf seine Brust und sprach, einen begeisterten Ausruf ausstoßend, folgende zweite Strophe:
This discourse at an end, the Master declared the Truths and identified the Birth—At the conclusion of the Truths many Brethren were established in the Paths or their Fruition—“Devadatta was the Falcon of those days, and the Quail was I myself.”  
Die Katze wurde kastriert wobei die Gebärmutter samt Inhalt entfernt wurde. Wäre dieser Eingriff nicht zeitnah erfolgt, wäre sie qualvoll verendet. Eine weitere medikamentöse Behandlung war zwingend erforderlich, sodass die Katze stationär aufgenommen wurde um sich vollends erholen zu können.
The black and white cat, whose face was disfigured by a tumour. This type of tumour arises on the nose and ears of white cats because of strong sunlight. Here, the tumour had destroyed the skin and bones of the nose, so that the cat could hardly breathe. Since there was no chance of recovery, we decided with a heavy heart to euthanize it. This is also animal welfare.  
Schnell fiel der Entschluss, nach Berlin umzuziehen, die Stadt, die Mitte der Neunziger genauso heftig nach einer neuen Identität suchte wie die beiden Skandinavier nach einer eigenen künstlerischen Sprache. "Wären wir in Kopenhagen geblieben, wir wären in der Sackgasse verendet", wissen die beiden heute.
They soon decided to move to Berlin, which in the mid-nineties was searching for a new identity just as feverishly as the two Scandinavians were seeking their own artistic language. "If we had stayed in Copenhagen, we would have wound up in a dead end," the two realize today. "The great thing about Berlin in 1997 was that there weren't any fixed structures yet. No one knew in what direction things would develop. That's why there was such openness to new arrivals in the city."  
Sie wurden auch mit gentechnisch verändertem Bt-Mais gefüttert. Für den Landwirt liegt der Verdacht nahe: Es war der Bt-Mais, an dem seine Kühe verendet sind. Auch ein ARD-Fernsehbericht von Report-Mainz sieht gravierende Sicherheitslücken und kritisiert die Untätigkeit der Behörden.
Three months after the last of the five cows died, Glöckner informed the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin, which was the body involved in authorising EU-wide use of Bt176 maize developed by the agro-biotech company Syngenta. The RKI started an investigation and interviewed various experts in state-run and private research institutes.  
Heißhaltung unterwegs – Das kompakte Format und die integrierten Griffe ermöglichen, dass der 300-S mobil und tragbar individuell verendet werden kann.
Maintien en température sur la durée : sa taille compacte et ses poignées intégrées permettent au 300-S d'être mobile et portable partout où nécessaire.
Conservación de calor para llevar: su tamaño compacto y las asas integradas permiten que el 300-S se traslade a donde sea necesario.  
Unser X-ARF-Validator -> kann online zum prüfen und validieren von X-ARF-Reports verendet werden.
Ici, vous pouvez utiliser notre X-ARF-Validator -> pour vérifier ou valider votre X-ARF-Reports.
  6 Résultats  
150 Pilotwale an der Küste Tasmaniens verendet
150 whales die in stranding off Tasmania coast  
Die Hauptfigur, Sohn Gregor verwandelt sich in der Nacht nach einem anstrengenden Tag in ein riesiges und widerliches Ungeziefer. Im Laufe der Handlung kommt er sich immer nichtsnutziger vor, bis er endlich – zur Erleichterung seiner eigenen Familie – verendet.
A nyomasztó apa-fiú-kapcsolat áthatja Kafka munkásságát. Az apa figurája ebben a műben is hatalmas, erős és elnyomó. A fiú Gregor, a főszereplő egy fárasztó nap utáni éjszakán hatalmas és undorító rovarrá alakul át, és a cselekmény előrehaladtával egyre inkább haszontalanabbá válik, mígnem a családja nagy megkönnyebbülésére kimúlik.
  2 Résultats  
Mehr als 300 Grindwale qualvoll verendet: Größtes Walsterben in Neuseeland seit mehr als 30 JahrenFocus Online
Aerial footage from NZDF shows scale of Chatham Islands bushfireNZ Herald
  2 Résultats  
Kormoran verendet in Plastikflasche, Spitzbergen Foto: Michaela Mayer/Inasea
Cormoran dead in a plastic bottle, Spitzbergen Foto: Michaela Mayer/Inasea
Cormoran dead in a plastic bottle, Spitzbergen Foto: Michaela Mayer/Inasea  
Schnell fiel der Entschluss, nach Berlin umzuziehen, die Stadt, die Mitte der Neunziger genauso heftig nach einer neuen Identität suchte wie die beiden Skandinavier nach einer eigenen künstlerischen Sprache. "Wären wir in Kopenhagen geblieben, wir wären in der Sackgasse verendet", wissen die beiden heute.
They soon decided to move to Berlin, which in the mid-nineties was searching for a new identity just as feverishly as the two Scandinavians were seeking their own artistic language. "If we had stayed in Copenhagen, we would have wound up in a dead end," the two realize today. "The great thing about Berlin in 1997 was that there weren't any fixed structures yet. No one knew in what direction things would develop. That's why there was such openness to new arrivals in the city."
  2 Résultats  
Pottwal verendet elend am Strand – nocomment
Oscar the orphan chimp gets his name in lights
Mouches alcooliques et physique du repassage
Rinoceronte suelto en un zoológico de Tokio – nocomment
Harper em missão diplomática com pandas
حديقة حيوانات بلغراد تقاوم كوجة البرد القارس – nocomment
زمین در آستانه ششمین انقراض گسترده حیات وحش  
-Blätter zeigen denn auch den Minotaurus ohne die Erfahrung des Andern, des Du. Er versteht nur zu vergewaltigen und zu töten. Er stirbt nicht durch Theseus, er verendet wie ein Stück Vieh. Theseus ist nicht imstande, ihn aufzuspüren.
(1975) mostrano anche come questo essere sia privo dell'esperienza dell'altro, del tu. È in grado soltanto di violentare e di uccidere. Non muore per mano di Teseo (come nella serie del 1984/85), crepa come il bestiame. Teseo non è in grado di rintracciarlo. L'uccisione del Minotauro è una leggenda. Dalla figura del Minotauro è nata, per associazione, la tavola Il toro universale, con una tecnica un po' diversa perché la carta non ne permetteva un'altra.  
Dampf, heisse Herdplatten, heisse Teflonpfannen und ein mit Wasser gefülltes Spülbecken sind Gefahrenquellen. Teflon gibt Dämpfe ab, die für Vögel giftig sind. Bei Raclette-Essen sind schon Vögel verendet. Bedenken Sie zudem, dass ein nur unregelmässiger Freiflug die Vögel stressen kann.
Si vous souhaitez laisser vos canaris voler librement hors de leur cage ou de leur volière d’appartement, songez que cela ne va pas toujours sans poser problème et qu’un certain nombre de dangers les guettent. Fermez portes et fenêtres. Tirez si possible les rideaux pour que les oiseaux ne se heurtent pas aux carreaux. Assurez-vous aussi qu’aucun chat ou chien ne se trouve dans la pièce, car il pourrait essayer de les attraper. Les canaris n’ont par ailleurs rien à faire dans la cuisine. La vapeur, les plaques chauffantes et un évier rempli d’eau peuvent constituer des pièges mortels. Le téflon produit une vapeur toxique pour les volatils, et il est arrivé plus d’une fois que des oiseaux ne survivent pas aux émanations nocives d’un four à raclette. Pensez en outre qu’un «lâcher» très occasionnel des oiseaux peut être source de stress si ceux-ci n’y sont pas habitués. Et puis il y a la question des fientes. Si vous voulez offrir un peu de liberté à vos canaris, il faut vous montrer tolérant sur ce point. Enfin, sachez qu’un «lâcher», même régulier, ne suffit pas à compenser les inconvénients d’une cage trop petite ou d’une volière non conforme aux besoins de l’espèce.
Se volete far volare i vostri canarini nella stanza, non dimenticatevi che non è sempre facile e può essere pericoloso: chiudete tutte le finestre e le porte e tirate le tende in modo che non sbattano contro la finestra. Prestate anche attenzione a che non vi siano gatti e cani nella stanza dato che potrebbero dare loro la caccia. I canarini non dovrebbero stare in cucina: vapore, piastre elettriche e pentole di Teflon calde e lavandini pieni d’acqua sono fonti di pericolo per loro. Il Teflon emana vapori velenosi per gli uccelli. È già capitato che sono morti degli uccelli durante una cena a base di raclette. Inoltre, non dimenticatevi che un volo irregolare può stressare gli uccelli. Può capitare che mentre i vostri canarini stanno volando per la stanza, sporchino la casa di escrementi, pertanto è importante essere tolleranti. Anche se si offre loro la possibilità di volare in casa, non è opportuno farli vivere in una gabbia troppo piccola o non rispettosa della specie.  
Dampf, heisse Herdplatten, heisse Teflonpfannen und ein mit Wasser gefülltes Spülbecken sind Gefahrenquellen. Teflon gibt Dämpfe ab, die für Vögel giftig sind. Bei Raclette-Essen sind schon Vögel verendet. Bedenken Sie zudem, dass ein nur unregelmässiger Freiflug die Vögel stressen kann.
Si vous souhaitez laisser vos canaris voler librement hors de leur cage ou de leur volière d’appartement, songez que cela ne va pas toujours sans poser problème et qu’un certain nombre de dangers les guettent. Fermez portes et fenêtres. Tirez si possible les rideaux pour que les oiseaux ne se heurtent pas aux carreaux. Assurez-vous aussi qu’aucun chat ou chien ne se trouve dans la pièce, car il pourrait essayer de les attraper. Les canaris n’ont par ailleurs rien à faire dans la cuisine. La vapeur, les plaques chauffantes et un évier rempli d’eau peuvent constituer des pièges mortels. Le téflon produit une vapeur toxique pour les volatils, et il est arrivé plus d’une fois que des oiseaux ne survivent pas aux émanations nocives d’un four à raclette. Pensez en outre qu’un «lâcher» très occasionnel des oiseaux peut être source de stress si ceux-ci n’y sont pas habitués. Et puis il y a la question des fientes. Si vous voulez offrir un peu de liberté à vos canaris, il faut vous montrer tolérant sur ce point. Enfin, sachez qu’un «lâcher», même régulier, ne suffit pas à compenser les inconvénients d’une cage trop petite ou d’une volière non conforme aux besoins de l’espèce.
Se volete far volare i vostri canarini nella stanza, non dimenticatevi che non è sempre facile e può essere pericoloso: chiudete tutte le finestre e le porte e tirate le tende in modo che non sbattano contro la finestra. Prestate anche attenzione a che non vi siano gatti e cani nella stanza dato che potrebbero dare loro la caccia. I canarini non dovrebbero stare in cucina: vapore, piastre elettriche e pentole di Teflon calde e lavandini pieni d’acqua sono fonti di pericolo per loro. Il Teflon emana vapori velenosi per gli uccelli. È già capitato che sono morti degli uccelli durante una cena a base di raclette. Inoltre, non dimenticatevi che un volo irregolare può stressare gli uccelli. Può capitare che mentre i vostri canarini stanno volando per la stanza, sporchino la casa di escrementi, pertanto è importante essere tolleranti. Anche se si offre loro la possibilità di volare in casa, non è opportuno farli vivere in una gabbia troppo piccola o non rispettosa della specie.
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