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Keybot 4 Results  www.mediamatic.net
  Mediamatic.net - Mediam...  
Recente ontwikkelingen op de zadenmarkt hebben geleid tot marktconcentratie en steeds minder variëteit. Met deze zadenruil wouden Cityplot en Seedy Penpals aandacht besteden aan deze situatie, en de diversiteit in (stads)landbouw versterken.
The seed swap was inspired by a successful Reclaim the Seeds event in Amsterdam, early 2012. Because of recent developments in the seed business, these days a few big businesses decide which seeds you can buy, when, and for what price. Cityplot and Seedy Penpals want to raise awareness for this problem, and make the seed supply more diverse.
  Mediamatic.net - Worksh...  
In 2008 organiseerde ze met Kinga Kielczynska 'Mediummatic, five days of alternative communication' bij Mediamatic. In datzelfde jaar trokken zij samen de wouden van Oost Polen in voor een project over een teruggetrokken cultus die daar in de bossen leeft.
Melanie Bonajo graduated from the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam in 2004. She works as an artist/photographer and exhibits abroad and in the Netherlands. Spirituality is a recurring theme in her work. In 2008 she organized ''Mediummatic, five days of alternative communication' at Mediamatic together with Kinga Kielczynska. In the same year they traveled to Poland to investigate a secluded cult living in the woods for an art project. Currently Melanie is a resident at the Rijksacademie in Amsterdam.
  Mediamatic.net - Wereld...  
Een voor de hand liggende naamgeving van deze oorlogswezen is die van de stad waarin ze zijn geboren. Minstens zo voor de hand liggend is ze te vernoemen naar insecten, bijvoorbeeld uit de wouden van Latijns Amerika.
Those children in Bosnia, what names will they be given before they are dumped onto the world adoption market? Even if they ever traced their parents, these would deny that they ever had anything to do with them. Obvious names for such war orphans would be those of the towns where they were born. It would be just as obvious to name them after insects, for example from the jungles of Latin America.