youth centre – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Child placed by a youth centre
Enfant placé par un centre jeunesse  
Santa Coloma City Council, with the support of Área Metropolitana de Barcelona, contacted Straddle3 to develop a project in response to the young people's demands. Straddle3 proposed a participative process consisting of fortnightly meetings at a youth centre, and brought the skater Sergi Arenas and the Lur Paisajistak team on board for the project.
El ayuntamiento de Santa Coloma, contando con el apoyo del Área Metropolitana de Barcelona, contacta con Straddle3 para dar respuesta a las reivindicaciones de los jóvenes. Straddle3 propone un proceso participativo consistente en sesiones de trabajo bisemanales en un equipamiento público e incorpora al patinador Sergi Arenas y al equipo de Lur Paisajistak en el equipo.
L'ajuntament de Santa Coloma, comptant amb el suport de l'Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona, contacta amb Straddle3 per donar resposta a les reivindicacions dels joves. Straddle3 proposa un procés participatiu consistent en sessions de treball bisemanales en un equipament públic i incorpora al patinador Sergi Arenas i a l'equip de Lur Paisajistak en l'equip.  
The focus of Vopak E.O.S. social responsibility lies on the next generation, on the youngsters striving towards education, skills and excellence. One of our long-term projects’ partner is Maardu Youth Centre – the foundation that is extensively involved in the daily lives of the local children and youth.
Vopak E.O.S.-i sotsiaalse vastutuse fookus on järgmisel põlvkonnal – noortel, kel soov teha edusamme hariduses, omandada uusi oskusi ja püüelda täiuslikkuse poole. Üks meie pikaajalisi projektipartnereid on Maardu Noortekeskus – MTÜ, mis on pühendunud kohalike laste ja noorte päevade sisustamisele. Koos keskusega oleme algatanud rea programme, mis tutvustavad ja pakuvad lastele erinevaid tegevusi, et olla heas vormis, teha sporti, olla kursis tervise- ja keskkonnaküsimustega, õppida keeli ning harrastada erinevaid harivaid ja vabaaja tegevusi.
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. European Youth Centre (EYC), HAVE YOUR SAY! (2008) Manual on the revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life (2003). The revised charter has been designed as a tool to support young people, youth workers, organisations and local authorities in promoting and enhancing meaningful youth participation at local level across Europe.
· Centre Européen de la Jeunesse (CEJ), « PAROLE AUX JEUNES » (2008) - manuel sur la Charte européenne révisée de la participation des jeunes à la vie locale et régionale (2003). La Charte révisée est un outil visant à aider les jeunes, les travailleurs de jeunesse, les organisations de jeunesse et les collectivités locales à promouvoir et à renforcer la participation des jeunes au niveau local dans toute l’Europe. « PAROLE AUX JEUNES » est un recueil de réflexions et de questions pour aider les acteurs locaux à trouver le meilleur moyen d’utiliser ce document et de favoriser une véritable participation des jeunes.
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JugendMobil is a mobile, fully-equipped youth centre which is parked for a defined period of time in a community which has no specific youth facility and offers young people the opportunity to meet together, play games and get involved in creative activities.
JugendMobil est un point de rencontre itinérant tout équipé qui stationne pendant un certain temps dans une commune ne disposant pas d’une offre dédiée aux jeunes et qui met à leur disposition un lieu d’échanges, de distractions avec des jeux de société et d’activités créatives. Le JugendMobil propose différents ateliers et expose ainsi pendant quelques semaines et demie un concentré des qualités qui doivent être celles d’un lieu de rencontre pour la jeunesse encadré par des professionnels.
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has actively collaborated with the Martí Codolar Youth Centre and Salesianos Professional School of Sarria offering hours of practicals and mentorship to young students of the centre, who complement their training received in these centres.
ha colaborado activamente con el Centro Juvenil Martí Codolar y la Escuela Profesional Salesianos de Sarriá ofreciendo horas de prácticas y tutoría a jóvenes estudiantes de dichos centros y que complementan la formación que reciben en los mismos.

ha col·laborat activament amb el Centre Juvenil Martí Codolar i l' Escola Professional Salesians Sarria mitjançant l'oferta d'hores de pràctiques i tutoria a joves estudiants d'aquests centres i que complementen la formació que hi reben. A més,  
To renew two playing fields at its renowned youth centre, Belgian football club Royal Standard de Liège teamed up with Lano Sports. As the board of directors wanted an ever ready-to-play training pitch, the Belgian club decided to swop two natural pitches for Lano's Profoot MXSi TLT artificial turf.
Pour transformer deux terrains de son célèbre centre de formation pour les jeunes, le club de football belge Royal Standard de Liège a choisi de faire équipe avec Lano Sports. Étant donné que les dirigeants voulaient un terrain toujours disponible, le club a opté pour Profoot MXSi TLT de Lano. Un changement pour l'avenir qui fait la joie des jeunes talents du Standard.  
Courchene, B., Hall, C., Hope, A. “Development of an Online Speaking and Writing Test.” The 34th International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, National Olympics Memorial Youth Centre, Tokyo, Japan.
Courchene, B., Hall, C., Hope, A. “Development of an Online Speaking and Writing Test.” The 34th International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, National Olympics Memorial Youth Centre, Tokyo, Japan. Nov., 2008.
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Tenerife youth centre network >
Inselnetz der Jugendhäuser >
Red insular de casas de la juventud >  
However, if you need £100,000 to buy and fit out a new youth centre, you will almost certainly be looking at raising large chunks of money from different sources. You need to know what to expect from each.
Fodd bynnag, os bydd angen £100,000 arnoch i brynu a dodrefnu canolfan ieuenctid newydd, gallwch fod yn weddol siwr y bydd rhaid i chi godi symiau mawr o arian o wahanol ffynonellau. Bydd rhaid i chi wybod beth i'w ddisgwyl gan bob un.
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Kanneltalo and Sitratori (Sitra Square). Kannelmäki youth centre is located in Kanneltalo. Photo: Jonna Kalliomäki
Kanneltalo ja Sitratori. Kannelmäen nuorisotalo sijaitsee Kanneltalossa. Kuva: Jonna Kalliomäki
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7.30 p.m. The Archbishop attends the opening of the Tiberia Youth centre for youths and adolescents and celebrates Mass, on the parvis of St Paul’s Church, Rabat.
7.30 p.m. L-Arċisqof jattendi għall-ftuħ taċ-Ċentru taż-żgħażagħ ‘Tiberija Youths’ u jiċċelebra Quddiesa fuq iz-zuntier tal-Knisja Parrokjali ta’ San Pawl, ir-Rabat.
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Youth Centre Ragabrega
Centro giovanile Ragabrega  
The Dominican Youth Centre, based in Cagliari, has organized charitable donations of much needed medical supplies and basic clothing that was stuffed into a container in the terminal. This important cargo was subsequently loaded on board the m/v Santa Ricarda, bound for Cartagena, Columbia.
Il Centro Giovanile Dominicano di Cagliari ha raccolto donazioni di equipaggiamento medico e sanitario e vestiario, caricate in un container presso il terminal. Questo importante contenitore è stato successivamente caricato a bordo della nave Santa Ricarda, diretta a Cartagena, in Colombia. La nave è operata dalla linea di navigazione globale Hamburg Sued, cliente di lunga data del terminal, sul Servizio Mediterraneo-Pacifico, che collega il Mediterraneo con le destinazioni nei Caraibi, in America Centrale e sulla costa Ovest del Nord America e del Sud America.
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Programme: youth centre, workshop, music-, hobby- and common room
Bauherrschaft: Heimstätten-Genossenschaft Winterthur
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Youth Centre, Lingenfeld
Jugendtreff, Lingenfeld  
Caritas Children & Youth Centre - Tak Tin
德 田 明 愛 兒 童 及 青 少 年 中 心
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Tysul Youth Centre, Lon Wesley . Llandysul . Ceredigion . SA44 4QJ
Canolfan Ieuenctid Tysul, Lon Wesley . Llandysul . Ceredigion . SA44 4QJ
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Workshop given by a few Fanfakids for 10 people at our Youth Centre in Molenbeek, with a West African snack.
Workshop door enkele Fanfakids aan een 10tal personen in ons jeugdhuis in Molenbeek, met een West-Afrikaans hapje als tussendoortje
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Source: youth centre staff
Source : personnel des centres jeunesse
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Animating the Youth Centre of Metropolitan Library – Phase I
On revivifie le Centre de la jeunesse de la Bibliothèque Métropolitaine – Phase I
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Youth centre Caldaro/Kaltern,
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Kaltern (KUBA),
Centro giovanile Caldaro (KUBA),
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Source: youth centre staff
Source : personnel des centres jeunesse
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Renovate gymnasium and youth centre
Rénover le gymnase et le centre des jeunes
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construction of a youth centre, Liedekerke
construction d'un centre de jeunesse, Liedekerke  
Mihaljinac, Nina (2010) 'Analysis of Organizational Cultures of the European Centre for Debate in Culture GRAD and Youth Centre Crna kuca, magazine', IN: Kultura 128 251-273,
Mihaljinac, Nina (2010) 'Analysis of Organizational Cultures of the European Centre for Debate in Culture GRAD and Youth Centre Crna kuca, magazine', EN: Kultura 128 251-273,
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BUSP children and youth centre
BUSP Детско-юношеский центр
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Picture this: The city council is planning on establishing a youth centre, and you feel youth should be included in the decision-making process. However, you have no experience with carrying out such a participation project.
Imaginez : le conseil municipal songe a construire un centre jeunesse, et vous pensez que les jeunes devraient prendre part à cette decision politique. Mais, vous manquez d'expericence et vous vous demandez comment ce faire. Cela vous dit quelque chose?
Stell dir Folgendes vor: Der Stadtrat plant den Aufbau eines Jugendzentrums, und du findest, dass die Jugend unbedingt in den Entscheidungsprozess eingebunden werden soll. Jedoch hast du keine Erfahrung mit der Durchführung solch eines Beteiligungsprozesses. Kommt dir das bekannt vor?
Immagina: Il consiglio municipale sta pianificando di aprire un nuovo centro per la gioventù, e tu senti necessario includere i giovani sin dall'inizio nel processo decisionale. Tuttavia, non hai esperienza su come portare avanti tale processo di partecipazione. Ti suona familiare?  
Adam Khan was an associate at Caruso St. John Architects and in 2006 he created his own architecture studio. Two of his projects were awarded the RIBA medal: the New Horizon Youth Centre in 2010 and the Brockholes Visitor Centre in 2012.
Adam Khan estuvo asociado a Caruso St John Architects y en 2006 creó su propio estudio de arquitectura. Dos de sus obras han sido premiadas con la medalla RIBA: el New Horizon Youth Center y el Centro de visitantes de Brockholes, en 2010 y 2012 respectivamente. En 2012 gana el Architect of the Year Awards (AYA) del Building Design online,dentro de la categoría de Public Building Architect of the Year. Es miembro del Design Review Panel y ha sido profesor en universidades como Kingston University, London Metropolitan University y Brighton University. Además de arquitecto y profesor, Adam Khan ha sido durante doce años carpintero y constructor, dos profesiones que han sido parte de su formación como arquitecto. Actualmente imparte clases en la escuela de Arquitectura del Royal College of Art de Londres.
Adam Khan va estar associat a Caruso St John Architects i el 2006 va crear el seu propi estudi d’arquitectura. Dues de les seves obres han estat premiades amb la medalla RIBA: el New Horizon Youth Center i el Centre de visitants de Brockholes, el 2010 i el 2012 respectivament. El 2012 guanya l’Architect of the Year Awards (AYA) del Building Design online, dins de la categoria de Public Building Architect of the Year. És membre de la Design Review Panel i ha estat professor a universitats com Kingston University, London Metropolitan University i Brighton University. A més d’arquitecte i professor, Adam Khan ha estat durant dotze anys fuster i constructor, dues professions que han estat part de la seva formació com a arquitecte. Actualment imparteix classes a l’escola d’Arquitectura del Royal College of Art de Londres.
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