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* 1.8.88: Doğrudan Windows Mobile kurulumu için CAB yükleyiciler eklendi.
* 下載掌上電腦版/Windows SmartPhone RoboForm 2.2.1 請點擊 RoboFormForPPC.exe.
Mafsallı üst ve alt direksiyon silindiri, tekerlekli yükleyiciler için bom ve kova silindirleri
Equalizer track bars, lift and tilt cylinders, push blades, trunnion balls and ripper blades for bulldozers
Untere und obere Gelenk-Lenkzylinder sowie Ausleger- und Löffelzylinder für Radlader
Barras estabilizadoras, cilindros de impulso y de inclinación; hojas de empuje, bolas para soportes giratorios y escarificadores para bulldozers
Snodi articolati per cilindri di sterzo superiori ed inferiori, cilindri telescopici e di benna per caricatori gommati
Articulated joint upper and lower steering cylinders and boom and bucket cylinders for wheel loaders
Połączenia przegubowe górnych i dolnych siłowników układu kierowniczego, siłowniki wysięgników i czerpaków koparek
Cilindri de direcţie superiori şi inferiori cu îmbinare articulată şi cilindri de bigă şi cupă pentru încărcătoare cu roţi
  8 Hits personal-backup.rathlev-home.de  
M1161 Growler'ler, Boğaz'dan geçmesi sırasında USS Carter Hall geminin kıç tarafında nöbet tutuyor. LSD taşıdı kargo, HMMWV'ler, ön yükleyiciler, damperli kamyonlar
M1161 Growlers, aft ship, on USS Carter Hall stood guard during its Bosphorus transit. LSD carried cargo, HMMWVs, front loaders, dump trucks
M1161 Growlers, aft ship, on USS Carter Hall stood guard during its Bosphorus transit. LSD carried cargo, HMMWVs, front loaders, dump trucks
M1161 Growlers, aft ship, on USS Carter Hall stood guard during its Bosphorus transit. LSD carried cargo, HMMWVs, front loaders, dump trucks
M1161 Growlers, aft ship, on USS Carter Hall stood guard during its Bosphorus transit. LSD carried cargo, HMMWVs, front loaders, dump trucks
M1161 Growlers, aft ship, on USS Carter Hall stood guard during its Bosphorus transit. LSD carried cargo, HMMWVs, front loaders, dump trucks
  3 Hits iqoption.trading  
Cat® 966M/972M XE Lastik Tekerlekli Yükleyiciler
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Afretnimgsteknologi for gravemaskiner
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Почему следует уделить пристальное внимание телематическим системам?
Att komma igång med att utrusta mina maskiner med teknologi.
  2 Hits petit-palace-museum.hotelbcn-barcelona.com  
Paslanmaz çelikten imal yükleyiciler
Stainless steel loaders
Convoyeurs electropolis
Elektropoliere Fördergeräte
Equipos de transporte electropulidos
Alimentatori elettricamente lucidati
Alimentadores eletropolidos
Электрополированные загрузчики
ABD İHRACATÇILARI: FSMA insan veya hayvan tüketimine yönelik gıda maddesi yetiştiren, üreten, işleyen, paketleyen veya depolayan tesisler için geçerlidir. ABD'de gıda taşıyan üretim çiftlikleri, nakliyeciler, alıcılar, yükleyiciler ve taşıyıcılar da uyuma tabidir.
Die vorliegenden Vorschriften sind das Ergebnis einer bisher einmaligen Bemühung der US FDA gegenüber der Industrie, verschiedenen Verbrauchergruppen, der bundes-, staatlichen, lokalen und gruppenbezogenen behördlichen Partner, Hochschulen und anderen Interessengruppen.
EXPORTADORES en los EE. UU.: FSMA se aplica a las instalaciones que cultivan, fabrican, procesan, empacan o almacenan alimentos para humanos o alimentos para animales. Las granjas de productos, los cargadores, los receptores, los cargadores y los transportistas que transportan alimentos en los EE. UU. también están sujetos al cumplimiento.
EXPORTADORES para os EUA: a FSMA se aplica a instalações que cultivam, fabricam, processam, embalam ou armazenam alimentos para humanos e ração animal. Fazendas de produção, remetentes, destinatários, carregadores e transportadores que levam alimentos aos EUA também estão sujeitos à conformidade.
المصدرون إلى الولايات المتحدة: ينطبق FSMA على المنشآت التي تزرع، تصنع، تعالج، تغلف أو تخزن الغذاء للبشر أو الحيوانات. ويخضع للامتثال كل من مزارع الإنتاج، الشاحنون، المستقبلون، المحملون والناقلون الذين ينقلون الغذاء في الولايات المتحدة.
Deze definitieve regelingen zijn het resultaat van ongekende inspanningen van de Amerikaanse FDA om de industrie, consumentenorganisaties, de diverse overheidsniveaus, academici en andere belanghebbenden bij het proces te betrekken.
Эти окончательные правила являются результатом беспрецедентного уровня разъяснительной работы FDA в промышленности, среди групп потребителей, паралельных регулирующих органов федерального, местного, племенного уровня и штатов, научных кругов и других заинтересованных сторон.
NHÀ XUẤT KHẨU từ Hoa Kỳ: FSMA áp dụng cho các cơ sở phát triển, sản xuất, chế biến, đóng gói hoặc lưu trữ thức ăn cho người hoặc động vật. Trang trại sản xuất, người giao hàng, người nhận, người bốc hàng và người vận chuyển chuyên chở thực phẩm ở Hoa Kỳ cũng phải tuân thủ.
Boşaltma hunisi hareketlidir ve otomatik yükleyiciler gibi kapsamlı işlerden kaynaklanmaktadır.
Audacity yükleyicilerini değiştirmeden dağıtıyorsanız, yükleyiciler GPL ve kullanıcıların bizim tarafımızdan geliştirilmiş bir kodu aldığını açıklayan bir README.txt dosyasını içerdiğinden, tamamen uyumlu olacaktır.
Si vous distribuez nos installateurs sans les modifier, c'est une offre complète, car les installateurs incluent la GPL et la marche à suivre, dans le fichier README.txt, pour les utilisateurs qui veulent obtenir le code source directement par nous. Les versions d'Audacity après la 1.3.3 incluent également la GPL dans l'application elle-même, dans le dialogue "à propos" d'Audacity.
Wenn Sie unsere Installer verteilen und sie nicht verändern, dann haben Sie unsere Zustimmung, weil die Installer die GPL beinhalten und ein Angebot für Benutzer in der README.txt enthält, den Quellcode von uns herunterzuladen. Versionen von Audacity nach 1.3.3 beinhalten die GPL auch in der Anwendung selbst, im Über Audacity Dialog. Auf dieser Webseite unterbinden wir Werbeanzeigen von Distributoren, die veränderte Installer anbieten; dies daher, weil jede Veränderung erwarten lässt, dass unerwünschte Software hinzugefügt werden könnte.
Si distribuye nuestros instaladores y no los modifica, es correcto, ya que los instaladores incluyen la licencia GPL y, el archivo README.txt, un ofrecimiento a los usuarios para obtener de nosotros el código fuente del programa. Las versiones de Audacity previas a la 1.3.3 incluyen también la licencia GPL en la propia aplicación, en el cuadro de diálogo Acerca de Audacity. En este sitio, bloqueamos la publicidad de nuestros distribuidores ofreciendo instaladores modificados de Audacity, con la expectativa de que cualquier modificación es cómo añadir software no deseado.
Se distribuite i nostri installere non li modificate, questo sarà nel pieno rispetto, poiché gli installer includono la GPL e un'offerta nel README.txt per gli utenti per ottenere il codice sorgenti da parte nostra. Le versioni di Audacity dopo la 1.3.3 iltre comprendono la GPL nell'applicazione stessa, nel dialogo Informazioni su Audacity. In questo sito, abbiamo bloccato la publicità per i distributori che offrono installer di Audacity modificati, con il presupposto che qualsiasi modifica comporti probabilmente l'aggiunta di software non desiderato.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
Als u onze installers verdeelt en ze niet wijzigt, zal dit volledig overeenkomen, omdat de installers de GPL bevatten en ook een aanbod in README.txt voor gebruikers om de broncode van ons te verkrijgen. Versies van Audacity na 1.3.3 bevatten ook de GPL in de toepassing zelf, in het Over Audacity venster. Op deze site blokkeren we advertenties van verdelers die gewijzigde installers van Audacity aanbieden, omdat we verwachten dat elke wijziging waarschijnlijk een toevoeging van ongewenste software is.
改変なしであれば私たちのインストーラー を配布することができます。なぜならこのインストーラーは GPLを含み、私たちよりソースコードを入手する方法がREADME.txtに記載されているからです。バージョン1.3.3以降のAudacityではGPLは「Audacityについて」ダイアログの中に含まれています。 このWebサイトでは改変されたAudacityのインストーラーを提供するディストリビューターの広告はブロックしています。なぜならそのような改変は不必要なソフトウェアを追加していることが多いからです。
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
Če razširjate naše namestitvene datoteke in jih ne spreminjate, s tem ustrežete obema zahtevama, saj vključujejo licenco GPL in ponudbo uporabnikom v datoteki README.txt, da od nas pridobijo izvorno kodo. Novejše različice Audacity od 1.3.3 naprej vključujejo tudi GPL v samem programu, v pogovornem oknu O Audacity. Na tem spletišču blokiramo oglase distributerjev, ki ponujajo spremenjene namestitvene datoteke Audacity zaradi predvidevanja, da vsakršna sprememba pomeni dodano neželeno programje.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
If you distribute our installers and do not modify them, this will fully comply, because the installers include the GPL and an offer in README.txt for users to obtain the source code from us. Versions of Audacity after 1.3.3 also include the GPL in the application itself, in the About Audacity dialog. On this site, we block advertisements from distributors offering modified installers of Audacity, on the expectation that any modification is likely adding unwanted software.
Gure ezartzaileak banatzen badituzu eta ez badituzu aldatzen, honek osorik beteko du, zeren ezartzaileek barne dute GPL baimena eta IRAKURRI.txt eskaintza bat erabiltzaileek iturburu kodea gudandik lortzeko. 1.3.3-tik aurrerako Audacity bertsioek ere GPL baimena barneratzen dute aplikazioan bertan, Audacity Buruz elkarrizketan. Webgune honetan, blokeatu egin ditugu banatzaileek eskaintzen dituzten Audacity ezartzaile aldatuen iragarkiak, uste dugulako edozein aldaketa duena nahi ez den softwarea gehitzea dela.