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Om die reden nam Kardinaal Alfrink hem als raadgever mee naar het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie. Zijn bekommernis om mensen spoorde hem aan om de kritische vragen die in versneld tempo na het Tweede Vaticaans Concilie opkwamen, tot de zijne te maken.
As far back as the 1950s and 1960s Schillebeeckx, in the situation of confrontation, wrote such influential works as “Sacramentele heilseconomie”, “Christus sacrament van de Godsontmoeting and Het huwelijk”. Many recognised him as a major innovator in the fields of theology and religious experience. Because of this Cardinal Alfrink invited him to come as an advisor to the Second Vatican Council. His concern for people prompted him to take on the flood of critical questions that was unleashed by the Second Vatican Council.