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Keybot 2 Results  www.db-artmag.de
  Deutsche Bank - ArtMag ...  
Spinnwebhafte Texte zischen wie Funkenregen explodierender Feuerwerksraketen über die Seite. Kreuz und quer laufen Linien, die wie Einzeichnungen in Landkarten oder wie die Überreste tierischer Skelette und Panzer aussehen.
Spidery texts splutter like chains of fireworks exploding across the page. Lines criss-cross like roadmaps or tracings of the ectoskeletal forms of non-humans. This is the curious and enchanting world of Carlfriedrich Claus's Sprachblätter - thousands of often double-sided sheets of experimental artwork created by Claus from the 1950s to the 1980s. For Claus, word and image, psyche and society, subjective and objective worlds only existed in dialectical tension with one another. Certain forms emerge as consistent motifs within Claus's imaginative landscapes.
- "Das ist ein unglaublich schönes Wort in Hebräisch, da mit seiner Aussprache das beschrieben wird, was es ist: ein Rauchen und Zischen, das zum Himmel steigt. Hier steht es ja auch in Aramäisch! Das habe ich noch nie in einer amerikanischen Zeitung gelesen. Und hier ist es in Jiddisch - und hier auch in Englisch: 'Fire'."
“What’s this supposed to be?” asked the hotel proprietor in Chelsea when we showed him the newspaper. “That’s incredible!” Initially confused, then surprised to discover words amidst the stock prices, he became curious, sat down on a revolving chair, and immersed himself in the newspaper. After two minutes of silence we heard the first reaction: “Eschhh!” – “What does ‘Eschhh’ mean?” we asked. “That’s an unbelievably beautiful Hebrew word that describes what it is with its pronunciation: a rustling and hissing that carries up to the heavens. And here it is in Aramaic! I never read something like that in an American newspaper. And here it is in Yiddish – and here in English, too: ‘Fire.’”