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  Tentoonstelling Munch :...  
Het jaar 2015 (het zogeheten Van Gogh-jaar), met als hoogtepunt de opening van het nieuwe entreegebouw en tentoonstelling
exhibition being the highlights, resulted in an increase in visitors to the museum: circa 1,380,000 people visited the Van Gogh Museum from January to late September 2015 (prior to the opening of
  De inzichten: Van Gogh ...  
Pas toen Van Gogh in de herfst van 1887 de esthetiek omarmde van een meer decoratieve, op 'platte' effecten ingestelde schilderkunst, groeiden de Japanse prentkunst uit tot het ijkpunt van zijn artistieke streven. Tot slot was er op vrijwel hetzelfde moment in Frankrijk was er een opleving van het zogeheten
in the final weeks of his life. The latter work has a dramatic power that is lacking in the first, and also in the Japanese woodcuts on which it was based. It illustrates the extent to which Van Gogh was able to take the example and make it his own. Working in the spirit of Japanese artists proved much stronger than merely assimilating certain of their formal characteristics.
  De inzichten: Van Gogh ...  
Dat veranderde nadat Vincent in 1884 het boek Cherié van Edmond de Concourts las, waarin hij ontdekte dat de laatste trend bestond uit het zogeheten japonisme. Met deze informatie in het achterhoofd vertrok Van Gogh eind 1885 naar Antwerpen, waar hij losse zwart-witprenten uit geïllustreerde Japanse boeken begon te kopen.
was one of the latest trends. Armed with this information, Van Gogh set off for Antwerp towards the end of 1885, where he began to purchase loose black-and-white prints from illustrated Japanese books. He was intrigued by the exotic and different character of the prints in these books. In early 1887 in Paris, Van Gogh purchased no fewer than 660 Japanese prints in one go, with a view to selling them on and earning some money. Although his little business venture came to nothing, Van Gogh now fell entirely under the spell of this art.
  Gevonden schetsboek met...  
In werkelijkheid is die vleugel echter onderdeel van twee aaneensluitende gebouwen. Op de tekening van de zogeheten brug van Langlois in Arles staat een brugwachtershuisje, maar aan de verkeerde kant van het kanaal.
that the ink of the drawings in the sketchbook has undergone the same discolouration; according to this reasoning, it must have originally been black. But that is impossible; the sepia shellac ink used for the drawings is inherently brown and was never black; it therefore has not discoloured. The paper is greenish-blue in colour and approximately 200 years old, and paper of that colour and age loses its original hue when exposed to light. Yet the paper is not discoloured either. This is because the sketchbook is an album and has therefore not been exposed to light. But considering that the ink and paper have not discoloured, the maker of the drawings in the sketchbook must have been deliberately striving for brownish effects. In combination with the chosen iconography – scenes from Arles and Saint-Rémy – this shows that the maker was inspired by Van Gogh's drawings in their later, discoloured state and apparently did not know that their original colour was black.