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Keybot 3 Results  www.erasmusmc.nl
  Erasmus MC Nucleaire Ge...  
Om plusminus 14:00 h worden de patiënten ontslagen uit het ziekenhuis. Voor ontslag worden patiënten nagemeten om te bepalen hoeveel radioactiviteit er nog in hun lichaam zit. Met deze meting wordt de duur van de zogeheten leefregels bepaald.
Next morning (Wednesday or Friday) a scan is made to see if the tumours have uptake of radioactivity and the physician will talk with the patients shortly. At 2.00 p.m. the patients are allowed to leave the hospital. Prior to leaving, the amount of radioactivity inside the body is measured. This measurement determines the duration of rules to follow at home.
  Erasmus MC Kennistransf...  
Maar binnen de UMC’s wordt ook gewerkt aan andere voorbeelden van valorisatie. Zo kan de combinatie van kennis en biologische materialen, een zogeheten biobank, bijzonder waarde vol zijn voor bedrijven.
When thinking of valorisation, one can think of the exploitation of an invention: a new drug target, a apparatus, a procedure which is commercially applicable. However, within the UMC’s other types of valorisation occur as well. For example, the combination of knowledge and biological materials, a so called biobank, can be of high value to companies. They can be used for the development of new drugs. Exploiting can then be in the form of third party research (contract research), or the UMC can start an own company in which the research activities concerning the biobank can be exploited.
  Erasmus MC Kennistransf...  
Terwijl Nederland in wetenschappelijke zin tot de wereldtop behoort, is ons land tot dusver niet het meest succesvol in de vertaalslag naar economisch rendabele activiteiten (de zogeheten “kennisparadox”).
All knowledge institutes in The Netherlands are supposed to contribute to the realisation of the ambitious goals of The Netherlands and the European Union to be part of the most innovative and competitive knowledge economies in the world. In that, scientific knowledge is an important ingredient. But knowledge alone is not enough. Whilst The Netherlands is amongst the top of the world as far as scientific output is concerned, our country has thus far not been very successful in converging this to economical profitable activities (the so called “knowledge paradox”). However, we are catching up; institutes and individual researchers are more and more becoming aware of the importance of valorisation. Also the cooperation with the innovative companies is growing.