zogeheten – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 7 Results  www.uantwerpen.be
  Ziekteverzekering - Uni...  
Meestal betaal je in eerste instantie zelf de kosten van de zorgverlening, daarna volgt er een terugbetaling. In de meeste gevallen wordt niet het volledige bedrag terugbetaald. Vaak moet je een persoonlijk aandeel betalen, het zogeheten remgeld. In principe bedraagt het persoonlijk aandeel of remgeld 25 %.
You will usually need to pay the costs up front, and these will then be refunded. The full amount is not refunded in most cases. Often you have to pay a personal contribution; this is known as the co-payment. Generally, the personal share or co-payment is 25% but it may be higher depending on the type of treatment. Some (essential) medical costs are reimbursed in full.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
Een belangrijke klasse van resultaten in algebraïsche meetkunde zijn zogeheten dualiteitsstellingen, waarbij we objecten die we niet goed begrijpen in verband proberen te brengen met objecten die we wél goed kennen.
An important class of results in algebraic geometry are so-called duality statements, by which we try to relate less-understood objects to more well-known ones. In the development of modern algebraic geometry, stacks have played a crucial role. In this project we will develop a theory of stacks from the point of view of non-commutative algebraic geometry, which should enhance our understanding of Grothendieck duality, and allow the investigation of interesting new applications within (non-commutative) algebraic geometry and cluster theory.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
We willen een array-gebaseerde MLPA (Multiplex Ligation-dependent probe Amplification)-methode ontwikkelen om chromosoom afwijkingen op te sporen. Tot op heden is er geen eenvoudige test beschikbaar die gelijktijdig al deze zogeheten microdeleties kan diagnosticeren.
We want to develop an array-based MLPA (multiplex-ligation dependent probe amplification) method for the detection of microdeletions and duplications amongst the mentally retarded. At present, no single method is able to detect all interstitial and subtelomeric deletion/duplications simultaneously. Our aim is to develop a test that can detect all known micredeletion syndromes in a single reaction on a novel array platform. Thiq project will contribute to the development of a diagnostic test that will eventually replace conventional karyotyping.
  Gebouw Z - Campus Groen...  
De warmte kan ook afgegeven worden aan de buitenlucht of opgeslagen worden in de bodem door middel van het zogeheten BEO-veld van Gebouw Z. BEO staat voor Boorgat-Energie-Opslag en bestaat uit een reeks buizen die tot honderd meter diep in de grond zitten.
And while this system cools the labs, it also extracts heat from the rooms. This extracted heat is then used elsewhere in the building. The heat can also be released into the external environment or stored in the ground by Building Z’s BTES field. BTES stands for borehole thermal energy storage and consists in a series of pipes that are buried up to one hundred metres deep in the ground. These pipes contain a particular fluid that dissipates excess heat from the buildings during the summer and stores it in the ground. In winter, this heat is used as a source for heat pumps.
  Onderzoek - Universitei...  
4. technologische vernieuwingen, vooral in de sfeer van nieuwe (internet-gedragen) vormen van distributie en promotie (in de brede betekenis: ook bvb. i.t.v. visibiliteit), en hun gevolgen voor 1, 2 en 3; de meest opvallende veranderingen toetsen aan een aantal bestaande theorieën over industrieën in verandering, met de nadruk op bijdrage uit de zogeheten industriële organisatie (economie) en organisatie-ecologie (sociologie).
The music industry worldwide is going through a number of important changes. This research project proposes to: (1) map the most important changes in the music industry in Flanders since 1990, specifically regarding: 1. size and nature (aggregated sales and structure, defined as density and concentration) of the Flemish music industry and its different groups of actors; 2. the value chain of the Flemish music industry, also from a vertical perspective in terms of the contribution and rents of different levels in the industry chain; 3. with special attention for the characteristics and behaviour of the Flemish music consumer, and its impact on the horizontal (1) and vertical (2) evolution of the sector; 4. technological innovations influencing 1, 2, 3 and 4, with an emphasis on new (Internet-based) channels of distribution and methods for promotion (broadly defined); (2) confront a number of existing theories about transforming industries with the most conspicuous changes found, focusing on insights from industrial organization (economics) and organizational ecology (sociology).