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Keybot 2 Résultats  www.molnar-banyai.hu
  De Onderneming - Pers  
Eindelijk is de zomer ook op de Noordpool aangekomen. De watertemperaturen zijn een beetje gestegen en er is voldoende licht per dag evenals zonnige dagen. Het plantaardige en dierlijke plankton (zoöplankton) begint zich massaal te vermeerderen!
Summer has finally reached the Arctic. The water temperatures have increased slightly and there is enough light during the long and sunny days. And the vegetable and animal plankton (zooplankton) is beginning to reproduce massively!
Enfin le soleil est arrivé aussi en Arctique. La température de l'eau a un peu augmenté et il y a enfin suffisamment de lumière grâce aux jours plus longs et aux nombreuses journées de soleil. Le plancton végétal et avec lui le plancton animal (zooplancton) commencent à se multiplier massivement !
Endlich ist der Sommer auch in der Arktis angekommen. Die Wassertemperaturen sind geringfügig gestiegen und nun endlich ist genügend Licht durch die langen Tage und viele Sonnentage da. Das pflanzliche und somit auch das tierische Plankton (Zooplankton) beginnt sich massenhaft zu vermehren!
Por fin ha llegado el verano también al Ártico. Las temperaturas del agua han incrementado ligeramente y por fin hay luz suficiente gracias a que los días son largos y a que hay muchos días de sol. El plancton vegetal, y con él también el plancton animal (zooplancton), comienza a proliferar en abundancia.
Summer has finally reached the Arctic. The water temperatures have increased slightly and there is enough light during the long and sunny days. And the vegetable and animal plankton (zooplankton) is beginning to reproduce massively!
Наконец, в Арктике лето. Температура воды незначительно выросла, и теперь, наконец, достаточно света благодаря долгим дням и множеству солнечных дней. Растительный и животный планктон (зоопланктон) начинает массово размножаться!
Summer has finally reached the Arctic. The water temperatures have increased slightly and there is enough light during the long and sunny days. And the vegetable and animal plankton (zooplankton) is beginning to reproduce massively!
  Walvissen en aquariumli...  
Eindelijk is de zomer ook op de Noordpool aangekomen. De watertemperaturen zijn een beetje gestegen en er is voldoende licht per dag evenals zonnige dagen. Het plantaardige en dierlijke plankton (zoöplankton) begint zich massaal te vermeerderen!
Enfin le soleil est arrivé aussi en Arctique. La température de l'eau a un peu augmenté et il y a enfin suffisamment de lumière grâce aux jours plus longs et aux nombreuses journées de soleil. Le plancton végétal et avec lui le plancton animal (zooplancton) commencent à se multiplier massivement ! En même temps que les baleines, les pêcheurs de plancton ont pris le départ pour récolter du plancton frais pour le JBL PlanktonPur. Ce plancton est récolté avec des filets spéciaux, puis tamisé et nettoyé. Un traitement thermique sans conservateurs le rend ensuite conservable. Deux semaines plus tard, il arrive déjà de Norvège tout prêt emballé chez JBL à Neuhofen, qui le distribue ensuite aux animaleries de tous les coins de la planète.
Finalmente l’estate è arrivata anche nell’Artide. Le temperature dell’acqua sono leggermente aumentate ed ora c’è abbastanza luce, grazie alle lunghe giornate e ai molti giorni di sole. Il fitoplancton e lo zooplancton cominciano a proliferare in massa! Assieme alle balene sono partiti anche i cacciatori di plancton per raccogliere materiale fresco per JBL PlanctonPur. Il plancton si pesca con delle reti speciali, si setaccia, si pulisce e si conserva a mezzo di un processo termico senza conservanti. Appena due settimane più tardi arriva, confezionato, alla JBL di Neuhofen dalla Norvegia e viene spedito ai negozi zootecnici in tutte le parti del mondo.
Summer has finally reached the Arctic. The water temperatures have increased slightly and there is enough light during the long and sunny days. And the vegetable and animal plankton (zooplankton) is beginning to reproduce massively! Whales have begun to catch fresh plankton, and so have plankton catchers for JBL PlanktonPur. The plankton is caught with special plankton nets, then sieved, cleaned and it is afterwards conserved with a thermal process without preservatives. After only two weeks it arrives, freshly packed, from Norway, at JBL in Neuhofen and to continue its journey to the pet shops in every corner of the planet.
Summer has finally reached the Arctic. The water temperatures have increased slightly and there is enough light during the long and sunny days. And the vegetable and animal plankton (zooplankton) is beginning to reproduce massively! Whales have begun to catch fresh plankton, and so have plankton catchers for JBL PlanktonPur. The plankton is caught with special plankton nets, then sieved, cleaned and it is afterwards conserved with a thermal process without preservatives. After only two weeks it arrives, freshly packed, from Norway, at JBL in Neuhofen and to continue its journey to the pet shops in every corner of the planet.
Summer has finally reached the Arctic. The water temperatures have increased slightly and there is enough light during the long and sunny days. And the vegetable and animal plankton (zooplankton) is beginning to reproduce massively! Whales have begun to catch fresh plankton, and so have plankton catchers for JBL PlanktonPur. The plankton is caught with special plankton nets, then sieved, cleaned and it is afterwards conserved with a thermal process without preservatives. After only two weeks it arrives, freshly packed, from Norway, at JBL in Neuhofen and to continue its journey to the pet shops in every corner of the planet.