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Keybot 3 Results  www.decora.it
  Pro en eukaryoten  
Komen voor in grootste diversiteit aan milieus, ook extreme omstandigheden qua pH, temperatuur, zoutgehalte, gassen, druk, en vertonen rijkste biochemie
populate greatest diversity in environment, can also live in extreme conditions as pH, temperature, salinity, gas, pressure, and show richest biochemistry
  Ondergedoken planten  
Zij kunnen zonder risico van uitdroging gassen optimaal wisselen door de dunne cuticula; de epidermis is ook dun of ontbreekt geheel. Zeegrassen daarentegen hebben te kampen met het hoge zoutgehalte in hun milieu.
). In general, a favorable ratio of surface (high) with respect to volume (small) is encountered. Fresh water plants have no water balance problems. They exchange gas optimally without risk of dessication through the thin cuticle which is air-permeable; the epidermis is also thin or event absent. Seagrasses by contrast have to struggle against the high salinity in their environment. The external cell wall is not so thin as in fresh water plants. The vascular system in water plants is reduced in general. Their buoyancy derives from large intercellular cavities that protrude into stems and roots and thus facilitate oxygen transport (Microscopical fluorescence and bright field views of aerenchym in a Zostera leaf). The intensity of light underwater is relatively low; a true palisade parenchyma layer is often lacking.
Aan de Nederlandse Noordzeekust kunnen een aantal milieufactoren genoemd worden die vanaf de kustlijn gezien landinwaards dwars daarop veranderen. Een drietal factoren neemt in dit profiel op korte afstand sterk af, namelijk zoutgehalte, windsnelheid en mechanische invloed van verplaatste zandkorrels.
Ath the Northsea coast of the the Netherlands a number of environmental factors can be named that change seen from the coast line along a perpendicular land inwards. Three factors in this profile decrease rapidly at a short distance, namely the salinity, wind velocity and mechanical influence of moving sand particles. One factor that increases is for example the formation of a stable soil. The zonation that arises shows a transition from a band without vegetation to avery open system with only a few plants adapted to extreme conditions, like Sand Couch and See Rocket, to an open grassland dominated by Marram Grass. Behind the first row of dunes the landscape changes to a more closed grassland and brushwood (low shrubs vegetation with Seabuckthorn, Sweet Briar, Dog-rose, Honey Suckle and Wild Privet). More landinward the inner dune wood can be found in which is tall trees occur, like Birch, Aspen, Oak and Sycamore.