училищ – -Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot      1'629 Results   156 Domains
  349 Hits www.ecb.europa.eu  
Анимационен филм за ценовата стабилност, предназначен за училищата
Animované výukové materiály o cenové stabilitě
  11 Hits events.idg.bg  
Интегрирани информационни системи за управление на училищата
Integrated Information Systems for School Management
  2 Hits www.ogygia.be  
Петиция 2018: За правото на безплатни детски градини, детски градини и начални училища
Peticioni 2018: Për të drejtën e institucioneve të kujdesit ditor pa pagesë, çerdheve dhe shkollave fillore
Обучението се изпълнява по проект: „Разработване на програми и обучения за директорите на училища, детски градини и обслужващи звена в системата на образованието” по ОП „Развитие на човешките ресурси” с изпълнител Национален институт за обучение на директори към МОНМ.
The training is executed within the framework of project: “Implementation of Programs and Trainings for Directors of Schools, Kindergartens and Service Units Within the Educational System”, financed by OP “Human Resource Development” and implemented by National Institute for Vocational Training at the Ministry of Education.
  19 Hits cardioscope.eu  
Инициативата е част от кампания на СИБАНК за повишаване на финансовата култура на учениците от среднообразователнте училища и популяризиране на банковите и застрахователните услуги. С предоставянето на този финансов пакет банката улеснява бъдещите студенти при управлението на личните им финанси.
The initiative is part of CIBANK’s campaign to improve the financial literacy of high school pupils and to promote bancassurance services. By providing prospective higher education students with this financial package, the Bank is helping them in managing their personal finances. This gift from CIBANK will be particularly useful for students studying abroad where cash payments are kept to a minimum and having a debit card as well as insurance is part of the conditions for their enrollment in universities abroad.
  26 Hits www.christiananswers.net  
Copyright © 2000, Films for Christ, Всички права запазени - с изключение на споменатите в страницата “Usage and Copyright” щедро позволяващи на потребителите на ChristianAnswers. Net да използват този материал у дома, за лични свидетелства, в църкви и училища.
Copyright © 2000, Films for Christ, alle rechten voorbehouden – behalve als aangegeven op bijgaande “Usage and Copyright” bladzijde die gebruikers van ChristianAnswers.Net het recht verleent om deze bladzijde te gebruiken voor thuis, persoonlijk getuigenis, kerken en scholen.
  16 Hits www.sofia.diplo.de  
Програмите за обмен и партньорствата между отделни училища подпомагат задграничната мобилност на младите хора, разбирателството и толерантността по меджу им, както и тяхната отвореност към света. При ...
Austauschprogramme und Schulpartnerschaften fördern die grenzüberschreitende Mobilität junger Menschen, das Verständnis füreinander sowie Toleranz und Aufgeschlossenheit. In Begegnungen erwerben Schül...
Кабинет на генералния секретар на Европейските училища (EURSC)
Empresa Comum «Iniciativa sobre medicamentos inovadores» (IMI JU)
Ευρωπαίος Επόπτης Προστασίας Δεδομένων (EDPS)
Euroopa Võrgu- ja Infoturbeamet (ENISA)
Európai Tengerbiztonsági Ügynökség (EMSA)
Komisja Europejska - Dyrekcja Generalna ds. Tłumaczeń Pisemnych (CCE-DG T)
Energoregulatoru sadarbības aģentūra (ACER)
  10 Hits www.nato.int  
БЕНЕТ: Ако вземем следващото поколение.. поколението, което сега навлиза в активна възраст, войната започна преди 16 години, така че повечето са завършили обучението си в сегрегирани училища.
BENNETT: Si no fijamos en la generación ... en la generación que ahora está creciendo, la guerra comenzó hace 16 años así que un montón de gente ha desarrollado toda su educación en colegios segregados.
BENNETT: Se guardiamo alla prossima generazione… alla generazione che sta crescendo, la guerra cominciò 16 anni fa, quindi molta gente ha completato la propria istruzione in scuole in cui vigeva la segregazione.
BENNETT: Se avançarmos uma geração... para a geração que vem aí, a guerra começou há dezasseis anos, logo existem imensas pessoas que terminaram a sua educação em escolas segregadas.
بينيت: إذا نظرت إلى هذا الجيل ... الجيل الصاعد، وأنت تعلم أنّ الحرب بدأت قبل ستة عشر عاماً، فإنك تدرك أنّ جزءاً كبيراً من هذا الجيل أكمل تعليمه في مدارس عرقيّة.
BENNETT: Als we kijken naar de generatie... de generatie die er aan komt, de oorlog is16 jaar geleden begonnen, dus heel veel mensen hebben hun schoolopleiding gehad op een gesegregeerde school.
BENNETT:Ohlédneme-li se zpět na generace ... generace nastupující, válka začala před 16 lety a velká část obyvatelstva dokončila vzdělání v oddělených školských institucích.
BENNETT: Kui vaadata pealetulevat põlvkonda... sõda algas 16 aastat tagasi ja paljud inimesed said hariduse kogukonniti eraldatud koolides.
BENNETT: Ha egy generációval lejjebb megyünk ... ha nézzük a következő generációt, a háború 16 éve kezdődött, tehát sokan szegregált iskolákban fejezték be a tanulmányaikat.
BENNETT: Ef við horfum til kynslóðarinnar... til þeirrar kynslóðar sem er að vaxa úr grasi, þá hófst stríðið fyrir 16 árum síðan og þannig hefur mikill fjöldi fólks lokið skólagöngu sinni í aðskildum skólum.
BENNETTAS: Jei mes kalbėsime apie kartą... dabar ateinančią kartą, tai dauguma žmonių iš esmės yra įgiję išsilavinimą segreguotose mokyklose.
BENNETT: Hvis vi går til generasjoner... til den generasjonen som er på veg, krigen startet for 16 år siden, så mange folk har faktisk fullført utdanningen i adskilte skoler.
BENNETT: Jeżeli skupimy się na pokoleniu... na pokoleniu, które obecnie wchodzi w najaktywniejszy okres, wojna zaczęła się 16 lat temu, więc wiele osób w rzeczywistości skończyło edukację w szkołach poddanych segregacji.
BENNETT: Dacă mergem la nivelul generaţiei… generaţiei care vine, războiul a început cu 16 ani în urmă, aşa că, de fapt, mulţi oameni şi-au făcut studiile în şcolile afectate de segregaţie.
BENNETT:Ak sa ohliadneme späť na generácie ... generácie nastupujúce, vojna začala pred 16 rokmi kedy veľká časť obyvateľstva dokončila vzdelanie v oddelených školských inštitúciách.
BENNETT: Yeni yetişen nesle bakalım: savaş 16 yıl önce başladığına göre, demek ki birçok insan eğitimini etnik kökenlere göre ayrılmış okullarda tamamladı.
BENNETS: Ja mēs paskatīsimies pa paaudzēm...uz tagadējo paaudzi, kas pieaug, karš iesākās pirms 16 gadiem, tāpēc ir daudzi cilvēki, kas faktiski guvuši savu izglītību segregētās skolās.
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
Oregón se convierte en el primer estado de EE.UU. que distribuye Google Apps for Education entre los centros públicos estatales.
オレゴン州が初めて、州内のすべての公立学校に Google Apps for Education を導入。
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregon es converteix en el primer estat que distribueix Google Apps for Education a les escoles públiques de tot el territori.
Oregon postaje prva savezna država koja otvara Google Apps for Education javnim školama širom države.
Oregon se stává prvním státem, který zpřístupňuje službu Google Apps pro školy veřejným školám na celém území státu.
Oregonista tulee ensimmäinen osavaltio, joka ottaa käyttöön Google Apps for Education -sovellukset kaikissa julkisissa kouluissa.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
Oregon lesz az első állam, amely hozzáférhetővé teszi a Google Apps iskoláknak alkalmazást a köziskolák számára az egész államban.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon staje się pierwszym stanem, w którym wprowadzono usługę Google Apps dla Szkół i Uczelni w szkołach publicznych w całym stanie.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Орегон постаје прва држава која користи Google Apps for Education у свим државним школама на својој територији.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
Oregon blir först i USA med att erbjuda Google Apps for Education för allmänna skolor runt om i delstaten.
Oregon, sınırları içindeki tüm devlet okulları için Google Apps for Education hizmetini açan ilk eyalet oldu.
Oregon trở thành bang đầu tiên cung cấp Google Apps for Education cho các trường công lập trên toàn bang.
Oregona kļūst par pirmo štatu, kurā pieejams pakalpojums Google Apps for Education valsts skolām visā štatā.
Орегон стає першим штатом, що відкрив Google Apps for Education для державних шкіл у всьому штаті.
  37 Hits www.etwinning.net  
е част от Коменски, програмата на ЕС за училища
is part of Comenius, the EU programme for schools
fait partie de Comenius, le programme de l'UE pour l'enseignement scolaire
gehört zu Comenius, dem EU-Programm für Schulen
forma parte de Comenius, el programa de la UE para la enseñanza escolar
fa parte di Comenius, il programma per le scuole dell'UE
faz parte do Comenius, o programa da UE destinado às escolas
αποτελεί μέρος του Comenius, το πρόγραμμα της ΕΕ για τα σχολεία
maakt deel uit van Comenius, het programma van de EU voor scholen
je součástí programu EU pro školy Comenius
er en del af EU' s skoleprogram Comenius
on osa Euroopa Liidu Comeniuse programmist koolidele
on osa EU:n kouluhanke Comeniusta
program az Európai Unió Comenius iskolai programjának részeként működik
yra „Comenius“, ES programos mokykloms, dalis
er en del av EUs skoleprogram Comenius
jest częścią Comeniusa, unijnego programu dla szkół
face parte din Comenius, programul Uniunii Europene destinat şcolilor
je súčasťou programu Európskej komisie pre školy Comenius
je del programa Comenius, programa EU za šole.
är en del av Comenius, EU:s program för skolutbildning
ir daļa no Comenius, Eiropas Savienības programmas skolām
huwa parti mill-Comenius, il-prgramm għall-iskejjel tal-Kummissjoni Ewropea
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
Oregon wird der erste Bundesstaat, in dem Google Apps for Education für alle öffentlichen Schulen zur Verfügung steht.
Oregón se convierte en el primer estado de EE.UU. que distribuye Google Apps for Education entre los centros públicos estatales.
Το Όρεγκον γίνεται η πρώτη πολιτεία των ΗΠΑ που χρησιμοποιεί τα Google Apps for Education σε δημόσια σχολεία σε όλη την πολιτεία.
オレゴン州が初めて、州内のすべての公立学校に Google Apps for Education を導入。
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregon es converteix en el primer estat que distribueix Google Apps for Education a les escoles públiques de tot el territori.
Oregon postaje prva savezna država koja otvara Google Apps for Education javnim školama širom države.
Oregon bliver den første amerikanske delstat, der åbner op for Google Apps for Education til offentlige skoler i hele delstaten.
Oregonista tulee ensimmäinen osavaltio, joka ottaa käyttöön Google Apps for Education -sovellukset kaikissa julkisissa kouluissa.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
Oregon lesz az első állam, amely hozzáférhetővé teszi a Google Apps iskoláknak alkalmazást a köziskolák számára az egész államban.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon blir den første staten som starter Google Apps for Education på offentlige skoler over hele staten.
Oregon staje się pierwszym stanem, w którym wprowadzono usługę Google Apps dla Szkół i Uczelni w szkołach publicznych w całym stanie.
Oregon devine primul stat care face accesibil Google Apps for Education pentru şcolile publice din întregul stat.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
Oregon blir först i USA med att erbjuda Google Apps for Education för allmänna skolor runt om i delstaten.
โอเรกอนเป็นรัฐแรกที่เปิด Google Apps for Education สำหรับโรงเรียนรัฐทุกแห่งทั่วทั้งรัฐนี้
Oregon trở thành bang đầu tiên cung cấp Google Apps for Education cho các trường công lập trên toàn bang.
אורגון הופכת למדינה הראשונה שפותחת את Google Apps for Education לבתי ספר ציבוריים ברחבי המדינה.
Oregona kļūst par pirmo štatu, kurā pieejams pakalpojums Google Apps for Education valsts skolām visā štatā.
  5 Hits europass.cedefop.europa.eu  
Europass приложението към диплома се издава на завършилите образованието си във висши училища заедно с тяхната степен или диплома.
The Europass Diploma Supplement is issued to graduates of higher education institutions along with their degree or diploma.
Le Supplément au diplôme est délivré aux diplômés de l’enseignement supérieur parallèlement au diplôme original.
Es wird für Hochschulabsolventinnen und -absolventen zusammen mit ihren Hochschulzeugnissen ausgestellt.
El Suplemento al Título Superior está pensado para titulados en centros de enseñanza superior, como complemento a su título.
L'Europass Supplemento al Diploma è rilasciato ai titolari di titoli di d'istruzione superiore.
O Europass-Suplemento ao Diploma é emitido para graduados de estabelecimentos de ensino superior, junto com o respectivo grau ou diploma.
Το παράρτημα διπλώματος Europass χορηγείται σε αποφοίτους τριτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης μαζί με το πτυχίο το ή δίπλωμα τους.
Het Europass-diplomasupplement wordt uitgereikt aan afgestudeerden van instellingen voor hoger onderwijs, samen met hun graad of diploma.
Dopunska isprava o studiju izdaje se zajedno s pripadajućom svjedodžbom ili diplomom osobama koje su diplomirale na visokoškolskoj ustanovi.
Dodatek k diplomu je vydáván absolventům vysokých škol a vyšších odborných škol spolu s diplomem.
Europass-bilaget til eksamensbevis udstedes til kandidater fra højere uddannelsesinstitutioner sammen med eksamensbeviset.
Europassi diplomilisa väljastatakse kõrgkooli lõpetanutele koos kraaditunnistuse või diplomiga.
Tutkintotodistuksen liite myönnetään korkeakouluista valmistuville opiskelijoille tutkintotodistuksen yhteydessä.
Az Oklevélmellékletet a felsőoktatási intézményekben végzettek számára diplomájukkal vagy oklevelükkel együtt bocsátják ki.
Viðurkenning á prófskírteini er afhent útskriftarnemum úr háskóla ásamt prófskírteini.
Diplomo priedėlis išduodamas aukštojo mokslo institucijų diplomantams kartu su jų išsilavinimo laipsnį patvirtinančiu dokumentu arba diplomu.
Vitnemålstillegg utstedes til uteksaminerte fra høyere utdanningsinstitusjoner sammen med vedkommendes grad eller vitnemål.
Suplement do Dyplomu wydawany jest absolwentom szkół wyższych wraz z dyplomem ukończenia studiów.
Suplimentul Europass la diploma de licenţă este emis absolvenţilor instituţiilor de învăţământ superior împreună cu titlul sau diploma care le este acordată.
Dodatok k diplomu sa vydáva absolventom vysokoškolských inštitúcií spolu s ich titulom alebo diplomom.
Europass priloga k diplomi se hkrati z diplomo podeljuje diplomantom visokošolskih ustanov.
Europass Diploma Eki yüksek öğrenim mezunlarına derece veya diplomaları ile birlikte verilir.
Europass Diploma pielikumu izsniedz augstākās izglītības iestāžu absolventiem kopā ar diplomu.
Is-Suppliment tad-Diploma jinħareġ lil gradwati ta’ istituzzjonijiet ta’ edukazzjoni ogħla flimkien mal-lawrija jew id-diploma tagħhom.
  25 Hits access2eufinance.ec.europa.eu  
Šole v EU
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
Oregón se convierte en el primer estado de EE.UU. que distribuye Google Apps for Education entre los centros públicos estatales.
L’Oregon diventa il primo stato a rendere disponibile Google Apps for Education per le scuole pubbliche dello stato.
أصبحت "أوريغون" أول ولاية تفتتح Google Apps for Education في المدارس العامة على مستوى الولاية.
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregon es converteix en el primer estat que distribueix Google Apps for Education a les escoles públiques de tot el territori.
Oregon se stává prvním státem, který zpřístupňuje službu Google Apps pro školy veřejným školám na celém území státu.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
오리건주에서 최초로 주 전역의 공립학교에 Google Apps for Education을 도입합니다.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon devine primul stat care face accesibil Google Apps for Education pentru şcolile publice din întregul stat.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Орегон постаје прва држава која користи Google Apps for Education у свим државним школама на својој територији.
Oregon sa stáva prvým štátom, ktorý sprístupňuje službu Google Apps for Education verejným školám na celom území štátu.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
אורגון הופכת למדינה הראשונה שפותחת את Google Apps for Education לבתי ספר ציבוריים ברחבי המדינה.
Oregon menjadi negeri pertama yang membuka Google Apps for Education untuk sekolah awam di seluruh negeri.
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
Oregon becomes the first state to open up Google Apps for Education to public schools throughout the state.
أصبحت "أوريغون" أول ولاية تفتتح Google Apps for Education في المدارس العامة على مستوى الولاية.
Το Όρεγκον γίνεται η πρώτη πολιτεία των ΗΠΑ που χρησιμοποιεί τα Google Apps for Education σε δημόσια σχολεία σε όλη την πολιτεία.
Oregon wordt de eerste staat die Google Apps for Education vrijgeeft aan openbare scholen in de hele staat.
オレゴン州が初めて、州内のすべての公立学校に Google Apps for Education を導入。
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregonista tulee ensimmäinen osavaltio, joka ottaa käyttöön Google Apps for Education -sovellukset kaikissa julkisissa kouluissa.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
Oregon lesz az első állam, amely hozzáférhetővé teszi a Google Apps iskoláknak alkalmazást a köziskolák számára az egész államban.
오리건주에서 최초로 주 전역의 공립학교에 Google Apps for Education을 도입합니다.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon blir den første staten som starter Google Apps for Education på offentlige skoler over hele staten.
Oregon staje się pierwszym stanem, w którym wprowadzono usługę Google Apps dla Szkół i Uczelni w szkołach publicznych w całym stanie.
Oregon devine primul stat care face accesibil Google Apps for Education pentru şcolile publice din întregul stat.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Oregon sa stáva prvým štátom, ktorý sprístupňuje službu Google Apps for Education verejným školám na celom území štátu.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
Oregon blir först i USA med att erbjuda Google Apps for Education för allmänna skolor runt om i delstaten.
โอเรกอนเป็นรัฐแรกที่เปิด Google Apps for Education สำหรับโรงเรียนรัฐทุกแห่งทั่วทั้งรัฐนี้
Oregon, sınırları içindeki tüm devlet okulları için Google Apps for Education hizmetini açan ilk eyalet oldu.
Oregon trở thành bang đầu tiên cung cấp Google Apps for Education cho các trường công lập trên toàn bang.
אורגון הופכת למדינה הראשונה שפותחת את Google Apps for Education לבתי ספר ציבוריים ברחבי המדינה.
Орегон стає першим штатом, що відкрив Google Apps for Education для державних шкіл у всьому штаті.
  8 Hits www.polisgrandhotel.gr  
Пет университети или училища & rsquo; инженери може да ви приветствам с добре дошли на & rsquo; чужбина като част от програмата ECS.
Five universities or engineering schools may welcome you abroad as part of the ECS program.
Cinq universités ou écoles d’ingénieurs peuvent vous accueillir à l’étranger dans le cadre du programme ECS.
Fünf Universitäten oder Schulen & rsquo; Ingenieure können Sie auf die & rsquo begrüßen, im Ausland im Rahmen der ECS-Programm.
Cinco universidades o escuelas & rsquo; los ingenieros pueden darle la bienvenida a la y rsquo; el extranjero como parte del programa de ECS.
Cinque università o scuole & rsquo; ingegneri si può accogliere il & rsquo; all'estero come parte del programma ECS.
Cinco universidades ou escolas & rsquo; os engenheiros podem recebê-lo para o & rsquo; no exterior, como parte do programa ECS.
خمس جامعات أو مدارس و [رسقوو]؛ يمكن لمهندسي أرحب بكم في و[رسقوو]؛ في الخارج كجزء من برنامج ECS.
Πέντε πανεπιστήμια ή σχολές & rsquo? Μηχανικοί μπορούν να σας καλωσορίσω στο & rsquo? Στο εξωτερικό, ως μέρος του προγράμματος ECS.
Vijf universiteiten of scholen & rsquo; engineers kunnen u van harte welkom in het & rsquo; in het buitenland als onderdeel van de ECS-programma.
Pet univerziteta ili školama & rsquo; inženjeri možete dočekati na & rsquo; inozemstvu kao dio programa ECS.
Cinc universitats o escoles & rsquo; els enginyers poden donar-li la benvinguda a la i rsquo; l'estranger com a part del programa de ECS.
Pet sveučilišta ili škole ć inženjeri mogu Vam dobrodošlicu na & rsquo; inozemstvu, kao dio ECS programa.
O pět vysoké školy nebo školy & rsquo; inženýři můžete přivítat na & rsquo; zahraničí v rámci programu ECS.
Fem universiteter eller skoler & rsquo; ingeniører kan byde dig velkommen til & rsquo; udlandet som en del af ECS-programmet.
Viis ülikoolid või koolid Hõlpsasti; insenerid saavad tervitada teid Hõlpsasti; välismaal osana ECS programmi.
Viisi yliopistojen tai kouluissa & rsquo; insinöörit toivottaa sinut & rsquo; ulkomailla osana ECS ohjelman.
Öt egyetem vagy iskola-ezte mérnökök várjuk a-ezte külföldön részeként ECS programot.
Lima universitas atau sekolah & rsquo; insinyur dapat menyambut Anda ke & rsquo; luar negeri sebagai bagian dari program ECS.
5 개 대학 또는 학교 했음, 엔지니어들이 했음에 오신 것을 환영합니다 수 있으며, 해외 ECS 프로그램의 일환으로.
Penki universitetų ar mokyklų ir rsquo; inžinieriai gali pasveikinti Jus į & rsquo; užsienyje, kaip dalis ECS programos.
Fem universiteter eller skoler og rsquo; ingeniører kan ønske deg velkommen til & rsquo; utlandet som en del av ECS program.
Pięć uniwersytetów lub szkół & rsquo; inżynierowie mogą zapraszamy do & rsquo; za granicą w ramach programu ECS.
Cinci universități sau școli & rsquo; ingineri vă puteți urăm bun venit în & rsquo; în străinătate, ca parte a programului ECS.
Пять университетов или школ и Rsquo; инженеры могут приветствовать Вас на & Rsquo; за рубежом в рамках программы ECS.
Пет универзитета или школе и рскуо; инжењери могу вам добродошлицу у & рскуо; у иностранству у оквиру програма ЕЦС.
O päť vysokej školy alebo školy & rsquo; inžinieri môžete privítať na & rsquo; zahraničia v rámci programu ECS.
Pet univerze ali šole & rsquo; inženirji lahko pozdravim na & rsquo; v tujini v okviru programa ECS.
Fem universitet eller skolor och rsquo; ingenjörer kan välkomna dig till och rsquoen; utomlands som en del av ECS-programmet.
ห้ามหาวิทยาลัยหรือโรงเรียน & rsquo; วิศวกรสามารถต้อนรับคุณ & rsquo; ต่างประเทศเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของโครงการ ECS.
Beş üniversite veya okul & rsquo; mühendisler & rsquo hoş geldiniz olabilir; yurtdışında ECS programının bir parçası olarak.
Năm trường đại học hoặc trường học về lĩnh kỹ sư có thể chào đón bạn đến về lĩnh ở nước ngoài như là một phần của chương trình ECS.
חמש אוניברסיטאות או בתי ספר & rsquo; מהנדסים יכולים לברך אתכם & rsquo; בחו"ל כחלק תוכנית ECS.
Pieci universitātes vai skolas & rsquo; inženieri var sveikt Jūs & rsquo; ārzemēs kā daļu no ECS programmas.
Lima universiti atau sekolah & rsquo; jurutera boleh mengucapkan selamat datang ke & rsquo; di luar negara sebagai sebahagian daripada program ECS yang.
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
Oregon becomes the first state to open up Google Apps for Education to state schools throughout the state.
L’Oregon devient le premier État américain à utiliser Google Apps for Education pour ses écoles publiques.
Oregon wird der erste Bundesstaat, in dem Google Apps for Education für alle öffentlichen Schulen zur Verfügung steht.
Oregón se convierte en el primer estado de EE.UU. que distribuye Google Apps for Education entre los centros públicos estatales.
L’Oregon diventa il primo stato a rendere disponibile Google Apps for Education per le scuole pubbliche dello stato.
O Oregon torna-se o primeiro estado a implementar o Google Apps for Education nas escolas públicas de todo o estado.
أصبحت "أوريغون" أول ولاية تفتتح Google Apps for Education في المدارس العامة على مستوى الولاية.
Το Όρεγκον γίνεται η πρώτη πολιτεία των ΗΠΑ που χρησιμοποιεί τα Google Apps for Education σε δημόσια σχολεία σε όλη την πολιτεία.
Oregon wordt de eerste staat die Google Apps for Education vrijgeeft aan openbare scholen in de hele staat.
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregon es converteix en el primer estat que distribueix Google Apps for Education a les escoles públiques de tot el territori.
Oregon postaje prva savezna država koja otvara Google Apps for Education javnim školama širom države.
Oregon se stává prvním státem, který zpřístupňuje službu Google Apps pro školy veřejným školám na celém území státu.
Oregon bliver den første amerikanske delstat, der åbner op for Google Apps for Education til offentlige skoler i hele delstaten.
Oregonista tulee ensimmäinen osavaltio, joka ottaa käyttöön Google Apps for Education -sovellukset kaikissa julkisissa kouluissa.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
Oregon lesz az első állam, amely hozzáférhetővé teszi a Google Apps iskoláknak alkalmazást a köziskolák számára az egész államban.
Oregon menjadi negara bagian pertama yang membuka Google Apps for Education untuk sekolah umum di seluruh negara bagian tersebut.
오리건주에서 최초로 주 전역의 공립학교에 Google Apps for Education을 도입합니다.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon blir den første staten som starter Google Apps for Education på offentlige skoler over hele staten.
Oregon staje się pierwszym stanem, w którym wprowadzono usługę Google Apps dla Szkół i Uczelni w szkołach publicznych w całym stanie.
Oregon devine primul stat care face accesibil Google Apps for Education pentru şcolile publice din întregul stat.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Орегон постаје прва држава која користи Google Apps for Education у свим државним школама на својој територији.
Oregon sa stáva prvým štátom, ktorý sprístupňuje službu Google Apps for Education verejným školám na celom území štátu.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
Oregon blir först i USA med att erbjuda Google Apps for Education för allmänna skolor runt om i delstaten.
โอเรกอนเป็นรัฐแรกที่เปิด Google Apps for Education สำหรับโรงเรียนรัฐทุกแห่งทั่วทั้งรัฐนี้
Oregon, sınırları içindeki tüm devlet okulları için Google Apps for Education hizmetini açan ilk eyalet oldu.
Oregon trở thành bang đầu tiên cung cấp Google Apps for Education cho các trường công lập trên toàn bang.
אורגון הופכת למדינה הראשונה שפותחת את Google Apps for Education לבתי ספר ציבוריים ברחבי המדינה.
Oregona kļūst par pirmo štatu, kurā pieejams pakalpojums Google Apps for Education valsts skolām visā štatā.
Орегон стає першим штатом, що відкрив Google Apps for Education для державних шкіл у всьому штаті.
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
Oregon becomes the first state to open up Google Apps for Education to public schools throughout the state.
L’Oregon devient le premier État américain à utiliser Google Apps for Education pour ses écoles publiques.
Oregon wird der erste Bundesstaat, in dem Google Apps for Education für alle öffentlichen Schulen zur Verfügung steht.
Oregón se convierte en el primer estado de EE.UU. que distribuye Google Apps for Education entre los centros públicos estatales.
L’Oregon diventa il primo stato a rendere disponibile Google Apps for Education per le scuole pubbliche dello stato.
أصبحت "أوريغون" أول ولاية تفتتح Google Apps for Education في المدارس العامة على مستوى الولاية.
Το Όρεγκον γίνεται η πρώτη πολιτεία των ΗΠΑ που χρησιμοποιεί τα Google Apps for Education σε δημόσια σχολεία σε όλη την πολιτεία.
Oregon wordt de eerste staat die Google Apps for Education vrijgeeft aan openbare scholen in de hele staat.
オレゴン州が初めて、州内のすべての公立学校に Google Apps for Education を導入。
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregon es converteix en el primer estat que distribueix Google Apps for Education a les escoles públiques de tot el territori.
Oregon postaje prva savezna država koja otvara Google Apps for Education javnim školama širom države.
Oregon se stává prvním státem, který zpřístupňuje službu Google Apps pro školy veřejným školám na celém území státu.
Oregon bliver den første amerikanske delstat, der åbner op for Google Apps for Education til offentlige skoler i hele delstaten.
Oregonista tulee ensimmäinen osavaltio, joka ottaa käyttöön Google Apps for Education -sovellukset kaikissa julkisissa kouluissa.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
Oregon lesz az első állam, amely hozzáférhetővé teszi a Google Apps iskoláknak alkalmazást a köziskolák számára az egész államban.
Oregon menjadi negara bagian pertama yang membuka Google Apps for Education untuk sekolah umum di seluruh negara bagian tersebut.
오리건주에서 최초로 주 전역의 공립학교에 Google Apps for Education을 도입합니다.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon blir den første staten som starter Google Apps for Education på offentlige skoler over hele staten.
Oregon staje się pierwszym stanem, w którym wprowadzono usługę Google Apps dla Szkół i Uczelni w szkołach publicznych w całym stanie.
Oregon devine primul stat care face accesibil Google Apps for Education pentru şcolile publice din întregul stat.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Орегон постаје прва држава која користи Google Apps for Education у свим државним школама на својој територији.
Oregon sa stáva prvým štátom, ktorý sprístupňuje službu Google Apps for Education verejným školám na celom území štátu.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
Oregon blir först i USA med att erbjuda Google Apps for Education för allmänna skolor runt om i delstaten.
โอเรกอนเป็นรัฐแรกที่เปิด Google Apps for Education สำหรับโรงเรียนรัฐทุกแห่งทั่วทั้งรัฐนี้
Oregon, sınırları içindeki tüm devlet okulları için Google Apps for Education hizmetini açan ilk eyalet oldu.
Oregon trở thành bang đầu tiên cung cấp Google Apps for Education cho các trường công lập trên toàn bang.
אורגון הופכת למדינה הראשונה שפותחת את Google Apps for Education לבתי ספר ציבוריים ברחבי המדינה.
Oregona kļūst par pirmo štatu, kurā pieejams pakalpojums Google Apps for Education valsts skolām visā štatā.
Орегон стає першим штатом, що відкрив Google Apps for Education для державних шкіл у всьому штаті.
Oregon menjadi negeri pertama yang membuka Google Apps for Education untuk sekolah awam di seluruh negeri.
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
Oregon becomes the first state to open up Google Apps for Education to public schools throughout the state.
L’Oregon devient le premier État américain à utiliser Google Apps for Education pour ses écoles publiques.
Oregon wird der erste Bundesstaat, in dem Google Apps for Education für alle öffentlichen Schulen zur Verfügung steht.
Oregón se convierte en el primer estado de EE.UU. que distribuye Google Apps for Education entre los centros públicos estatales.
L’Oregon diventa il primo stato a rendere disponibile Google Apps for Education per le scuole pubbliche dello stato.
أصبحت "أوريغون" أول ولاية تفتتح Google Apps for Education في المدارس العامة على مستوى الولاية.
Το Όρεγκον γίνεται η πρώτη πολιτεία των ΗΠΑ που χρησιμοποιεί τα Google Apps for Education σε δημόσια σχολεία σε όλη την πολιτεία.
Oregon wordt de eerste staat die Google Apps for Education vrijgeeft aan openbare scholen in de hele staat.
オレゴン州が初めて、州内のすべての公立学校に Google Apps for Education を導入。
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregon es converteix en el primer estat que distribueix Google Apps for Education a les escoles públiques de tot el territori.
Oregon postaje prva savezna država koja otvara Google Apps for Education javnim školama širom države.
Oregon se stává prvním státem, který zpřístupňuje službu Google Apps pro školy veřejným školám na celém území státu.
Oregon bliver den første amerikanske delstat, der åbner op for Google Apps for Education til offentlige skoler i hele delstaten.
Oregonista tulee ensimmäinen osavaltio, joka ottaa käyttöön Google Apps for Education -sovellukset kaikissa julkisissa kouluissa.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
Oregon lesz az első állam, amely hozzáférhetővé teszi a Google Apps iskoláknak alkalmazást a köziskolák számára az egész államban.
Oregon menjadi negara bagian pertama yang membuka Google Apps for Education untuk sekolah umum di seluruh negara bagian tersebut.
오리건주에서 최초로 주 전역의 공립학교에 Google Apps for Education을 도입합니다.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon blir den første staten som starter Google Apps for Education på offentlige skoler over hele staten.
Oregon staje się pierwszym stanem, w którym wprowadzono usługę Google Apps dla Szkół i Uczelni w szkołach publicznych w całym stanie.
Oregon devine primul stat care face accesibil Google Apps for Education pentru şcolile publice din întregul stat.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Орегон постаје прва држава која користи Google Apps for Education у свим државним школама на својој територији.
Oregon sa stáva prvým štátom, ktorý sprístupňuje službu Google Apps for Education verejným školám na celom území štátu.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
Oregon blir först i USA med att erbjuda Google Apps for Education för allmänna skolor runt om i delstaten.
โอเรกอนเป็นรัฐแรกที่เปิด Google Apps for Education สำหรับโรงเรียนรัฐทุกแห่งทั่วทั้งรัฐนี้
Oregon, sınırları içindeki tüm devlet okulları için Google Apps for Education hizmetini açan ilk eyalet oldu.
Oregon trở thành bang đầu tiên cung cấp Google Apps for Education cho các trường công lập trên toàn bang.
אורגון הופכת למדינה הראשונה שפותחת את Google Apps for Education לבתי ספר ציבוריים ברחבי המדינה.
Oregona kļūst par pirmo štatu, kurā pieejams pakalpojums Google Apps for Education valsts skolām visā štatā.
Орегон стає першим штатом, що відкрив Google Apps for Education для державних шкіл у всьому штаті.
Oregon menjadi negeri pertama yang membuka Google Apps for Education untuk sekolah awam di seluruh negeri.
  10 Hits www.3set.com.tw  
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Hangul Reading Converter Çin uchun
કોરિયન નામો રોમનીકરણ પરિવર્તક
Carachtair Sínis simplithe a Tiontaire Traidisiúnta
ಹಂಗುಲ್ ಓದುವಿಕೆ ಪರಿವರ್ತಕ ಗೆ ಚೀನೀ ಅಕ್ಷರಗಳು
కొరియాలో పేర్లు రోమనైజేషన్ కన్వర్టర్
کوریا ناموں رومن کنورٹر
കൊറിയൻ പേരുകൾ ലിപികളിലെഴുതിയത് പരിവർത്തന
  2 Hits www.artur-scholl.com  
Езикови училища във Великобритания
English Language Schools
Ecoles de langues britanniques
Britische Sprachschulen
Escuelas de idiomas inglesas
Scuole di lingua del Regno Unito
Escolas de Idiomas do Reino Unido
مدارس اللغة البريطانية
Engelse Talenscholen
Shkollat ​​e Gjuhës Angleze
Escoles d'idiomes del Regne Unit
Jezične škole u Velikoj Britaniji
Britiske sprogskoler
Ühendkuningriigi keelekoolid
Ison-Britannian kielikoulut
Sekolah Bahasa Inggris
Lingua Anglia Schools
Szkoły językowe w Wielkiej Brytanii
Școli de limbi străine
Языковые школы Великобритании
Jazykové školy vo Veľkej Británii
Jezikovne šole v Združenem kraljestvu
Brittiska språkskolor
Trường ngoại ngữ Anh
Մեծ Բրիտանիայի լեզվի դպրոցներ
ბრიტანული ენის სკოლები
Lielbritānijas valodas skolas
Sekolin'ny teny Anglisy
Велика Британија јазични училишта
Dugsiyada Luqadda Ingiriiska
Erresuma Batuko ikastetxeak
Sekolah Bahasa Inggeris
የዩናይትድ ኪንግደም ቋንቋ ትምህርት ቤቶች
İngilis dili məktəbləri
Scuola di lingua inglese
Escolas de linguas do Reino Unido
Scoileanna Teanga na Ríochta Aontaithe
Mipingo ya Zinenero za UK
Lëtzebuergesch Sprooche Schulen
  18 Hits www.xplora.org  
Eвропейската Училищна Мрежа (EУМ) е международно партньорство на 28 министерства на образованието в Европа, което предлага важни образователни портали за обучение, преподаване и съвместно сътрудничество между училищата в Европа.
European Schoolnet (EUN) is an international partnership of 28 ministries of education in Europe, providing major European education portals for teaching, learning and school collaboration. European Schoolnet also develops insight into educational use of ICT (Information and Communications Technologies) in Europe, for policy-makers and education professionals.
European Schoolnet (EUN) est un partenariat international unique qui regroupe 28 ministères de l’Éducation en Europe. EUN développe des portails européens pour l’enseignement, l’apprentissage et la coopération. Aux décideurs politiques et aux professionnels de l’éducation, EUN offre également une vision d’ensemble de l’utilisation pédagogique des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication pour l’Enseignement (TICE) en Europe.
European Schoolnet (EUN) ist eine internationale Partnerschaft zwischen 28 europäischen Ministerien für Bildung und Erziehung, die bedeutende europäische Bildungsportale für LehrerInnen, SchülerInnen und Schulkooperationen bietet. European Schoolnet untersucht den Einsatz von IKT (Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien) in Europa für EntscheidungsträgerInnen und BildungsexpertInnen.
European Schoolnet (EUN) es una sociedad de 28 ministerios de educación europeos que dispone de los principales portales de Europa para la enseñanza, el aprendizaje y la colaboración escolar en Europa. European Schoolnet promueve también entre los responsables políticos y los profesionales de la educación el uso pedagógico de las nuevas tecnologías TIC (Tecnologías de la informacción y la comunicación) para la educación en Europa.
European Schoolnet (EUN) nasce dalla collaborazione internazionale di 28 ministeri dell'istruzione europei e gestisce i più importanti portali europei che si occupano di istruzione, apprendimento e collaborazione tra le scuole. European Schoolnet sviluppa dall'interno l'utilizzo pedagogico delle TIC (Tecnologie dell'Informazione e della Comunicazione) in Europa per politici e addetti del settore dell'educazione.
A European Schoolnet (EUN) é uma parceria internacional de 28 Ministérios da Educação da Europa, que disponibiliza importantes portais de Educação Europeus para o ensino, aprendizagem e colaboração entre escolas. A European Schoolnet desenvolve também análise no âmbito do uso das TIC (Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação) para fins educativos na Europa, para responsáveis por políticas e profissionais de educação..
Το European Schoolnet (EUN) είναι μια διεθνής συνεργασία 28 υπουργείων παιδείας της Ευρώπης, και παρέχει σημαντικές ευρωπαϊκές εκπαιδευτικές δικτυακές πύλες για τη διδασκαλία, τη μάθηση και τη σχολική συνεργασία. Το European Schoolnet οργανώνει εκδηλώσεις για την εκπαιδευτική χρήση των ICT (Τεχνολογίες πληροφόρησης και επικοινωνίας) στην Ευρώπη για εκείνους που σχεδιάζουν πολιτικές και για επαγγελματίες εκπαίδευσης
European Schoolnet (EUN) is een internationaal samenwerkingsverband van 28 ministeries van onderwijs in Europa, dat belangrijke Europese onderwijsportalen biedt voor het lesgeven, leren en samenwerking tussen scholen. European Schoolnet ontwikkelt ook inzicht in het onderwijskundig gebruik van ICT (Informatie- en Communicatietechnologieën) in Europa, voor beleidsmakers en onderwijsprofessionals.
European Schoolnet (EUN) je mezinárodní společenství 28 ministerstev školství Evropy, které provozuje důležité evropské vzdělávací portály sloužící potřebám výuky, učení a spolupráce mezi školami. European Schoolnet rovněž pracuje na tom, aby političtí činitelé a profesionálové v oblasti vzdělávání pochopili, jak zásadní význam má využívání ICT (informačních a komunikačních technologií) v evropském školství.
Europæisk Skolenet (EUN) er en international sammenslutning af 28 europæiske undervisningsministerier, som formidler portaler indenfor undervisning, læring og skolesamarbejde. Europæisk Skolenet arbejder ligeledes med udvikling af viden om og indsigt i brugen af IKT (Informations- og Kommunikationsteknologi) i undervisningen i Europa, specielt rettet mod politiske beslutningstagere og fagfolk i undervisningssektoren.
European Schoolnet (EUN) on rahvusvaheline partnerlusasutus, mis ühendab 28 Euroopa haridusministeeriumi. EUN haldab suuri Euroopa haridusportaale, mis on mõeldud õppimiseks, õpetamiseks ja koolide koostööks. European Schoolnet edendab ka ICT (info- ja kommunikatsioonitehnoloogia) lõimimist haridusse Euroopas, mis on mõeldud otsustajatele ja asjatundlikele haridusametnikele.
European Schoolnet (EUN) on kansainvälinen 28 eurooppalaisen opetusministeriön kumppanuushanke, joka mahdollistaa suurten eurooppalaisten opetusportaalien käytön opetuksessa, oppimisessa ja koulujen yhteishankkeissa. European Schoolnet välittää myös tietoa päättäjille ja opetuksen ammattilaisille Euroopassa opetuksen osana käytettävästä tieto- ja viestintätekniikasta (ICT).
Az Európai Iskolahálózat (EUN) (EUN) egy olyan egyedülálló non-profit nemzetközi szervezet, amelynek munkájában 28 európai ország oktatási minisztériuma vesz részt. Az EUN európai oktatási honlapokkal és innovatív technológiákkal igyekszik új irányt adni az iskolai oktatásnak. Az Európai Iskolahálózat az IKT (Infokommunikációs technológiák) iskolai használatát ösztönzi Európa szerte, mind a politikai döntéshozók, mind pedig az oktatási szakértők körében.
„European Schoolnet” (EUN) yra 28 Europos šalių švietimo ministerijų partnerystė, kurios tikslas kurti mokymui, mokymuisi ir mokyklų bendradarbiavimui skirtus svarbiausius Europos edukacinius portalus. „European Schoolnet” siekia, kad Europoje sprendimus priimantys žmonės bei švietimo darbuotojai plačiau naudotų IKT (informacines komunikacines technologijas).
European Schoolnet (EUN) jest międzynarodowym partnerstwem 28 ministerstw edukacji w Europie, udostępniającym największe europejskie portale edukacyjne nakierowane na nauczanie, uczenie się i współpracę szkolną. European Schoolnet rozwija także zrozumienie edukacyjnego wykorzystania ICT (Technologii Informacyjno-Komunikacyjnych) w Europie wśród osób odpowiedzialnych za politykę oświatową oraz pracowników sektora edukacji.
European Schoolnet (EUN) este un consorţiu format din 28 de Ministere ale Educaţiei din Europa, care pune la dispoziţie portaluri educaţionale europene, utile în predare, învăţare şi colaborare şcolară. De asemenea, European Schoolnet le facilitează factorilor de decizie şi specialiştilor din domeniul educaţional o mai bună cunoastere a folosirii TIC (Tehnologia Informaţiei şi Comunicaţiilor) în educaţie.
Európska sieť škôl (EUN) predstavuje medzinárodné partnerstvo 28 ministerstiev školstva v Európe, riadi hlavné európske edukačné portály určené pre vzdelávanie a spoluprácu škôl. Európska sieť škôl má okrem iného prehľad o tom, ako sa v Európe využíva IKT (informačno-komunikačné technológie) na vzdelávacie účely, čo je predmetom záujmu zákonodarcov a odborníkov z oblasti vzdelávania.
European Schoolnet (EUN) je mednarodno partnerstvo, ki združuje 28 evropskih ministrstev za šolstvo in ponuja najpomembnejše izobraževalne portale za poučevanje, učenje in medšolsko sodelovanje. European Schoolnet za zakonodajalce in strokovnjake s področja šolstva pripravlja tudi preglede uporabe IKT (informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije) v izobraževalne namene v Evropi.
Europeiska skoldatanätet (EUN) är ett internationellt partnerskap av 28 utbildningsdepartement i Europa, som står för stora europeiska utbildningsportaler för undervisning, inlärning och skolsamarbete. Europeiska skoldatanätet utvecklar också insikter i pedagogisk användning av IKT (information och kommunikationsteknik) i Europa för beslutsfattare och utbildningsansvariga.
European Schoolnet (EUN) ir starptautiska partnerattiecību organizācija, kas sastāv no 28 izglītības ministrijām Eiropā, un kas nodrošina lielākos Eiropas izglītojošos portālus mācību nolūkiem un skolu sadarbībai. European Schoolnet arī attīsta ieskatu IKT (Informācijas un komunikāciju tehnoloģijas) izglītojošajā pielietojumā Eiropā politikas veidotājiem un izglītības profesionāļiem.
European Schoolnet (EUN) hija sħubija internazzjonali ta’ 28 ministeru ta’ l-Edukazzjoni fl-Ewropa, li tipprovdi portali ewlenin Ewropej għat-tagħlim u l-kollaborazzjoni bejn l-iskejjel. European Schoolnet tiżviluppa wkoll tagħrif dwar l-użu ta’ l-ICT (it-Teknoloġiji ta’ l-Informazzjoni u l-Komunikazzjoni) fl-Ewropa, għal dawk li jfasslu l-politiki u l-professjonisti ta’ l-edukazzjoni.
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
Oregon becomes the first state to open up Google Apps for Education to public schools throughout the state.
L’Oregon devient le premier État américain à utiliser Google Apps for Education pour ses écoles publiques.
Oregon wird der erste Bundesstaat, in dem Google Apps for Education für alle öffentlichen Schulen zur Verfügung steht.
Oregón se convierte en el primer estado de EE.UU. que distribuye Google Apps for Education entre los centros públicos estatales.
L’Oregon diventa il primo stato a rendere disponibile Google Apps for Education per le scuole pubbliche dello stato.
أصبحت "أوريغون" أول ولاية تفتتح Google Apps for Education في المدارس العامة على مستوى الولاية.
Το Όρεγκον γίνεται η πρώτη πολιτεία των ΗΠΑ που χρησιμοποιεί τα Google Apps for Education σε δημόσια σχολεία σε όλη την πολιτεία.
Oregon wordt de eerste staat die Google Apps for Education vrijgeeft aan openbare scholen in de hele staat.
オレゴン州が初めて、州内のすべての公立学校に Google Apps for Education を導入。
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregon es converteix en el primer estat que distribueix Google Apps for Education a les escoles públiques de tot el territori.
Oregon postaje prva savezna država koja otvara Google Apps for Education javnim školama širom države.
Oregon se stává prvním státem, který zpřístupňuje službu Google Apps pro školy veřejným školám na celém území státu.
Oregon bliver den første amerikanske delstat, der åbner op for Google Apps for Education til offentlige skoler i hele delstaten.
Oregonista tulee ensimmäinen osavaltio, joka ottaa käyttöön Google Apps for Education -sovellukset kaikissa julkisissa kouluissa.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
Oregon lesz az első állam, amely hozzáférhetővé teszi a Google Apps iskoláknak alkalmazást a köziskolák számára az egész államban.
Oregon menjadi negara bagian pertama yang membuka Google Apps for Education untuk sekolah umum di seluruh negara bagian tersebut.
오리건주에서 최초로 주 전역의 공립학교에 Google Apps for Education을 도입합니다.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon blir den første staten som starter Google Apps for Education på offentlige skoler over hele staten.
Oregon staje się pierwszym stanem, w którym wprowadzono usługę Google Apps dla Szkół i Uczelni w szkołach publicznych w całym stanie.
Oregon devine primul stat care face accesibil Google Apps for Education pentru şcolile publice din întregul stat.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Oregon sa stáva prvým štátom, ktorý sprístupňuje službu Google Apps for Education verejným školám na celom území štátu.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
Oregon blir först i USA med att erbjuda Google Apps for Education för allmänna skolor runt om i delstaten.
โอเรกอนเป็นรัฐแรกที่เปิด Google Apps for Education สำหรับโรงเรียนรัฐทุกแห่งทั่วทั้งรัฐนี้
Oregon, sınırları içindeki tüm devlet okulları için Google Apps for Education hizmetini açan ilk eyalet oldu.
Oregon trở thành bang đầu tiên cung cấp Google Apps for Education cho các trường công lập trên toàn bang.
אורגון הופכת למדינה הראשונה שפותחת את Google Apps for Education לבתי ספר ציבוריים ברחבי המדינה.
Oregona kļūst par pirmo štatu, kurā pieejams pakalpojums Google Apps for Education valsts skolām visā štatā.
Орегон стає першим штатом, що відкрив Google Apps for Education для державних шкіл у всьому штаті.
Oregon menjadi negeri pertama yang membuka Google Apps for Education untuk sekolah awam di seluruh negeri.
Орегон става първият щат, който предоставя Google Apps for Education за обществените училища в щата.
L’Oregon diventa il primo stato a rendere disponibile Google Apps for Education per le scuole pubbliche dello stato.
أصبحت "أوريغون" أول ولاية تفتتح Google Apps for Education في المدارس العامة على مستوى الولاية.
اورگن اولین ایالتی بود که Google Apps for Education را در اختیار مدارس دولتی سراسر ایالت قرار داد.
Oregonista tulee ensimmäinen osavaltio, joka ottaa käyttöön Google Apps for Education -sovellukset kaikissa julkisissa kouluissa.
ऑरेगॉन, पूरे राज्‍य के शासकीय विद्यालयों में Google Apps for Education प्रारंभ करने वाला पहला राज्‍य बना.
오리건주에서 최초로 주 전역의 공립학교에 Google Apps for Education을 도입합니다.
Oregonas tampa pirmąja valstija, kurios viešosiose mokyklose atidaroma „Google Apps for Education“.
Oregon blir den første staten som starter Google Apps for Education på offentlige skoler over hele staten.
Oregon devine primul stat care face accesibil Google Apps for Education pentru şcolile publice din întregul stat.
Орегон становится первым штатом, в котором все школы получают доступ к службам Google Apps для учебных заведений.
Oregon sa stáva prvým štátom, ktorý sprístupňuje službu Google Apps for Education verejným školám na celom území štátu.
Oregon postane prva država, ki omogoči uporabo storitve Google Apps for Education v javnih šolah po vsej državi.
אורגון הופכת למדינה הראשונה שפותחת את Google Apps for Education לבתי ספר ציבוריים ברחבי המדינה.
Проектът, озаглавен: „В хармония със себе си и със света,“ ще инвестира 384 098 лв. (195 000 евро) в редица дейности, включително музикoтерапия, куклен театър, художествени умения и грънчарство, езда и спортни занимания за децата.Дейностите ще бъдат осигурени за 500 деца, 100 от които със специални потребности, за техните родители и учители.В проекта участват девет училища и детски градини, а 30 учители ще бъдат обучени за работа с деца със специални потребности от експерти от Софийския университет.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
Le village bulgare de Dimitrovgrad lance un projet cofinancé par le FSE visant à aider les enfants ayant des besoins éducatifs spéciaux. Ce projet, baptisé «En harmonie avec nous-mêmes et avec le monde», consiste à investir 384 098 BGN (195 000 EUR) dans une série d'activités: thérapie musicale, théâtre de marionnettes, ateliers artistiques et de poterie, équitation, sports pour enfants, etc. 500 enfants - dont 100 présentant des besoins particuliers - profiteront de ces activités, de même que leurs parents et enseignants. Neuf écoles et crèches prennent part à ce projet et 30 enseignants recevront une formation sur le travail avec les enfants ayant des besoins spécifiques, dispensée par des experts de l'université de Sofia.
Die bulgarische Stadt Dimitrovgrad ruft ein durch den ESF kofinanziertes Projekt ins Leben, um Kindern mit besonderen Bildungsbedürfnissen zu helfen. Das Projekt nennt sich „Im Einklang mit uns selbst und der Welt“ und investiert 384 098 BGN (195 000 EUR) in eine Reihe von Aktivitäten wie Musiktherapie, Puppentheater, künstlerische Betätigung und Töpfern sowie Pferdereiten und Sport für die Kinder. Die Aktivitäten stehen 500 Kindern zur Verfügung – 100 davon mit besonderen Bedürfnissen –, wobei auch Eltern und Lehrer teilnehmen werden. Neun Schulen und Kindergärten sind Teil des Projekts, und 30 Lehrer erhalten von Fachleuten der Universität Sofia Weiterbildung für die Arbeit mit Kindern mit besonderen Bildungsbedürfnissen.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
The Bulgarian town of Dimitrovgrad is launching an ESF co-funded project to help children with special educational needs. Called ‘In harmony with ourselves and with the world’, the project is investing BGN 384 098 (EUR 195 000) in a series of activities, including music therapy, puppet theatre, artistic skills and pottery making, horse riding and sports for the children. The activities will be provided for 500 children – 100 with particular needs – their parents and teachers. Nine schools and nurseries are taking part, and 30 teachers will receive training in working with special needs children by experts from Sofia University.
  73 Hits www.xperimania.net  
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