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Keybot 3 Results  www.city.kashihara.nara.jp
  VIPole: Регистрация  
8 и более символов, или менее 8, но как минимум, 1 цифра и 1 буква
Choose your login, minimum 8 letters or combine letters and numbers.
  Не получается зарегистр...  
Логин может состоять только из латинских букв и цифр. При использовании только букв логин должен быть не менее 8 символов. Если вы используете буквы и цифры, то логин должен быть от 4 символов.
The login must be at least 8 characters long if you use only letters, or at least 4 if it contains letters and numbers.
The login must be at least 8 characters long if you use only letters, or at least 4 if it contains letters and numbers.
The login must be at least 8 characters long if you use only letters, or at least 4 if it contains letters and numbers.
The login must be at least 8 characters long if you use only letters, or at least 4 if it contains letters and numbers.
The login must be at least 8 characters long if you use only letters, or at least 4 if it contains letters and numbers.
The login must be at least 8 characters long if you use only letters, or at least 4 if it contains letters and numbers.
The login must be at least 8 characters long if you use only letters, or at least 4 if it contains letters and numbers.
  Что такое VIPole ID?  
VIPole ID – это логин пользователя, который вы указали при регистрации. Это уникальное сочетание букв и цифр, необходимое для идентификации пользователя в системе. Чтобы найти пользователя и добавить его в список контактов, необходимо знать его ID.
VIPole ID is the login of the user you have specified during registration. This is a unique combination of letters and numbers necessary to identify the user in the system. To find a user and add him to the contact list, you need to know his ID.
VIPole ID is the login of the user you have specified during registration. This is a unique combination of letters and numbers necessary to identify the user in the system. To find a user and add him to the contact list, you need to know his ID.
VIPole ID is the login of the user you have specified during registration. This is a unique combination of letters and numbers necessary to identify the user in the system. To find a user and add him to the contact list, you need to know his ID.
VIPole ID is the login of the user you have specified during registration. This is a unique combination of letters and numbers necessary to identify the user in the system. To find a user and add him to the contact list, you need to know his ID.
VIPole ID is the login of the user you have specified during registration. This is a unique combination of letters and numbers necessary to identify the user in the system. To find a user and add him to the contact list, you need to know his ID.
VIPole ID is the login of the user you have specified during registration. This is a unique combination of letters and numbers necessary to identify the user in the system. To find a user and add him to the contact list, you need to know his ID.
VIPole ID is the login of the user you have specified during registration. This is a unique combination of letters and numbers necessary to identify the user in the system. To find a user and add him to the contact list, you need to know his ID.