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Keybot 3 Results  calligraphy-expo.com
  БРИМ Гуннлаугур Междуна...  
Время шло. И в бизнесе, и в правительственных структурах печатные машинки пришли на смену писцам. Но их мастерство и красота их ремесла не были забыты. Людям нравились красиво оформленные рукописные тексты, и они получали от них удовольствие.
Time passed. In business and government, typewriters replaced pens. But the skills and the aesthetics that surrounded them were not abandoned. People liked beautiful writing and adopted it for their own pleasure. Calligraphy took its place among the decorative arts. It was nurtured by great teachers, such as Edward Johnston in Britain, Rudolf von Larisch in Austria, and Rudolf Koch in Germany. There was a new beginning.
  Каллиграфия: жить молит...  
Икбал даже решил заняться инжинирингом. Тем не менее, время шло, его тяга к искусству стала очевидной, и позже он понял, что именно искусство было его истинным призванием. Мечта его матери, в конце концов, и привела его к работе с различными материалами, чтобы впоследствии создать из них фреску.
Born and raised in Mian Channu, Punjab, Iqbal’s love for art lay dormant in his early years and the unexplored artist within him tried to find solace by helping his father in their local wooden furniture business and even decided to take up pre-engineering in his youth. However, as time went by, his inclination towards art became apparent and he later realized that art was his true calling. It was his mother’s dream that finally led him to pick up various different materials and create a mural with them.
  Карандаш Международная ...  
Шло время. В 1794 году французским изобретателем и учёным Николя Жаком Контэ был изобретён первый современный карандаш. Английским парламентом в конце XVIII века был введён запрет на вывоз графита из графства Камберленд, нарушение которого могло караться смертной казнью.
Time passed. In 1794 French scientist and inventor Nicola Jacques Conte invented first modern pencil. Parliament of England in the end of XVIII century prohibited slate exports from  Kamberland county, otherwise violators could be punished to death. Nevertheless, slate smuggling delivered гit to continental Europe that lead to rise in prices. So Convent of France ordered Conte to elaborate technology of combining powdered slate, clay, farina, smut and water in order to produce high-quality  holder. Due to high-temperature processing real hardness was achieved,  change in proportions allowed to produce holders of various hardness, that is now the basis of pencil hardness classification.