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Keybot 29 Results
  Cwm Phillip Valley  
Mae aeron celyn a chriafol (aeron cerddin) yn dda fel byrbrydau hydrefol i adar, megis y ji-binc yn y llun.
The berries of holly and rowan provide an autumn snack for birds, such as the chaffinch in the picture.
  Y Llyn Newydd  
Yn ystod y gaeaf, daw llawer o adar dŵr i'r llyn. Ymhlith y rhai mwyaf cyffredin y mae'r hwyaden bengoch a'r hwyaden lwyd.
During the winter many waterfowl come to the pond. Pochard and gadwall ducks seen commonly
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae mamoliaid ac adar bach yn chwlio am gynhesrwydd mewn tai, tai mâs a siediau
Foxes become noisy as their breeding season begins
  Furzemill Pond  
Mae'r llystyfiant amrywiol yn darparu llawer o fannau i adar nythu. Dyma nyth bronfraith.
The range of vegetation provides many places for birds to nest. Here is a song thrush nest.
  Golygfa o'r Pulpud  
Yr aderyn mawr du a welir weithiau o'r Pulpud yw brân fwyaf Prydain, y gigfran. Mae'r cerrynt aer sy'n llifo o'r llethrau serth yn helpu'r adar hyn i godi, ac yn aml, gellir eu gweld yn arddangos eu campau hedfan.
The big blackbird you may see from the Pulpit viewpoint is Britain’s largest crow, the Raven. The updraft from the steep slope provides them with great lift, they can put on a remarkable aerobatic show.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae niferoedd adar y to yn lleihau 25 y cant mewn blwyddyn... Mae dirywiad syfrdanol adar y to yn Llundain yn dal i ddigwydd, mae ffigurau newydd yn datgelu'r gwir stori. Dilynwyd y lleihad o 59 y cant mewn niferoedd rhwng 1994 a 2000 gan leihad o 25 y cant, gyda llawer o bobl Lundain yn gweld adar y to yn diflannu o'u gerddi rhwng 2000 a 2001 yn ôl yr Ymddiriedolaeth Adareg Brydeinig.
Watch for goldfinches visiting the fruit heads of dead teasels. With longer and narrower bills than other finches goldfinches are able to get at the seeds. An area of teasels can act as and important feeding resource for a flock throughout the winter. An abundance of seed along the farm trail encourages finches to abandon their territory and form mixed flocks. Usually these contain a few hundred birds but if conditions worsen these flocks can collect together resulting in enormous flocks, which move over several good feeding areas. The abundance of beech mast this year will delight chaffinches and the occasional brambling. Buntings sometimes feed together in large groups, but usually join flocks of finches. Because there are so many pairs of eyes watching for danger, feeding in a flock is safer than foraging alone.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae'r adar gardd arferol mewn gwell sefyllfa fel arfer am eu bod eisoes yn cymryd bwyd o fwydwyr. Os bydd y tywydd yn oeri, helpwch y drywod, llwydiaid y berth a'r tinsiglod brith drwy roi caws caled wedi'i gratio allan ar eu cyfer, ond dim gormod!
This month is always good for snow; even the thinnest layer allows you to see some signs of activity that would otherwise go unnoticed. Get out early before the sun melts the tracks and pick up any trail that you find. As well as their route you should be able to pick up signs of feeding, droppings and other clues as to what they have been up to!
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae eu plu cynffon hir a'u hadenydd byr a chrwn wedi'u dylunio er mwyn gallu gwneud llawer o symudiadau a hela mewn hyrddiadau byr a sydyn. Maent yn addas iawn ar gyfer hedfan mewn deiliach tew. Gyda phoblogaeth yn y DU o fwy na 30,000 y gwalch glas yw un o'r adar ysglyfaethus mwyaf niferus, yn ail i'r cudyll coch.
Raptors. The sparse winter vegetation makes it easier to spot the 'butchering blocks' or plucking posts of birds of prey such as goshawks and sparrowhawks. Look for prominent stumps, rocky outcrops and fencepost smattered with blood and feathers. The sparrowhawk and larger much rarer goshawk have similar distinctive profiles. Their long tail feathers and short rounded wings are designed for high manoeuvrability and short sharp hunting bursts. They are well suited to flying in dense foliage. With the UK population of more than 30,000 the sparrowhawk if one of our most numerous birds of prey, second only to the Kestrel.
  Y Llyn Newydd  
Yn yr haf, daw haid o wyddau Canada yno i nythu ar yr ynys. Am sawl blwyddyn erbyn hyn, mae gŵydd India wedi aros gyda hwy. Mae'r un adar yn dychwelyd bob blwyddyn.
In the summer a large flock of canada geese nest on the island. For several years an unusual bar-headed goose has stayed with them. The same birds return each year.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae cudyllod gleision yn aml yn ymweld a’r Parc, mae’r rhieni’n aml yn pasio bwyd i’r rhai ifanc yn yr awyr, ac mae arddangosfeydd awyrol yr adar yma yn anodd eu curo. Mwynhewch yr heulwen, eisteddwch nôl a gwyliwch!!!
Peregrine falcons often visit the park, the parents often pass food to the youngsters in mid air, and the aerial displays of these birds are hard to beat.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Y mae ein criafol yn llawn ffrwythau coch llachar ac y mae'r mwyar duon yn dechrau aeddfedu. Y mae'n gyfnod hanfodol ar gyfer llawer o'n rhywogaethau adar a mamaliaid. Maent yn brysur yn pesgi eu hunain ar gyfer gaeafgwsg neu fudo.
Some of our Elders are starting to turn yellow showing that the autumn is rolling in. It will be the horse chestnut and beech next. Of course, autumn is the time for fruits. Already our rowan trees are laden with bright red fruit and the blackberries are starting to ripen. It is an essential time for many of our bird and mammal species. They are busy fattening themselves up for hibernation or migration. The hedgerow feast may seem like a one sides relationship but it is amazing how far animals will disperse a fruit's seed. Remember how often a white laundry day can be ruined by visits from blackbirds, starlings and thrushes.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae niferoedd adar y to yn lleihau 25 y cant mewn blwyddyn... Mae dirywiad syfrdanol adar y to yn Llundain yn dal i ddigwydd, mae ffigurau newydd yn datgelu'r gwir stori. Dilynwyd y lleihad o 59 y cant mewn niferoedd rhwng 1994 a 2000 gan leihad o 25 y cant, gyda llawer o bobl Lundain yn gweld adar y to yn diflannu o'u gerddi rhwng 2000 a 2001 yn ôl yr Ymddiriedolaeth Adareg Brydeinig.
Watch for goldfinches visiting the fruit heads of dead teasels. With longer and narrower bills than other finches goldfinches are able to get at the seeds. An area of teasels can act as and important feeding resource for a flock throughout the winter. An abundance of seed along the farm trail encourages finches to abandon their territory and form mixed flocks. Usually these contain a few hundred birds but if conditions worsen these flocks can collect together resulting in enormous flocks, which move over several good feeding areas. The abundance of beech mast this year will delight chaffinches and the occasional brambling. Buntings sometimes feed together in large groups, but usually join flocks of finches. Because there are so many pairs of eyes watching for danger, feeding in a flock is safer than foraging alone.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae niferoedd adar y to yn lleihau 25 y cant mewn blwyddyn... Mae dirywiad syfrdanol adar y to yn Llundain yn dal i ddigwydd, mae ffigurau newydd yn datgelu'r gwir stori. Dilynwyd y lleihad o 59 y cant mewn niferoedd rhwng 1994 a 2000 gan leihad o 25 y cant, gyda llawer o bobl Lundain yn gweld adar y to yn diflannu o'u gerddi rhwng 2000 a 2001 yn ôl yr Ymddiriedolaeth Adareg Brydeinig.
Watch for goldfinches visiting the fruit heads of dead teasels. With longer and narrower bills than other finches goldfinches are able to get at the seeds. An area of teasels can act as and important feeding resource for a flock throughout the winter. An abundance of seed along the farm trail encourages finches to abandon their territory and form mixed flocks. Usually these contain a few hundred birds but if conditions worsen these flocks can collect together resulting in enormous flocks, which move over several good feeding areas. The abundance of beech mast this year will delight chaffinches and the occasional brambling. Buntings sometimes feed together in large groups, but usually join flocks of finches. Because there are so many pairs of eyes watching for danger, feeding in a flock is safer than foraging alone.
  Cwm Phillip Valley  
Yn aml gwelir adar ysglyfaethus yn hela ar hyd y dorlan. Cudyll coch gwryw yw hwn.
Birds of prey can often be seen hunting along the bank. This is a male Kestrel.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Yn y mis nesaf neu ddau dylem wybod p'un a yw hwn yn 'aeaf aden gwyr' - blwyddyn pan fo tywydd gwael yn gyrru heidiau o'r adar hardd yma allan o Sgandinafia a thraw i Brydain i chwilio am fwyd. Gyda'u cribau pinc a'r darnau coch ar eu hadenydd cwyr, gall yr adar hyn ddod â chip ar yr egsotig i ddiwrnod diflas.
In the next month or so we should know whether this is a 'waxwing winter' - a year when severe weather drives flocks of these beautiful birds out of Scandinavia and across to Britain in search of food. With their pink crests and red, waxy wing patches, these birds can bring a touch of the exotic to a dull day. Roving flocks can be seen on the lookout for berries. We have never had a recording of Waxwings in the park but they have been seen in previous years in Porthcawl and Pyle. Fingers crossed this year; it's always great to keep your eyes peeled for the more unusual species. If you see anything you are not sure of please let us know.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae niferoedd adar y to yn lleihau 25 y cant mewn blwyddyn... Mae dirywiad syfrdanol adar y to yn Llundain yn dal i ddigwydd, mae ffigurau newydd yn datgelu'r gwir stori. Dilynwyd y lleihad o 59 y cant mewn niferoedd rhwng 1994 a 2000 gan leihad o 25 y cant, gyda llawer o bobl Lundain yn gweld adar y to yn diflannu o'u gerddi rhwng 2000 a 2001 yn ôl yr Ymddiriedolaeth Adareg Brydeinig.
Watch for goldfinches visiting the fruit heads of dead teasels. With longer and narrower bills than other finches goldfinches are able to get at the seeds. An area of teasels can act as and important feeding resource for a flock throughout the winter. An abundance of seed along the farm trail encourages finches to abandon their territory and form mixed flocks. Usually these contain a few hundred birds but if conditions worsen these flocks can collect together resulting in enormous flocks, which move over several good feeding areas. The abundance of beech mast this year will delight chaffinches and the occasional brambling. Buntings sometimes feed together in large groups, but usually join flocks of finches. Because there are so many pairs of eyes watching for danger, feeding in a flock is safer than foraging alone.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae niferoedd adar y to yn lleihau 25 y cant mewn blwyddyn... Mae dirywiad syfrdanol adar y to yn Llundain yn dal i ddigwydd, mae ffigurau newydd yn datgelu'r gwir stori. Dilynwyd y lleihad o 59 y cant mewn niferoedd rhwng 1994 a 2000 gan leihad o 25 y cant, gyda llawer o bobl Lundain yn gweld adar y to yn diflannu o'u gerddi rhwng 2000 a 2001 yn ôl yr Ymddiriedolaeth Adareg Brydeinig.
Watch for goldfinches visiting the fruit heads of dead teasels. With longer and narrower bills than other finches goldfinches are able to get at the seeds. An area of teasels can act as and important feeding resource for a flock throughout the winter. An abundance of seed along the farm trail encourages finches to abandon their territory and form mixed flocks. Usually these contain a few hundred birds but if conditions worsen these flocks can collect together resulting in enormous flocks, which move over several good feeding areas. The abundance of beech mast this year will delight chaffinches and the occasional brambling. Buntings sometimes feed together in large groups, but usually join flocks of finches. Because there are so many pairs of eyes watching for danger, feeding in a flock is safer than foraging alone.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Yn y mis nesaf neu ddau dylem wybod p'un a yw hwn yn 'aeaf aden gwyr' - blwyddyn pan fo tywydd gwael yn gyrru heidiau o'r adar hardd yma allan o Sgandinafia a thraw i Brydain i chwilio am fwyd. Gyda'u cribau pinc a'r darnau coch ar eu hadenydd cwyr, gall yr adar hyn ddod â chip ar yr egsotig i ddiwrnod diflas.
In the next month or so we should know whether this is a 'waxwing winter' - a year when severe weather drives flocks of these beautiful birds out of Scandinavia and across to Britain in search of food. With their pink crests and red, waxy wing patches, these birds can bring a touch of the exotic to a dull day. Roving flocks can be seen on the lookout for berries. We have never had a recording of Waxwings in the park but they have been seen in previous years in Porthcawl and Pyle. Fingers crossed this year; it's always great to keep your eyes peeled for the more unusual species. If you see anything you are not sure of please let us know.
  Dyddiadur Ceidwad Cefn ...  
Mae llawer o adar ysglyfaethus ifanc eleni wedi gadael y nyth, mae ganddynt llawer i’w ddysgu o hyd. Mae tylluanod brech ifanc, yn edrych fel corachod pluog lletchwith, yn aml i’w gweld yng ngolau dydd yn eistedd mewn llefydd amlwg.
Many of this years young raptors (birds of prey) have left the nest, they still have much to learn. Young tawny owls, looking like awkward feathered gnomes, are often found in daylight perched in obvious places. Please leave them should you find one, the parents are usually keeping an eye on their unruly youngsters.