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  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
5 ffordd o helpu adar sy'n nythu
5 ways to help nesting birds
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Mae adar Cymru dan fygythiad ac mae angen eich cymorth chi arnynt oherwydd prinder adnoddau, datgoedwigo ac arferion diwydiannol trwm
Bird life in Wales is under threat and needs your protection from resource scarcity, deforestation and heavy industrial practices
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
WT - Ditectif Adar yr Ardd
WT - Garden Bird Detective
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Prin y mae rhai cynefinoedd sy'n cynnal nythfeydd adar môr, megis ym Môn a sir Benfro, wedi newid ers miloedd o flynyddoedd.
Some habitats favoured by seabird colonies, such as Anglesey and Pembrokeshire, have undergone little change for thousands of years.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Mae bwydo adar yn rhoi llawer o foddhad ac yn eu helpu i oroesi'r gaeaf a bwydo eu cywion yn yr haf. Mae gwahanol adar yn hoffi gwahanol fwydydd, mwy yma.
Feeding the birds is very rewarding and helps them to survive the winter and feed their young in the summer. Different birds like different foods, find more here.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Gwneud nyth adar:
Build a nest box:
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Mae bwydo adar yn rhoi llawer o foddhad ac yn eu helpu i oroesi'r gaeaf a bwydo eu cywion yn yr haf. Mae gwahanol adar yn hoffi gwahanol fwydydd, mwy yma.
Feeding the birds is very rewarding and helps them to survive the winter and feed their young in the summer. Different birds like different foods, find more here.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Bwydo'r adar:
Feed the birds:
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Cynefinoedd Adar yng Nghymru
Bird Habitats in Wales
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Plannwch lwyni (gwrych bach!). Mae lloches yn bwysig i fywyd gwyllt ac mae llwyni yn cynnig llefydd tywyll, llaith i bryfed, lloches a bwyd i adar a chartref a bwyd i ddraenogod. Mae llwyni a gwrychoedd hefyd yn darparu coridor diogel i fywyd gwyllt.
Plant some shrubs (a mini hedge!). Cover is important for wildlife and shrub cover provides damp, dark areas for insects, a refuge and food opportunities for birds and home and foraging for the hedgehog. Shrubs and hedges also provide safe corridors for wildlife. Bats even use hedges as motorways- following them on their nightly routes as we would a road.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Roedd arwyddion clir o ddyfodiad y Gwanwyn yn ystod yr ymweliad yng ngolygfeydd a synau'r goedwig; roeddwn yn falch o weld eirlysiau'n dechrau ymddangos, brogaod yn gwarchod eu grifftoedd newydd, a chlywed adar yn swnllyd gasglu cyflenwadau i'w nythod (darparwyd yn dda ar eu cyfer â blychau adar wedi'u gwneud â llaw yn arbenigol, gan gynnwys i rywogaethau titw, brân goesgoch a thylluan frech).
There were clear signs of spring's arrival during my visit from the sights and sounds of the forest; I was happy to see snowdrops starting to poke their heads up, frogs guarding their new spawn, and hear birds noisily gathering nest supplies (who are well catered for with specialised handmade bird boxes, including for tit, chough and tawny owl species). Biodiversity surveys are conducted at specific times of year, with future plans to increase their scope, and the results are fed back into ongoing management plans.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Mae glaswelltir bras yn gynefin perffaith i'r Dylluan Wen gan ei fod yn darparu llawer mwy o gyfle i guddio (does dim haen o blanhigion marw mewn dôl gwair). Mae glaswelltir bras hefyd yn well o lawer i bryfed ac adar pryfysol na dôl gwair.
Rough grassland is a perfect habitat for Barn Owls because it provides a lot more cover (there's no litter-layer in a hay meadow). Rough grassland is also much better for insects and insectivorous birds than a hay meadow. Although rough grassland may be less flowery than a really good hay meadow, the wild flowers of rough grassland, the grasses, and the butterflies they support are beautiful. Find out how much good habitat Barn Owls need.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Weithiau y camau cyntaf tuag at wneud pethau cadarnhaol dros natur yw rhoi'r gorau i wneud pethau negyddol. Gall newidiadau bach hyd yn oed gael effaith fawr. Bydd pethau fel defnyddio compost heb fawnog ynddo, rhoi sborion allan i'r adar, a gadael tyllau ar gyfer creaduriaid bach yn rhoi budd i fyd natur yn ogystal ag i chi a'ch gwirfoddolwyr - fel y dengys y canllaw hwn.
Sometimes the first steps towards doing positive things for nature may simply be to stop doing negative things. Even slight changes can have very real impacts. Using peat-free compost, putting scraps out for the birds, leaving nooks and crannies for insects will benefit nature as well as you and your volunteers - as the following guide shows.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Ar y dudalen hon fe welwch rai o'n hoff fudiadau a all eich helpu i wneud rhywle yn fwy addas i fywyd gwyllt yn gyffredinol, ac os ydych am hybu un rhywogaeth yn arbennig mae yna ganllawiau mwy penodol ar gael yn ein hadrannau ar Adar, Mamaliaid, Pryfed ac infertebratau eraill, ac Amffibiaid, Ymlusgiaid a bywyd gwyllt arall mewn pwll dŵr.
There are many ways to become a champion for wildlife and numerous organisations to provide you with all the necessary advice. One of the best ways to help wildlife is to provide a habitat where animals are able to shelter and forage. On this page you will find some of our favourite organisations to help with general 'rewilding' and if you want to champion a particular species there are more specific guides available from our sections on Birds, Mammals, Insects and other Invertebrates, and Amphibians, Reptiles and other pond life .
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Dyw'r prinder bwyd sydd wedi diffeithio nythfeydd gwennol y môr, y carfil a'r wylan goesddu ar arfordir Môr y Gogledd hyd yma ddim wedi effeithio ar nythfeydd Cymru, gan wneud clogwyni arfordir Gogledd a Gorllewin Cymru yn hanfodol i oroesiad yr adar môr hyn ym Mhrydain.
The food shortages that have devastated tern, auk and kittiwake colonies on North Sea coasts so far haven't affected the Welsh colonies, making the seacliffs on the North and West Wales coast crucial to the UK survival of these seabirds. The Pembrokeshire islands hold large numbers of Manx shearwaters, storm-petrels, guillemots and razorbills, and include Grassholm with its 39,000 gannets that make it the third largest colony on the planet.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Roedd arwyddion clir o ddyfodiad y Gwanwyn yn ystod yr ymweliad yng ngolygfeydd a synau'r goedwig; roeddwn yn falch o weld eirlysiau'n dechrau ymddangos, brogaod yn gwarchod eu grifftoedd newydd, a chlywed adar yn swnllyd gasglu cyflenwadau i'w nythod (darparwyd yn dda ar eu cyfer â blychau adar wedi'u gwneud â llaw yn arbenigol, gan gynnwys i rywogaethau titw, brân goesgoch a thylluan frech).
There were clear signs of spring's arrival during my visit from the sights and sounds of the forest; I was happy to see snowdrops starting to poke their heads up, frogs guarding their new spawn, and hear birds noisily gathering nest supplies (who are well catered for with specialised handmade bird boxes, including for tit, chough and tawny owl species). Biodiversity surveys are conducted at specific times of year, with future plans to increase their scope, and the results are fed back into ongoing management plans.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Ond hyd yn oed heb yr anifeiliaid domestig hyn, gall garddwr unrhyw ardd, ni waeth beth yw ei maint, greu gardd sy'n denu creaduriaid cyffredin megis pryfed genwair, gwenyn, y fuwch goch gota, y mantis gweddïol, adar a chreaduriaid buddiol eraill, gan gynnwys rhai microbaidd yn y pridd.
The ideal biodynamic garden includes both plants and animals. A growing number of cities and suburbs now allow homeowners to keep small numbers of chickens, rabbits, beehives or even goats. But even without these domestic animals, creating a garden that attracts such common creatures as earthworms, bees, ladybugs, praying mantises, birds and other beneficial insects, including microbial ones in the soil, is something any small-scale gardener can do.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Mae'r rhain yn cynnwys cynefin glan llyn a dol blodau gwyllt. Mae canlyniadau hyn wedi bod yn addawol iawn gyda chynnydd sydyn yng nghyfraddau goroesi adar dŵr ifanc a chynnydd yn rhywogaethau gweision neidr.
It has the largest Welsh Government Glastir Woodland management programme in Wales and its habitats host otters, water voles, Kingfishers and a host of flora and fauna. A newly-created wildflower meadow with ponds supports hundreds of plants, dragonflies, reptiles and amphibian species.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Pa fath bynnag o fudiad treftadaeth rydych yn rhan ohono, boed yn fudiad i achub adar y môr neu long hynafol, rydym yma i alluogi'ch mudiad treftadaeth i lwyddo wrth godi arian.
WCVA, The Wales Council for Voluntary Action, supports and represents Wales' third sector, by campaigning for voluntary organisations, volunteers and communities.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Am fy mod wrthi'n astudio'r MSc mewn Cynaliadwyedd ac Addasiad yn y Ganolfan Dechnoleg Amgen, mae'r coetiroedd o gwmpas yn benodol o ystyrlon imi; pan fyddaf ar y safle, byddaf yn hoff o ddechrau'r bore cyn darlithiau drwy gerdded drwy'r coed, yn ceisio adnabod cennau a sylwi ar yr adar.
I believe volunteering opportunities and training courses such as these will provide future generations with a better appreciation and understanding of forests and how we can work with them to support ourselves, wildlife and the planet. As I am currently studying the MSc in Sustainability and Adaptation at CAT, the surrounding woodlands are particularly meaningful to me; when I am on site I like to start my mornings before lectures by walking through the trees, trying to identify lichens and catch up with the birds. In terms of CAT achieving its three main goals for the woodland (to enhance biodiversity, harvest useful products and share knowledge) it seems the careful management of Coed Gwern will continue to allow it to act as a workshop, school, playground, and retreat, without having to compromise its capacity to thrive as a wildlife habitat.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Gan ddefnyddio arian o arbedion a gafwyd o fenter ailgylchu, dechreuodd San Sior arni gyda chwe iâr a bellach mae ganddynt haid o dros gant o adar o sawl brid gwahanol; gan gynhyrchu 150 o wyau yr wythnos a gwrtaith ffrwythlon ar gyfer gerddi'r ysgol a'i pherllan.
Funded using savings gained from a recycling initiative, San Sior started with six chickens and now has a flock of over one hundred birds of many different breeds; producing 150 eggs a week and top-quality fertiliser for the school's allotment, flower garden and orchard. Children collect the eggs, feed and water the flock, incubate eggs in the classroom, care for newly hatched chicks and get their hands dirty.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Yn ystod Wythnos Ieir eu dosbarth, mae plant yn casglu'r wyau, yn rhoi bwyd a dŵr i'r adar, yn deor wyau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth, yn gofalu am gywion sydd newydd ddeor ac yn hapus i dorchi llewys a baeddu eu dwylo.
During their class's Chicken Week, children collect the eggs, feed and water the flock, incubate eggs in the classroom, care for newly hatched chicks and get their hands dirty. Each class does environmental learning during this time too - which means teachers can make the most of the time outdoors with curriculum activities based around the pond, orchard, vegetable patch and garden. The chickens make an enormous, and positive, impact on the children, giving them confidence, team work skills and a sense of ownership.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Gan ddefnyddio arian o arbedion a gafwyd o fenter ailgylchu, dechreuodd San Sior arni gyda chwe iâr a bellach mae ganddynt haid o dros gant o adar o sawl brid gwahanol; gan gynhyrchu 150 o wyau yr wythnos a gwrtaith ffrwythlon ar gyfer gerddi'r ysgol a'i pherllan.
Funded using savings gained from a recycling initiative, San Sior started with six chickens and now has a flock of over one hundred birds of many different breeds; producing 150 eggs a week and top-quality fertiliser for the school's allotment, flower garden and orchard. Children collect the eggs, feed and water the flock, incubate eggs in the classroom, care for newly hatched chicks and get their hands dirty.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Uchelgais Ian oedd i'r disgyblion ymddiddori yn yr ieir a chymryd cyfrifoldeb drostynt. "Roeddwn am iddynt ddod i ddeall yn llawn nid yn unig gylch bywyd ac o ble y daw'r ffynhonnell fwyd bwysig hon, ond hefyd sut i ofalu am yr adar hyn."
Ian's ambition was that the pupils should take an interest in - and a responsibility for - the chickens. "I wanted them to develop a full understanding not only of where a major source of food comes from, and the cycle of life, but also about how to care for these creatures too."
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Prosiect yng Ngheredigion yw Green Phoenix ac yn y 10 mlynedd diwethaf mae dros 200 o wirfoddolwyr wedi gweithio'n galed i drawsnewid tir planhigfa estron Coed Phoenix ym Mronnant yn warchodfa natur 'ardderchog' lle maent wedi cofnodi dros 1,000 o rywogaethau o blanhigion, adar, mamaliaid a phryfed, yr oedd llawer ohonynt yn rhai lleol, prin neu dan fygythiad.
Green Phoenix is a Ceredigion project that over the past 10 years has seen more than 200 volunteers working to transform the flagship Coed Phoenix non-native plantation site in Bronant into a 'fantastic' nature reserve where they have recorded more than 1,000 species of plants, birds, mammals and insects, many of which were local, scarce or under threat.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Fe'u ceir yn y rhan fwyaf o fathau o gynefinoedd, a bwrw bod yna gyflenwad o fwyd a llystyfiant addas i guddio ynddo. Mae'r rhan fwyaf ohonynt yn rhan bwysig o ddeiet cigysyddion mwy ac adar ysglyfaethus.
Small mammals include insectivores, such as hedgehogs, moles and shrews; and rodents, such as mice and voles. They are found in most types of habitat, as long as there is a supply of food and suitable vegetation to hide in. Most of them are important components of the diets of larger carnivores and birds of prey. Not all species are protected, and the levels of protection vary between species.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Bydd Ffair Bioamrywiaeth RSPB Conwy yn cael ei chynnal ar 3 Mehefin rhwng 10:30am a 4pm, gan gynnig taith gerdded gyda'r adar yn y bore a gweithgareddau natur ymarferol. Hefyd bydd gan y ffair lawer o wybodaeth am sut gallwch chi wneud defnydd da o'ch sgiliau gwirfoddol a helpu byd natur yn eich ardal.
RSPB Conwy's Biodiversity Fair will take place on 3 June between 10:30am and 4pm offering a morning bird walk and hands-on nature activities. The fair will also have an abundance of information on how you can put your volunteering skills to good use and help nature in your area.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Mae'r adroddiad, sy'n cael ei gyhoeddi bob dwy flynedd gan yr WWF, yn dwyn ynghyd amryw o weithiau ymchwil i roi golwg fanwl ar iechyd y ddaear. Mae poblogaethau anifeiliaid ag asgwrn cefn - fel mamaliaid, adar a physgod - wedi gostwng 58% rhwng 1970 a 2012.
The Living Planet Report documents the state of the planet - including biodiversity, ecosystems, and demand on natural resources - and what it means for humans and wildlife. Published by WWF every two years, the report brings together a variety of research to provide a comprehensive view of the health of the earth. Populations of vertebrate animals - such as mammals, birds, and fish - have declined by 58% between 1970 and 2012. We're also experiencing the largest drop in freshwater species: on average, there's been a whopping 81% decline in that time period.
  Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirf...  
Gall gardd fechan hyd yn oed ddarparu detholiad o fwydydd naturiol i adar drwy gydol y flwyddyn. O'r hydref ymlaen mae hyn yn arbennig o bwysig, wrth i'r tymheredd ddechrau gostwng a bwyd brinhau. Mae gan Gardeners World a Country File restrau cynhwysfawr o blanhigion i ddenu adar i'ch gwyrddfan, ac i'w bwydo oddi yno.
Even a small garden can provide a selection of natural food sources for birds all year round. From autumn onwards, this is particularly important, as temperatures start to drop and food becomes scarce. Gardeners World and Country File have comprehensive lists of plants to attract birds to, and feed them from, your green space.
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