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  Crimes, fraudes, corrup...  
mercredi Kamel Ayadi, expert en strat? gies et politiques de pr? vention de la corruption et repr? sentant du Centre britannique pour la lutte contre la corruption aupr? s de la r? gion Mena. (AllAfrica)
[The Star]The CEO of the electoral commission has sued the anti-corruption agency demanding the return of all documents confiscated from his homes in relation to the ongoing investigations into a Sh156 million scandal. (AllAfrica)
Congo-Kinshasa: La RDC peine ? recouvrer 10 milliards USD aupr?s de l'Ouganda
Uganda: MP Michael Werikhe Attacks MPs Over Debts
veloppe davantage, particuli? rement en Afrique. Madagascar suit ? galement cette tendance qui pourrait ? tre attribu? e ? une am? lioration de l'esp? rance de vie, d'apr? s les responsables aupr? s de DHL Express. (AllAfrica)
[This Day]Heritage Bank has pledged to work with stakeholders in the entertainment industry to develop a funding model for the industry The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Heritage Bank, Mr. Ifie Sekibo, said this while responding to enquiries about the bank's plan for the entertainment industry. (AllAfrica)
[Radio Okapi]Quarante cas de paludisme ont ? t? diagnostiqu? s aupr? s des enfants de z? ro ? cinquante-neuf mois, depuis le mois de juin dernier, au centre hospitalier de Kalungu, une localit? situ? e ?
[Times of Zambia]THE Ministry of Health has embarked on a mosquito spraying exercise in all seven official hotels that will host delegates to the 20th session of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) General Assembly this month. (AllAfrica)
res (Brvm) ont fortement sollicit? les actions Ecobank lors de la s? ance de cotation de vendredi dernier avec plus de 600.000 titres ? chang? s, a appris Apa aupr? s de cette bourse bas? e ? Abidjan.
[This Day]The Nigerian stock market trended further downward yesterday as investors' risk appetite remained weak. The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) All-Share Index (ASI) declined by 0.59 per cent, from 38,038.79 to close at 37,813.43, while market capitalisation shed N72 billion to close at N11.975 trillion. (AllAfrica)
Il est charg? de diriger l'? quipe pour mener les op? rations du PAM dans la r? gion, notamment les distributions de vivres aupr? s des r? fugi? s maliens, les programmes de nutrition et les repas scolaires.
[VOA]Geneva -The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) estimates 206,000 people now are displaced inside the Central African Republic (CAR), while another 63,000 CAR nationals are refugees in four neighboring countries. This includes more than 4,000 refugees who have fled to southern Chad since mid-July. (AllAfrica)
  Blogs : Guinée  
Source : (Article publi? le 29 juillet 2009) ? Le pr? sident s? n? galais Abdoulaye Wade est en visite aupr? s de son homologue guin? en Moussa Dadis Camara. C'est la seconde visite du vieux Wade en Guin?
shorterexcerpts : obsessivecompulsive : The Great Circle (via Mich?l.Paukner ) Woah. Many of the ancient 'wonders of the world' are apparently on the same latitude . Great circles are straight lines that go all the way around the center of the earth. The equator is a great circle. Meridians of longitude that cross over the north and south poles are also great circles. Easter Island, Nazca, Ollantaytambo, Paratoari, Tassili n'Ajjer and Giza are all aligned on a
  Blogs : Mauritanie  
gations des parties en conflit sur le Sahara et les Etats voisins (Alg?rie et Mauritanie) se retrouveront les 10 et 11 courant en Autriche pour des rencontres informelles, a-t-on appris lundi ? New York aupr?
Campaigners against HIV/AIDS in Mauritania face an uphill task to put their messages across, especially those that deal with safer sex and condom use. Campaigners have to cut corners in order to avoid angering the country's powerful religious clerics.
  Banques et Assurances  
[Midi Madagasikara]Depuis sa cr?ation en 2001, CEFOR (Cr?dit Epargne Formation) totalise plus de 8 800 octrois de cr?dits aupr?s de la frange de la population la plus pauvre. (AllAfrica)
[Capital FM]Nairobi -Former President Mwai Kibaki has urged local banks to develop new models of lending that will encourage more Kenyans to embrace their services and accelerate the country's economic growth. (AllAfrica)
  Matières premières  
La sucrerie africaine du Gabon (Sucaf-Gabon) veut atteindre une production de 24 000 tonnes de sucre pour sa campagne de r? colte sucri? re 2006, lanc? e vendredi ? Ou? ll? , a appris GABONEWS aupr? s de la direction de l'entreprise. (AllAfrica)
THE value of non-coffee exports has increased to $59.27m (sh108.4b) from $52.55m (about sh97b) over the last seven months, with fish and maize fetching the highest value, a Bank of UGANDA (BOU) report has said. (AllAfrica)
  Blogs : Mauritanie  
gations des parties en conflit sur le Sahara et les Etats voisins (Alg?rie et Mauritanie) se retrouveront les 10 et 11 courant en Autriche pour des rencontres informelles, a-t-on appris lundi ? New York aupr?
BRUSSELS, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) -- On his first day at work as NATO chief, new NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen on Monday outlined his priorities, vowing to build a "true strategic partnership" with Russia, to reaffirm commitments to Afghanistan, reduce NATO-led troops in Kosovo and to work on NATO's new strategic concept.I believe that during my term as NATO secretary general, we should develop a true strategic partnership with Russia. We should extend practical cooperation in areas where
Rick RozoffGlobal ResearchTraducido del ingl?s para Rebeli?n por Beatriz Morales Bastos30/07/09Ej?rcito estadounidense: despu?s de Iraq, Am?rica LatinaEl 29 de junio el presidente estadounidense Barack Obama recibi? a su hom?logo colombiano Alvaro Uribe en la Casa Blanca y semanas m?s tarde se anunci? que el Pent?gono planea desplegar tropas en cinco bases a?reas y navales en Colombia, el principal receptor en Am?rica Latina de la asistencia militar estadounidense y tercero mayor del mundo ya qu
  Blogs : Mauritanie  
gations des parties en conflit sur le Sahara et les Etats voisins (Alg?rie et Mauritanie) se retrouveront les 10 et 11 courant en Autriche pour des rencontres informelles, a-t-on appris lundi ? New York aupr?
Mauritania coup chief wins vote amid fraud claims (AP via Yahoo! News) Nearly a year after seizing power in a military putsch that ousted Mauritania's first freely elected leader, Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz won the presidency Sunday in a landslide vote his opponents decried as a fraudulent "electoral coup." Algerian army kills suspected terrorists At least 18 suspected terrorists were killed during Algerian army operations in the eastern part of the country. US wants greater military cooperatio
  Blogs : Mauritanie  
gations des parties en conflit sur le Sahara et les Etats voisins (Alg?rie et Mauritanie) se retrouveront les 10 et 11 courant en Autriche pour des rencontres informelles, a-t-on appris lundi ? New York aupr?
Filed under: Biking , Arts and Culture , Learning , Africa , Europe , Mauritania , Morocco , France , United Kingdom , Ecotourism Back in March, two Brits, Huw WIlliams and Rebecca Sumner, set off on a proposed two year, 15,000 mile journey, across Africa by bicycle. Their intention is to explore the cultures and landscapes of more than a dozen countries, all the while making audio recordings of the things they hear along the way. The pair have dubbed their adventure the Listen to
Es la segunda vez que visitamos la isla de El Hierro, invitados por nuestros amigos Isabel y Juan Pablo. Cuando hace m?s de siete a?os fuimos por primera vez, nos comprometimos a ir a la Bajada, que tiene lugar cada cuatro a?os. Y este a?o hemos logrado cumplir nuestro objetivo. El Hierro, esa isla remota, la m?s lejana, considerada por algunos como la isla perdida en medio del oc?ano Atl?ntico, es la m?s desconocida, y sin embargo la m?s singular de todas las Islas Canarias, entre o
  Blogs : Gambie  
quipe nationale cadette du S? n? gal a fait match nul 1 but partout avec celle de la Gambie, en rencontre internationale amicale jou? e samedi ? Banjul, a appris l'APS aupr? s d'un membre de la d? l? gation s?
El c?nclave del Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) inici? encabezada por la dirigencia nacional, gobernadores y coordinadores en el Congreso de la Uni?n, para evaluar los resultados de la jornada electoral del 5 de julio pasado. En este encuentro que se lleva a cabo a puerta cerrada, la lideresa nacional, Beatriz Paredes, y al menos 14 gobernadores priistas cerrar?n filas en torno por la unidad del partido, porque fue la divisa con la que lograron el triunfo en los comicios.
  Ile de la Réunion : Act...  
re de Paul Verg? s, est mort jeudi ? Paris ? l'? ge de 88 ans de causes naturelles, a-t-on appris aupr? s du Conseil national des barreaux (CNB), confirmant une information de BFMTV. - Soci? t? (
Reunion , France , Elections , International Relations , Politics Global Roundups Pierrot Dupuy writes : "I am learning from different sources, some of which are close Parisian relations of [French Interior ...
Bogotá, 22 May. (Notimex).- La agrupación colombiana Bomba Estéreo estará de visita en el continente africano para iniciar su gira ?Caribbean Power Tour?, la cual comprende conciertos, festivales, talleres y actividades de intercambio cultural en Sudáfrica, Mozambique y Suazilandia. (Yahoo! News)
Com fortes chances de obter a maioria absoluta na c?mara dos deputados, socialistas e aliados controlar?o, pela primeira vez, todas as principais inst?ncias pol?ticas do pa?s. (Yahoo! News)
  Blogs : Gambie  
"vivre ensemble avec (leurs) diff?rences" dans un camp de vacances dont les activit? s d? marrent vendredi ? Sindian (Bignona), a appris l'APS aupr? s des organisateurs. La manifestation, qui dure une semaine est organis?
President Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya of Mauritania was overthrown in a military coup and replaced by the Military Council for Justice and Democracy while he was attending the funeral of King Fahd in Saudi Arabia.Maaouya Ould Sid'Ahmed Taya معاوية ولد سيد أحمد الطايعA constitutional referendum, parliamentary and presidential elections were scheduled and the coup leaders vowed not to contest any of the elections.The military government ended with the presidential election on 11 March 2007.While O
Afganist?n Albania Alemania Andorra Angola Antigua y Barbuda Arabia Saudita Argelia Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaiy?n Bahamas Barh?in Bangaladesh Barbados Belar?s B?lgica Belice Ben?n Birmania But?n Bolivia Bosnia y Herzegovina Botswana Brasil Brun?i Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Camboya Camer?n Canad? Chad Chile China Chipre Colombia Comoras Congo Corea del Sur Costa Rica Costa de Marfil Croacia Cuba Dinamarca Djibouti Dominica Ecuador Egipto El Salvador Emiratos ?rabes