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Keybot 6 Results  twohomelands.zrc-sazu.si
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Kot lahko opazi še tako hiter (in površen) sprehod skozi besedilo, sta zgodbi različni: Mario poudarja konfrontacijo predvsem z državo in družbo »gostiteljico« (Švico), medtem ko Luigi kaže na »spor« z izvorno državo (Italijo). In tudi povratek ima drugačno družbeno konotacijo. V Mariovem primeru se zdi, da je bil dolgo pričakovan, medtem ko se zdi v Luigijevem primeru, kot da bi bil vsiljen s strani »pomembnih drugih«.
Any quick (and superficial) glance at the text reveals that the two narratives are different: Mario accentuates the confrontation mainly with the state and the “host” society (Switzerland) while Luigi points out the “conflict” with the original country (Italy). In addition, the return too has a different social connotation. In Mario’s case it seems it has for long been expected while in Luigi’s case the return seems to have been imposed from the side of “important others”.
  Dve domovini  
Kot lahko opazi še tako hiter (in površen) sprehod skozi besedilo, sta zgodbi različni: Mario poudarja konfrontacijo predvsem z državo in družbo »gostiteljico« (Švico), medtem ko Luigi kaže na »spor« z izvorno državo (Italijo). In tudi povratek ima drugačno družbeno konotacijo. V Mariovem primeru se zdi, da je bil dolgo pričakovan, medtem ko se zdi v Luigijevem primeru, kot da bi bil vsiljen s strani »pomembnih drugih«.
Any quick (and superficial) glance at the text reveals that the two narratives are different: Mario accentuates the confrontation mainly with the state and the “host” society (Switzerland) while Luigi points out the “conflict” with the original country (Italy). In addition, the return too has a different social connotation. In Mario’s case it seems it has for long been expected while in Luigi’s case the return seems to have been imposed from the side of “important others”.
  Dve domovini  
Luigijeva vrnitev, ki je bila bolj »nepričakovana« in ki se zdi celo vsiljena s strani »pomembnih drugih«, je vsaj za Luigija še danes nekoliko »kontradiktorna«. Namreč vrnil se je v državo, ki se jo je več let namerno izogibal in ki ji je zameril marsikaj. Tako tudi, sicer bolj med vrsticami poudarja, da se ni posebno vživel v »izvorno« okolje: po osemnajstih letih bivanja v Italiji, ima še vedno več znancev v Belgiji, moti ga »italijanska mentaliteta« in nasploh veliko stvari, povezanih s to državo, ki jo ne opisuje z najlepšimi besedami. Belgijo je tudi po vrnitvi velikokrat še obiskal in jo še obišče. In konec koncev se ni nikoli prav zares vrnil: v Belgiji ima danes še sina, edinega potomca, in iz Belgije dobiva pokojnino. Mariova vrnitev pa je na drugi strani pomenila bolj ali manj dokončno slovo, oster rez s Švico. Čeprav se ni vrnil brez »posledic« izseljenskega okolja, Švice ni nikoli vzel za svojo. Sam, brez zunanje vzpodbude, je ure in ure pripovedoval o krivicah, ki je doživljal v tej »nadvse bogati« državi.
However, more than searching for causes for migration/return the stress is in the text on the social context of the return. What does that mean? It is about social circumstances in different environments, which defined the act of migration/return. At this point, a fair sight into the migrant’s biography is extra profitable. Luigi’s return, which was “unexpected” and which seems even imposed from the side of the “important others” is at least for Luigi even today somewhat “contradictory”. Namely, he returned to a country, which he avoided deliberately for several years, and which he resented many a thing. Thus, more between lines, Luigi emphasises that he did not become particularly accustomed to the “original” environment: after eighteen years of living in Italy, he still has more acquaintances in Belgium; he is inconvenient with “Italian mentality” and with many things in general, connected with this state, which he does not describe with pretty words. After his return, he visited Belgium several times and still does so. In addition, he never actually returned: his son is in Belgium, his sole descendant, and from Belgium, he is receiving his pension. Mario’s return meant on the other hand a final parting, a rigid cut with Switzerland. Although Mario did not return without “consequences” of the emigrant environment, he never took Switzerland for his own. Spontaneously, with no external initiative, he spoke for hours and hours about the injustice, he experienced in that “excessively rich” country.
  Dve domovini  
Luigijeva vrnitev, ki je bila bolj »nepričakovana« in ki se zdi celo vsiljena s strani »pomembnih drugih«, je vsaj za Luigija še danes nekoliko »kontradiktorna«. Namreč vrnil se je v državo, ki se jo je več let namerno izogibal in ki ji je zameril marsikaj. Tako tudi, sicer bolj med vrsticami poudarja, da se ni posebno vživel v »izvorno« okolje: po osemnajstih letih bivanja v Italiji, ima še vedno več znancev v Belgiji, moti ga »italijanska mentaliteta« in nasploh veliko stvari, povezanih s to državo, ki jo ne opisuje z najlepšimi besedami. Belgijo je tudi po vrnitvi velikokrat še obiskal in jo še obišče. In konec koncev se ni nikoli prav zares vrnil: v Belgiji ima danes še sina, edinega potomca, in iz Belgije dobiva pokojnino. Mariova vrnitev pa je na drugi strani pomenila bolj ali manj dokončno slovo, oster rez s Švico. Čeprav se ni vrnil brez »posledic« izseljenskega okolja, Švice ni nikoli vzel za svojo. Sam, brez zunanje vzpodbude, je ure in ure pripovedoval o krivicah, ki je doživljal v tej »nadvse bogati« državi.
However, more than searching for causes for migration/return the stress is in the text on the social context of the return. What does that mean? It is about social circumstances in different environments, which defined the act of migration/return. At this point, a fair sight into the migrant’s biography is extra profitable. Luigi’s return, which was “unexpected” and which seems even imposed from the side of the “important others” is at least for Luigi even today somewhat “contradictory”. Namely, he returned to a country, which he avoided deliberately for several years, and which he resented many a thing. Thus, more between lines, Luigi emphasises that he did not become particularly accustomed to the “original” environment: after eighteen years of living in Italy, he still has more acquaintances in Belgium; he is inconvenient with “Italian mentality” and with many things in general, connected with this state, which he does not describe with pretty words. After his return, he visited Belgium several times and still does so. In addition, he never actually returned: his son is in Belgium, his sole descendant, and from Belgium, he is receiving his pension. Mario’s return meant on the other hand a final parting, a rigid cut with Switzerland. Although Mario did not return without “consequences” of the emigrant environment, he never took Switzerland for his own. Spontaneously, with no external initiative, he spoke for hours and hours about the injustice, he experienced in that “excessively rich” country.
  Dve domovini  
Avtor prispevka, slovenski duhovnik na Švedskem, nam na podlagi ustnih virov in arhivskega gradiva oriše delovanje slovenskih folklornih skupin v Halmstadu, Malmöju, Göteborgu in otroške folklorne skupine v Nybru. V zaključku poziva matično državo Slovenijo, da naj več skrbi posveti svojim ljudem po svetu.
The author of the contribution, a Slovene clergyman in Sweden, describes on the basis of oral sources and archival materials the activities of Slovene folklore groups in Halmstad, Malmö, Göteborg, and of an infant folklore group in Nybr. In the conclusion the author asks the homeland Slovenia to take better care of its people around the world. Preserving Slovene culture in foreign countries is an important activity within the consolidation of Slovene identity among the emigrants. Slovene folklore groups have their role in the process. In Sweden they were strongly active ten and more years ago while today that part of cultural activity among Slovenes in Sweden completely died away.
  Dve domovini  
Na podlagi dobljenih podatkov iz terenskega dela na Tasmaniji, lahko sklenem, da zaradi relativno visoke starosti informatorjev in nikakršnega novega dotoka novih priseljncev na to otoško državo v zadnjih desetih letih, v manj kot 50-ih letih Slovencev na avstralski Tasmaniji ne bo več.
The interviews have been recorded in as much as possible a relaxed atmosphere in their homes. There because I could observe their lodgings (that is – whether I would find something that would prove a Slovene lives there). Usually, the interviews that were on average over 50 minutes long were performed along some Slovene food and drink, listening to the music; it was their choice to show me what they wanted to. As a rule, I was in contact with my informants for at least a few days. My concluding thoughts I can summarize the following: the basic condition for a diachronic and synchronic transfer of a certain culture is the physical existence of its representatives. On the basis of data acquired during fieldwork in Tasmania I can summarize that because of relative old age of the informants and no influx of new emigrants to this insular state in the last ten years, there will be no Slovenes in Australian Tasmania in less than 50 years. For that reason too, the present article and the diploma work are one among rare but not sole records on a group of Slovenes in Tasmania.