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  Our Booth at Interbike!...  
Als u Interbike niet kon bezoeken, dan zijn we blij om u te informeren dat we gaan deelnemen Canton Fair (China Import en Export Fair) in Guangzhou vanaf oktober 15-19. Onze nieuw ontwikkelde vet fiets model en compact opvouwbare fiets zal zijn Laat het zien.
If you couldn't visit Interbike, then we are glad to inform you that we are going to participate Canton Fair (China Import and Export Fair) in Guangzhou from October 15-19. Our newly developed fat bike model and compactly foldable bike will be shown there. We are waiting for your coming.
If you couldn't visit Interbike, then we are glad to inform you that we are going to participate Canton Fair (China Import and Export Fair) in Guangzhou from October 15-19. Our newly developed fat bike model and compactly foldable bike will be shown there. We are waiting for your coming.
If you couldn't visit Interbike, then we are glad to inform you that we are going to participate Canton Fair (China Import and Export Fair) in Guangzhou from October 15-19. Our newly developed fat bike model and compactly foldable bike will be shown there. We are waiting for your coming.
If you couldn't visit Interbike, then we are glad to inform you that we are going to participate Canton Fair (China Import and Export Fair) in Guangzhou from October 15-19. Our newly developed fat bike model and compactly foldable bike will be shown there. We are waiting for your coming.
If you couldn't visit Interbike, then we are glad to inform you that we are going to participate Canton Fair (China Import and Export Fair) in Guangzhou from October 15-19. Our newly developed fat bike model and compactly foldable bike will be shown there. We are waiting for your coming.
당신이 인터 바이크를 방문 할 수없는 경우에, 우리는 10 월 15-19에서 캔톤 페어 광저우 (중국 가져 오기 및 내보내기 박람회) 참가 예정임을 알려 다행입니다. 우리의 새로 개발 된 지방 자전거 모델과 컴팩트하게 접을 수있는 자전거가 될 것입니다 거기에 보여주세요. 우리는 당신의 오심을 기다리고 있습니다.
  Speciale herinnering aa...  
Omdat alle toeristische attracties zijn op het eiland, hebben we de kans om de schoonheid van alle landschappen in de stoomboot weer te geven. Alle collega's zijn erg blij om te reizen in de stoomboot, vogels vliegen rond op en neer, en zwanen zwemmen in de rivier, lotus zijn competitief om te bloeien.
Parce que toutes les attractions touristiques sont en île, nous avons des chances de voir la beauté de tous les paysages dans le bateau à vapeur. Tous les collègues sont très heureux de voyager dans le bateau à vapeur, les oiseaux volent vers le haut et vers le bas, et les cygnes nagent dans le Les lotus sont compétitifs pour l'épanouissement. C'est une excellente occasion pour nous de nous rapprocher de la nature et respirer de l'air frais, et du vent doux qui nous accompagne tout le chemin.
Da alle Touristenattraktionen auf der Insel liegen, haben wir die Möglichkeit, die Schönheit aller Landschaften im Dampferboot zu sehen. Alle Kollegen sind sehr glücklich, im Dampferboot zu reisen, Vögel fliegen herum und runter und Schwäne schwimmen im Fluss, Lotus sind wettbewerbsfähig zu blühen.Es ist eine großartige Gelegenheit für uns, nahe an die Natur zu kommen und frische Luft zu atmen, und sanfter Wind geht mit uns den ganzen Weg.
Debido a que todas las atracciones turísticas están en la isla, tenemos la oportunidad de ver la belleza de todos los paisajes en el barco de vapor. Todos los colegas están muy contentos de viajar en el barco de vapor, los pájaros están volando arriba y abajo, y los cisnes nadan en el río, el loto es competitivo a florecimiento.Es una gran oportunidad para nosotros para acercarse a la naturaleza y respirar aire fresco, y el viento suave va con nosotros todo el camino.
Poiché tutte le attrazioni turistiche sono in isola, abbiamo possibilità di vedere la bellezza di tutti i paesaggi della barca a vapore. Tutti i colleghi sono felici di viaggiare nella barca a vapore, gli uccelli volano verso l'alto e il basso e i cigni nuotano nel il fiume, i loto sono competitivi a sbocciare: è una grande opportunità per avvicinarsi alla natura e respirare l'aria fresca, e il vento soffice andrà con noi per tutto il percorso.
Porque todas as atrações turísticas estão na ilha, temos chances de ver a beleza de todo o cenário no barco a vapor. Todos os colegas estão muito felizes em viajar no barco a vapor, os pássaros estão voando de cima a baixo, e os cisnes estão nadando no Rio, os lótus são competitivos para florescer. É uma ótima oportunidade para nos aproximarmos da natureza e respirar ar fresco, e o vento suave vai conosco todo o caminho.