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Keybot      1'043 Results   240 Domains
  44 Hits  
BSS System
Sistema BSS
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Enable LFN with static working buffer on the BSS. Always NOT thread-safe.
LFN機能を使う。ワーク エリアは静的に確保。常にスレッド セーフではない。
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1 OSS/BSS Specialist
1 OSS/BSS specialista  
Systemic and Synthetic Biology (BSS)
Biologie systémique et synthétique (BSS)  
Go further with BSS
Allez plus loin avec BSS
  2 Hits  
Bosch System Specialists (BSS) are highly qualified Bosch specialist dealers who have specialised in the selling of Bosch power tools. This is to your advantage.
Les Spécialistes des Systèmes Bosch (SSB) sont des professionnels hautement qualifiés qui se sont spécialisés dans la vente des outils électroportatifs Bosch. Pour vous, c’est un réel avantage.  
--Choose-- NMS & APM Service Desk Customer Care and Billing Site Management Integration Engine OSS/BSS Suite IT Management Suite Professional services Free tools Other
--Wybierz-- NMS & APM Service Desk Customer Care and Billing Site Management Integration Engine OSS/BSS Suite IT Management Suite Professional services Free tools Inne  
Systemic and Synthetic Biology (BSS)
Biologie systémique et synthétique (BSS)  
Open standard-based APIs allowing easy integration to existing IP networks and OSS/BSS systems
APIs permettant des développements tiers et l’intégration avec des composants externes (système de facturation, CRM…)
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BSS Restaurant
Locatie Zernikeborg
  6 Hits  
Inscriptions by B. Martinů and P. Fournier inscribed in printed part of Violoncello solo (Schott, BSS 33026, 1931), see H 196 I.
Poznámky B. Martinů a P. Fourniera vepsány do tištěného sólového partu (Schott, BSS 33026, 1931), viz H 196 I.
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Noma plays sneaky music… Beginning as a sextet (2 gtr-2 dms-keys-tbone) in Toronto, Noma later evolved to feature to up to eleven members (3 gtr-2 bss-3 dms-keys-reeds-tbone) from two cities: To & Montréal.
La musique de Noma est sournoise… D’abord un sextuor (2 guit. — 2 batt. — clav. — tromb.) torontois, par la suite Noma a grandi pour accueillir jusqu’à onze membres (3 guit. — 2 bas. — 3 batt. — clav. — anches — tromb.) de deux villes différentes: Toronto et Montréal.  
The Guide is an adaptation of Protocol coordinated framework to address situations of abuse towards the elderly in relation to professional intervention of Basic Social Services (BSS) municipal. Thus, the overall objective is to define the guidelines for action by various stakeholders and establish coordination circuit in the Berguedà.
La Guía es una adaptación del Protocolo marco para el abordaje coordinado de las situaciones de maltrato hacia las personas mayores en relación con la intervención profesional de los Servicios Sociales Básicos (SSB) municipales. Así, el objetivo general es definir las pautas de actuación de los diferentes agentes implicados y establecer el circuito de coordinación en la comarca del Berguedà.  
Order have four classes: Knight or Dame of St. Andrew (KA) or (DA) - awarded for extraordinary and outstanding contribution in service to Barbados or to humanity at large; Companion of Honour of Barbados (CHB) - awarded for distinguished national achievement and merit; The Crown of Merit - which is made in two grades: the Gold Crown of Merit (GCM) and the Silver Crown of Merit (SCM) - awarded for high meritorious service or achievement in Science, the Arts, Literature, Sport, Civic duties or any other endeavour worthy of national recognition; The Barbados Service Award - which is made in two grades: the Barbados Service Star (BSS) and the Barbados Service Medal (BSM) -awarded for meritorious work in the civil, fire, military, police, prison or other protective services or in any similar field or endeavour.
Орден имеет четыре степени: Рыцарь или Дама Св. Андрея - предназначен для награждения за выдающиеся заслуги перед Барбадосом или человечеством; Компаньон Почета Барбадоса - предназначен для награждения за выдающиеся достижения и заслуги; Корона Заслуг - содержит два класса: золотая корона заслуг и серебряная корона заслуг - предназначены для награждения за достижения в области науки, искусства, литературы, спорта и других областях деятельности; Награда За службу - содержит два класса: Звезда за службу и Медаль За службу - предназначены для награждения за заслуги гражданских лиц, служащих пожарной охраны, полиции, военных, тюремной охраны и других.
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The neutron spectrum has a major impact on the shielding design and resulting dose rates, but often this information is not available in any of the literature for a particular type of accelerator, so onsite measurements of the spectrum may be required. Traditionally, Bonner sphere systems (BSS) with activated foils and TLDs are used for this type of measurement.
Le spectre neutronique est un facteur majeur dans la conception du blindage et les débits de dose qui en résultent, mais souvent cette information n’est pas disponible dans la littérature pour un type particulier d’accélérateur, de sorte qu’il peut s’avérer nécessaire de mesurer sur place le spectre. Pour ce type de mesure, la méthode classique consiste à utiliser les systèmes de sphères de Bonner avec feuilles activées et des dosimètres thermoluminescents (DTL).
  110 Hits  
EI-BSS impulses various transversal research projects, around which the Special Multidisciplinary Projects.
EI-SEV encourage les projets transversaux de recherche, concernant ceux regroupés dans les Projets Spéciaux Pluridisciplinaires.
EI-SEV es impulsora de proyectos transversales de investigación, en torno a los que se agrupan los Proyectos Especiales Pluridisciplinares.
  4 Hits  
Summing unit warning BSS
Warnblock - Addierer _________ BSS
Bloque sumador señalador BSS
addizionatrice di blocco avvertente BSS
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Liebherr BSS 1023
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冷蔵庫を解凍する方法: ドリップシステム
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方式除霜冰箱: 滴灌系统
  3 Hits  
I see the national team jersey you favors!! Not sure envy you give me for having lived that world-wide in the front row!! In tomaste you anything with Llorente? I'm glad you're enjoying your travels both. Bss.
Je vois le maillot de l'équipe nationale, vous favorise!! Vous ne savez pas vous me donner l'envie du monde entier ayant vécu dans la première rangée!! Vous n'avez rien emporter avec Llorente? Je suis heureux de vous profiter de votre voyage à la fois. Bss.
Ich sehe die Nationalmannschaft Trikot Sie begünstigt!! Weißt du nicht, du gibst mir den Neid der Welt, die in der ersten Reihe lebte!! Sie nahm nichts mit Llorente? Gut, dass Sie genießen Ihren Reisen sowohl. Bss.
Vedo la maglia della nazionale dei favori!! Non sei sicuro di invidia mi dai per aver vissuto che in tutto il mondo in prima fila!! In tomaste nulla con Llorente? Sono contento che ti stai godendo i vostri viaggi sia. Bss.
Eu vejo a camisa da equipe nacional lhe favores!! Não tenho certeza inveja você me dar por ter vivido isso em todo o mundo na primeira fila!! Não se tomaste nada com Llorente? Fico feliz que você está gostando de suas viagens, tanto. Bss.
Veo que la camiseta de la selección nacional te favorece!! No sabes la envidia que me das por haber vivido ese mundial en primera fila!! No te tomaste nada con Llorente? Me alegro de que estés disfrutando tanto de tus viajes. Bss.
私は、あなたの好意代表チームのジャージを参照してください!! わからないあなたが最前列にいる世界中の住んでいたたことで私を与える羨望!! ジョレンテとtomasteであなたは何? 両方のあなたの旅を楽しんでいる私はうれしい. BSS.
Veig que la samarreta de la selecció nacional t'afavoreix!! No saps l'enveja que em dones per haver viscut aquest mundial a primera fila!! En vas prendre de tot amb Llorente? M'alegro que estigui gaudint tant Viatges teus. BSS.
Vidim reprezentacije košulju što pogoduje!! Niste sigurni zavist li mi daju svijet da je živio u prvom redu!! Niste se ništa s Llorente? Drago mi je da uživate svoje putovanje i. BSS.
Veo que la camiseta de la selección nacional te favorece!! No sabes la envidia que me das por haber vivido ese mundial en primera fila!! No te tomaste nada con Llorente? Me alegro de que estés disfrutando tanto de tus viajes. Bss.
Selekzio elastiko duzu mesedeen ikusten dut!! Ez ziur inbidia didazu balitz bizi izan duen mundu-zabal lerroan egiteko!! Tomaste ezer Llorente dituzun? Pozik nago zure bidaiaz gozatzen ari zarela bai. SEVek.
Eu vexo a camiseta do equipo nacional lle favores!! Non estou seguro de envexa vostede darme por vivir tanto en todo o mundo en primeira fila!! No te tomaste nada con Llorente? Fico feliz que está gustando das súas viaxes, tanto. BSS.
  2 Hits  
BSS Architekten
BSS Architekten
BSS Architekten
BSS Architekten  
Due to the increasing demand for professional social workers and with the continuous development of social services in Macao society, it is crucial to strengthen the knowledge and skills of social workers for the benefits of the society. This BSS (extension) programme is for students who have completed Higher Diploma in Social Work.
Devido à crescente necessidade de técnico de serviço social e ao crescimento dos serviços sociais na sociedade de Macau é crucial reforçar os conhecimentos e competência destes profissionais. Este programa destina-se a alunos que tenham concluído o Bacharelato em Serviço Social. Numa abordagem integrada, este programa permite aos alunos aprofundar conhecimentos teóricos e práticos e atingir nível mais avançado de prática profissional.
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Liebherr BSS 1023
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冷蔵庫を解凍する方法: ドリップシステム
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方式除霜冰箱: 滴灌系统
  2 Hits  
The torque limiting integrated in the backstop temporarily slips as soon as the target torque (MR) is exceeded – until the remaining BS take effect in succession. This way the entire return torque of the conveyor system is distributed across the individual drive gearing and BSs.
Das Problem der ungleichen Verteilung des Drehmoments bei einem Sperrvorgangs lässt sich aber auch durch den Einsatz von RLS mit Drehmomentbegrenzern (DMB) lösen. Die in die Rücklaufsperre integrierte Drehmomentbegrenzung rutscht temporär, sobald das Solldrehmoment (MR) überschritten wird – bis die übrigen RLS nacheinander greifen. Auf diese Weise verteilt sich das gesamte Rückdrehmoment der Förderanlage auf die einzelnen Antriebsgetriebe und RLS. Schädliche dynamische Spitzendrehmomente werden reduziert und die Antriebsgetriebe geschützt.
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Senior Automation Test Engineer OSS/BSS
Координатор отдела сервиса и запасных частей
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BSS Holdings Co., Ltd.
บจ. บีเอสเอส โฮลดิ้งส์  
BSS&M Real Estate AG
Private Bauherrschaft
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Aarhus BSS
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(I also speak Spanish .. I write it later - a bss)
(Ich spreche auch Spanisch .. Ich schreibe es später - ein bss)
(También hablo español ... Lo escribo más tarde - a bss)
(Parlo anche spagnolo .. lo scrivo più tardi - un bss)
(Eu também falo espanhol .. Eu escrevo mais tarde - um bss)
(Ja też mówię po hiszpańsku ... piszę później - bss)  
All the audio signals are digitally processed with BSS processors connected by network, both using TCP/IP protocol and CobraNet signals.
Todas las salas están equipadas con altavoces motorizados empotrables en techo y sistema de conferencias con unidades de delegado integradas en mesa mediante mecanismos “custom made”.
Tots els senyals d'àudio es processen de forma digital amb processadors BSS comunicats mitjançant xarxa, tant a nivell de protocol TCP/IP com de senyal CobraNet.
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