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  Oil Field - Produk - PT...  
Pada kilang pemurnian minyak mentah dipisahkan menjadi produk minyak bumi yang dapat digunakan. The "yield / hasil " dari menara distilasi mengacu pada persentase relatif masing-masing komponen yang terpisah.
At a refinery, different parts of the crude oil are separated into useable petroleum products. The "yield" from a distillation tower refers to the relative percentage of each of the separated components, known as product streams.
  Pertanian - Produk - PT...  
Amonium Klorida BUMI IJO
Ammonium Chloride of BUMI IJO
  Pertanian - Produk - PT...  
Diammonium Phosphate BUMI IJO
Diammonium Phosphate of BUMI IJO
  Pertanian - Produk - PT...  
Pupuk KCl atau sering disebut MoP merupakan salah satu sumber kalium. Pupuk KCl (MOP/Muriate of Potash) Bumi Ijo adalah salah satu jenis pupuk tunggal yang mengandung unsur Kalium klorida (K2O) konsentrasi tinggi (60%), berbentuk kristal berwarna merah.
KCI fertilizer or often known as MoP is one the of sources of potassium. KCI fertilizer of (MOP/Muriate of Potash) Bumi Ijo is one of the single nutrient fertilizers containing high concentration (60%) of potassium chloride (K2O) in the form of red crystal. The efficacy of this fertilizer has been proven and it is commonly used since it can effectively and efficiently boost plant growth and development. Furthermore, this fertilizer can be applied to all types of soil. This fertilizer has complied with the standard of SNI 02-2805-2005.
  Pertanian - Produk - PT...  
Sifat, manfaat dan keunggulan pupuk DAP Bumi Ijo adalah tidak higroskopis, mudah larut dalam air, berbentuk butiran, bebas dari debu dan tidak lengket sehingga mudah untuk diaplikasikan. Mengandung unsur N dan P yang hampir seluruhnya larut dalam air, segera dapat diserap oleh tanaman.
The nature, benefits, and advantages of DAP Bumi Ijo fertilizer are that they are not hygroscopic, easily soluble in water, granulated, free of dust and not sticky; thus, it is easy to apply. This fertilizer contains N and P nutrients, which is almost entirely soluble in water, so it can be immediately absorbed by the plants. It is appropriate for rice and second crops (
  Pertanian - Produk - PT...  
Amonium klorida (NH4Cl) merupakan pupuk nitrogen yang mengandung unsur hara tanaman yaitu N. Unsur hara Nitrogen yang terkandung di dalam pupuk amonium klorida (AC) BUMI IJO sangat banyak kegunaannya bagi tanaman baik untuk pertumbuhan dan perkembangan, diantaranya: Membuat daun tanaman lebih hijau segar dan banyak mengandung butir hijau daun (chlorophyl) yang mempunyai peranan sangat penting dalam proses fotosintesa.
Ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) is nitrogen fertilizer containing a plant nutrient, which is N. Nitrogen contained in ammonium chloride (AC) of BUMI IJO fertilizer has many benefits for the plant growth and development, including producing better fresh green leaves that contain vast amount of chlorophyll which has highly important role in the photosynthesis process, accelerating plant growth (height, number of seedlings, branches, and others), and increasing the amount of protein contained in the plant. This type of fertilizer can be used for all types of plants, which are crops, horticulture, and plantation crops.
  Pertanian - Produk - PT...  
Sifat, manfaat dan keunggulan pupuk DAP Bumi Ijo adalah tidak higroskopis, mudah larut dalam air, berbentuk butiran, bebas dari debu dan tidak lengket sehingga mudah untuk diaplikasikan. Mengandung unsur N dan P yang hampir seluruhnya larut dalam air, segera dapat diserap oleh tanaman.
The nature, benefits, and advantages of DAP Bumi Ijo fertilizer are that they are not hygroscopic, easily soluble in water, granulated, free of dust and not sticky; thus, it is easy to apply. This fertilizer contains N and P nutrients, which is almost entirely soluble in water, so it can be immediately absorbed by the plants. It is appropriate for rice and second crops (
  Pertanian - Produk - PT...  
Ada dugaan bahwa ZA bila diberikan ke dalam tanah akan meninggalkan sulfat (SO4=) dan ion ini kemudian ditanah direduksi menjadi H2S, senyawa ini bersifat racun terhadap tanaman. Proses selanjutnya H2S bereaksi dengan Fe atau Mn menjadi FeS atau Fe2S dan MnS. Kandungan N dalam amonium klorida (AC) BUMI IJO minimal 26% sesuai dengan SNI 02-2581-2005.
Based on some researches, in several types of plants, AC fertilizer is better than ammonium sulfate (ZA), particularly for plants needing Cl nutrient. There is a supposition that ZA will leave sulfate (SO4=) when it is applied to the soil and the ion will be reduced to H2S, which is a poisonous compound for the plant. Next, H2S reacts with Fe or Mn to FeS or Fe2S and MnS. The content of N in ammonium chloride (AC) of BUMI IJO is at least 26% to meet the requirements of SNI 02-2581-2005 standard.