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Keybot 6 Results  alexeyrybak.com
  Nanaimo Port Authority ...  
"Grâce à la vision de Bernie et à l'introduction de DP World et de la conteneurisation, le service de transport maritime à courte distance du port relie maintenant l'île de Vancouver aux nouveaux marchés mondiaux pour les fabricants insulaires. Bernie a contribué au développement du "Système de sensibilisation au domaine maritime", un programme qui est considéré comme l'un des meilleurs au Canada et qui garantit la sécurité de notre port et de la côte. Nanaimo peut être fier d'établir ce merveilleux service qui est très apprécié par notre communauté marine", a ajouté Jenkins.
“Through Bernie’s vision, and with the introduction of DP World and containerization, the Port’s Short-sea shipping service now connects Vancouver Island to new global markets for island manufacturers. Bernie has been instrumental in the development of the “Marine Domain Awareness System,” a program which is considered one of the best in Canada, and ensures safety for our harbour and for the coast. Nanaimo can take pride in establishing this wonderful service which is highly valued by our marine community”, Jenkins added. She said Dumas is a highly respected and valued leader and his team of dedicated and committed staff will miss him as will the Board and I.
  Nanaimo Port Authority ...  
Aller de l'avant, le Conseil espère que Island Ferry Services Limited participera au processus de DP avec une proposition solide.
Moving forward, Council hopes that Island Ferry Services Limited will participate in the RFP process with a strong proposal.
  Nanaimo Port Authority ...  
DP WORLD Nanaimo – Un avantage nouveau service
DP WORLD Nanaimo – A New Service Advantage
  Nanaimo Port Authority ...  
Au Décembre 7, ici à 2015 la réunion du Conseil Caméra En spécial, le Conseil a apporté son soutien à de l'Administration portuaire de Nanaimo (APN) Novembre 27 annonce d'émettre une demande de propositions (DP) pour un service de traversier pied de passagers entre Nanaimo et Vancouver.
At the December 7, 2015 Special In Camera Council meeting, Council provided its support to the Nanaimo Port Authority's (NPA) November, 27 announcement to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a foot passenger ferry service between Nanaimo and Vancouver. Council believes that both the City and the NPA will benefit from working together in an effort to see a foot passenger ferry service created. It is therefore in the City’s best interest to support the NPA with a joint RFP.
  Nanaimo Port Authority ...  
Au Décembre 7, ici à 2015 la réunion du Conseil Caméra En spécial, le Conseil a apporté son soutien à de l'Administration portuaire de Nanaimo (APN) Novembre 27 annonce d'émettre une demande de propositions (DP) pour un service de traversier pied de passagers entre Nanaimo et Vancouver.
At the December 7, 2015 Special In Camera Council meeting, Council provided its support to the Nanaimo Port Authority's (NPA) November, 27 announcement to issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a foot passenger ferry service between Nanaimo and Vancouver. Council believes that both the City and the NPA will benefit from working together in an effort to see a foot passenger ferry service created. It is therefore in the City’s best interest to support the NPA with a joint RFP.
  Nanaimo Port Authority ...  
Dumas a indiqué que les gestionnaires de terminaux du Port, DP World Vancouver, a lancé le service de transport par barge de conteneurs en 2012 et alors que le nombre de conteneurs ne cessent de croître, l'augmentation du trafic de barges a créé des problèmes de congestion avec les navires hauturiers.
Dumas indicated that the Port's terminal managers, DP World Vancouver, initiated the container barging service in 2012 and while container numbers are continuously growing, the increase in barge traffic has created congestion problems with deep-sea vessels. Relocating the container operation to the Nanaimo Assembly Wharf will allow unimpeded operation for container barges which operate under very strict timelines. Dumas advised the movement of containerized cargo – both export and inbound – will continue to grow, and the operation at the Nanaimo Assembly Wharf will be seamless and a more green and energy efficient operation eliminating unnecessary truck traffic on the roads.