zorgde – Bulgarian Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot 5 Results  hearhear.org
  Een betere opslag met G...  
Ze hadden behoefte aan een nieuwe en gemakkelijkere oplossing om hun marmeren platen op te slaan, een oplossing die ervoor zorgde dat er lucht bleef circuleren tussen de platen, om het vacuümeffect te vermijden, en die tegelijk de handenarbeid en de schade aan het marmer verminderde.
The company Grupo Palazon y Mira, in Alicante, Spain, produce and stock marble slabs. To avoid a vacuum effect when stocking the slabs one against another, they were introducing a piece of paper between the slabs. They needed a new and easier solution to stock their marble slabs, one which would keep air circulating between the slabs to avoid the vacuum effect, reducing manual work and damage to the marble.
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Het gebruik van de XP50 zorgde voor minder verfverspilling, minder gebruik van oplosmiddel, minder onderhoud van de pompen, minder tijd nodig voor het reinigen van de pompen en minder schade aan de spuitlijn.
The demonstration showed H. Young Structures all the improvements that could be made to their process. Operators liked both the ease of use of the XP50 sprayer, as well as the resulting finish. The use of the XP50 showed a reduction in the waste of paint material, solvent use, pump servicing, time spent cleaning pumps, and reduction in the loss of paint line. The demonstration finished by pumping the unused virgin material back into the original containers. The paint hose was flushed to show how little solvent is required to clean mixed material in the XP50.
  Zwembaden in Antalya Be...  
De aannemer en applicatie-ingenieurs waren bovendien erg tevreden met de prestaties van de Reactor H-XP2 op locatie. Dankzij de draagbaarheid van het H-XP2-design zorgde de ingekorte slang voor minder vermoeidheid bij de gebruiker.
The operators commented on the lightweight Fusion air purge spray gun, which proved to be user-friendly and convenient in the hot climate. The model they were using had a 01 mix chamber and they enjoyed the ergonomic design and low maintenance needs. The contractor company and the application engineers were satisfied with the performance of the Reactor H-XP2 on site. Thanks to the mobility of the H-XP2 design, the shortened hose generated less operator fatigue.
  Graniet afwerken met pu...  
De D-Kerb-machine zorgde niet alleen voor het gewenste effect, maar de door D-Drill geïntroduceerde EcoQuip Vapor Abrasive Blasting gaf de randen ook nog een afwerking en textuur die identiek overeenstemde met de rest van de straat.
Not only did the D-Kerb machine produce the desired effect, D-Drill introduced EcoQuip Vapor Abrasive Blasting, to provide an identical finish and texture in-line with the rest of the street. According to D-drill, “A variation in pressure and media type is important to ensure that the correct profile is re-introduced onto the cut surface. The use of wash down allows cleanliness of the finished site, but also the opportunity to compare the finished surface to the existing one. In comparison to other technologies, the EcoQuip generates less mess and the time saved on the job is considerable.”
  Dakrenovatie van een mu...  
Het spuiten bracht verschillende voordelen van de geïntegreerde reactor aan het licht: dankzij de generator van de reactor was er geen stroombron nodig; dankzij het verwarmingssysteem was er weinig brandstofverbruik; er werd 4-4,5 liter per uur verbruikt voor een toepassing in oktober, in plaats van de gebruikelijke 8 liter per uur; het verwarmingssysteem zorgde voor een besparing van 40 tot 50% aan brandstof.
The contractor was a consortium of OLMARK Myslowice and TRANSCOM from Katowice. The polyurea on the roof surface was sprayed with a Graco Integrated Reactor E-XP2i equipped with a Graco Fusion AP gun and 4242 nozzle size. This spray job highlighted several advantages by using the integrated Reactor: no power source was needed thanks to the generator on the Reactor; the fuel consumption was low, thanks to the heating system management; 4-4.5 liters an hour were used for an application in October, instead of the usual 8 liters an hour; the heating management system saved from 40 to 50% on fuel. Furthermore, it was possible to control the spray process via the main control panel and the additional remote panel used by the gun operator. Finally, the complete process was registered on a USB stick, which allows you to keep track of all your data reporting.