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Keybot 6 Results  www.molnar-banyai.hu
  JBL | Themawereld  
De ledtechniek revolutioneert ons leven: duurzame zaklampen, chique koplampen, stroombesparende keukenverlichting en nu ook energie-efficiënte en natuurlijke aquariumverlichting. Maar waarom komt JBL nu pas met een led lichtconcept? Het bestaat nu al zolang!
The LED technology has revolutionised our lives: long-lasting torches, stylish car headlights, energy-saving room lighting and, of course, natural aquarium lighting. But why has a JBL LED concept taken so long? LEDs have been around for a long time!
  JBL ProPond Winter – Be...  
Met het juiste wintervoer kunnen problemen heel effectief worden voorkomen. Zolang de dieren nog actief zijn en eten levert JBL ProPond Winter bij watertemperaturen tussen 5 en 15 °C hen meer energie dan ze voor de vertering van het voer nodig hebben.
With the right winter food you can prevent problems very efficiently. As long as the animals are still active and feeding, JBL ProPond Winter will supply them with more energy than they need to metabolize the food at temperatures between 5 and 15 °C. Other food ranges may contain an energy content which is below the energy needed for their metabolism! Then the fish will be starving while they eat! Fish oil, salmon, and shrimps along with wheat and corn in the JBL ProPond food provide the scientifically required protein/fat ratio of 2:1.
  JBL | Themawereld  
Algen behoren in een aquarium net als alle andere waterorganismen, ze zijn niet volledig te vermijden. Zolang de algengroei gering of onopvallend is is er niets aan de hand. Een sterke algengroei heeft echter een dramatisch effect op het water: Algen zijn planten en produceren overdag zuurstof.
Algae belong in the aquarium as much as other water organisms. You can’t totally prevent their occurrence. As long as the algae growth remains low or it doesn’t noticeably gain the upper hand there is no need to worry. Strong algae growth, however, has a dramatic effect on the water: Algae are plants and produce oxygen during the day. But at night the situation reverses and the algae consume oxygen. With a heavy algae infestation the oxygen can drop into dangerous ranges at night and threaten the life in the aquarium. It is then advisable to aerate at night.
  JBL LED maakt iedereen ...  
De eerste terugkoppelingen van aquariumliefhebbers die de JBL LED lampen boven hun aquariums hebben geïnstalleerd zijn het eens met de JBL onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingsafdeling dat die zolang hebben gewacht met het introduceren van echte aquarium leds.
At 8 am on August 3, 2018 the first JBL LED lights left the JBL factory in Neuhofen and by August 5 the first pet shop shelves had them on display. For the first time aquarium enthusiasts were delaying their purchase to wait for a JBL product to be in stock. Although no one spent the night outside a pet shop to be the first in line next morning as with Apple products, this was a sensational success. The initial feedback from aquarium owners who have installed JBL LED lights in their aquariums validates JBL’s R & D department's decision to wait so long before launching genuine aquarium LEDs. Only the combination of full spectrum with high PAR value (photosynthetically active radiation) makes an LED ideal for a planted aquarium. Special praise goes to JBL for ensuring that the JBL LED SOLAR Natur comes completely equipped with a remote control and adjustable light temperatures so that nothing has to be purchased separately. The whole JBL team is pleased that the new JBL LED lights have made their hobby aquarium a little easier and a little more professional!