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Keybot 5 Results  www.molnar-banyai.hu
  De Onderneming - Pers  
Het is weer zover! Het wereldkampioenschap voor biotoopaquaristiek begint weer. Iedere gepassioneerde biotoopaquariumliefhebber kan zijn/haar foto met beschrijving tot 31.10.2016 op de wedstrijdsite uploaden (http://biotope-aquarium.info/badc-2016/) en zich met de allerbesten van de wereld meten.
It's that time again! The World Championship for Biotope Aquatics is about to start. All you committed biotope aquarists can upload your photo with a description onto the competition page (http://biotope-aquarium.info/badc-2016/) by Oct. 31, 2016 and see how you match up to the best in the world.
  Service - FAQ  
Biofilmen aan de wanden vormen zich behoorlijk snel, voor zover zich daar optionele schadelijke micro-organismen vestigen kan niet op voorhand worden vastgesteld, aangezien de volledige microbiologische en hygiënische situatie in het terrarium in overweging moet worden genomen.
Duvarlarda biyofilm oluşumu oldukça hızlıdır. Burada teraryumun tümdeki mikrobiyolojik durumu ve hijyeni belirleyicidir. Bu nedenle kısmen zararlı mikropların buraya ne ölçüde yerleşeceği önceden belirlenemez.
  Service - FAQ  
Zoals elk organisme bevatten ook planten fosfor aangezien elk organisme dit voor de energiestofwisseling nodig heeft. In zover is het normaal dat turfproducten fosfor in de vorm van fosfaten bevatten.
Bitkiler de her organizma gibi fosfor içerir. Fosfor tüm organizmaların enerji metabolizması için ihtiyaç duyduğu bir maddedir. Bu bakımdan torf ürünlerinin fosfat şeklinde fosfor içermesi normaldir. Bitkilerde bağlı bulunan fosfatların salınması için torfun mineralizasyonunun aerob koşullar altında devam etmesi gerekir.
  JBL | Themawereld  
Om het CO2 goed gedoseerd in het aquarium te krijgen schroeft u de drukregelaar op de voorraadfles. Hij vermindert de flesdruk zover dat u met een klein draaiwiel de CO2 toevoer op de bel nauwkeurig kunt instellen.
The CO2 is in a storage cylinder which always needs to be kept in an upright position, since CO2 is liquefied under pressure. To keep the gas well dosed while inserting it into the aquarium, screw the pressure reducer on the storage cylinder. It reduces the cylinder pressure so that you are able to adjust the CO2 supply to an exact quantity of bubbles with a small handwheel. The CO2 reaches from the pressure reducer over a CO2 resistant hose to a bubble counter, which at the same time serves as check valve ( JBL ProFlora CO2 Count Safe ). In the bubble is water in which the CO2 bubbles rise and become visible. Now you can adjust the desired bubble count with the handwheel. The integrated check valve prevents a backflow of the water into the pressure reducer and storage cylinder. The CO2 hose transports the carbon dioxide from the pressure reducer into your aquarium where it needs to dissolve as quickly and uniformly as possible in the water. For this various diffusers are available, depending on the size of your aquarium. In the diffuser the CO2 comes in contact with the aquarium water where it dissolves. A permanent test indicates how much water has been dissolved and whether this is the right amount.