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Şeker çok yönlü kullanılabilen bir hammaddedir. Çikolatalarda, şekerlemelerde, dondurmada, içeceklerde veya fırın ürünlerinde. Sayısız uygulamalar için şeker ince öğütülür. İnce şeker sonra işlemede kısa çözünme süreleri sağlar veya lezzetli aperatifleri tamamlamaya yarar.
Zucker ist ein vielfältig eingesetzter Rohstoff. Sei es in Schokoladen, Konfitüren, Speiseeis, Getränken oder Backwaren wie Keksen. Für zahlreiche Anwendungen wird der Zucker feingemahlen. Feiner Zucker gewährleistet kurze Lösezeiten bei weiterer Verarbeitung oder dient auch nur zur optischen Abrundung von leckeren Nachspeisen.
Sugar is a versatile raw material used to manufacture chocolate, jams, ice cream, beverages or bakery products such as cookies. For many applications, sugar is finely ground to increase the rate of solubility or simply for the decoration of tasty desserts.
Şeker çok yönlü kullanılabilen bir hammaddedir. Çikolatalarda, şekerlemelerde, dondurmada, içeceklerde veya fırın ürünlerinde. Sayısız uygulamalar için şeker ince öğütülür. İnce şeker sonra işlemede kısa çözünme süreleri sağlar veya lezzetli aperatifleri tamamlamaya yarar.
Typical toner products have a D50 in the range of 5 µm – 7 µm. NETZSCH Trockenmahltechnik GmbH entered the field of toner processing with the development of the CGS Jet Mill in the 1990’s followed by the CFS/HD-S High Dispersion Air Classifier a few years later.
Şeker çok yönlü kullanılabilen bir hammaddedir. Çikolatalarda, şekerlemelerde, dondurmada, içeceklerde veya fırın ürünlerinde. Sayısız uygulamalar için şeker ince öğütülür. İnce şeker sonra işlemede kısa çözünme süreleri sağlar veya lezzetli aperatifleri tamamlamaya yarar.
Zucker ist ein vielfältig eingesetzter Rohstoff. Sei es in Schokoladen, Konfitüren, Speiseeis, Getränken oder Backwaren wie Keksen. Für zahlreiche Anwendungen wird der Zucker feingemahlen. Feiner Zucker gewährleistet kurze Lösezeiten bei weiterer Verarbeitung oder dient auch nur zur optischen Abrundung von leckeren Nachspeisen.
Sugar is a versatile raw material used to manufacture chocolate, jams, ice cream, beverages or bakery products such as cookies. For many applications, sugar is finely ground to increase the rate of solubility or simply for the decoration of tasty desserts.
Şeker çok yönlü kullanılabilen bir hammaddedir. Çikolatalarda, şekerlemelerde, dondurmada, içeceklerde veya fırın ürünlerinde. Sayısız uygulamalar için şeker ince öğütülür. İnce şeker sonra işlemede kısa çözünme süreleri sağlar veya lezzetli aperatifleri tamamlamaya yarar.
Typical toner products have a D50 in the range of 5 µm – 7 µm. NETZSCH Trockenmahltechnik GmbH entered the field of toner processing with the development of the CGS Jet Mill in the 1990’s followed by the CFS/HD-S High Dispersion Air Classifier a few years later.
Tatlı arzusu insanoğlunun en temel güdülerinden biri olup şeker bize enerji sağlayan önemli bir besin kaynağımızdır. Hızlı temin edilebilen bir karbonhidrat olarak fiziksel egzersizler ve spor aktiviteleri esnasındaki performansımızı artırmamıza yardımcı olur.
Le désir d’un aliment sucré est un des besoins essentiels de l’homme et le sucre est une source d’énergie importante. Comme carbohydrate rapidement disponible, il permet d’augmenter les performances pendant un exercice physique et les activités sportives.
Der Wunsch nach süßem Geschmack zählt zu den Grundbedürfnissen des Menschen und Zucker ist für ihn ein wichtiger Energielieferant. Als schnell verfügbares Kohlenhydrat steigert er die Leistungsfähigkeit bei körperlicher Arbeit und sportlichen Aktivitäten.
Una de las necesidades básicas de las personas es el deseo de algo dulce, y el azúcar es una fuente importante de energía. Es un un carbohidrato de rápida disposición que aumenta el rendimiento durante el esfuerzo físico y las actividades deportivas.
O desejo por algo doce é uma das necessidades básicas do homem e o açúcar é uma fonte importante de energia. Como um carboidrato disponível de imediato, ele aumenta o desempenho em atividades físicas e na prática de esportes.
Pragnienie zjedzenia czegoś słodkiego jest chęcią zaspokojenia jednej z podstawowych potrzeb człowieka, cukier bowiem stanowi ważne źródło energii. Będąc złożonym z szybko dostępnych węglowodanów, cukier podnosi naszą wydolność podczas wysiłku fizycznego, np. w czasie uprawianiu sportu.
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Hammaddelerden başlayarak son derece esnek olan ChocoEasy® prosesi üzerinden standart çikolataların yanında diyet çikolatalar veya farklı şeker türleri ve katkılar içererek çikolatalar üretilebilir. Kullanımı kolay olan kompakt ve kapalı olan ChocoEasy® tesisi ile özgün ihtiyaçlara göre formüller doğrudan çikolata türü ve kalitesi değiştirilerek geliştirilebilir.
Using standard raw materials readily available on the market, dark, milk and even white chocolate can be produced on the ChocoEasy® quickly, cost-efficiently and consistently. A broad range of machines allows production of batches from 25 to 6000 kg within the enclosed, space-saving module. Thanks to innovative technology, the process steps conching and fine grinding – combined with the user-friendliness of the module – guarantee high quality, and reproducible, chocolates. There are no boundaries to your imagination when developing new formulations with the ChocoEasy®.
Using standard raw materials readily available on the market, dark, milk and even white chocolate can be produced on the ChocoEasy® quickly, cost-efficiently and consistently. A broad range of machines allows production of batches from 25 to 6000 kg within the enclosed, space-saving module. Thanks to innovative technology, the process steps conching and fine grinding – combined with the user-friendliness of the module – guarantee high quality, and reproducible, chocolates. There are no boundaries to your imagination when developing new formulations with the ChocoEasy®.
Using standard raw materials readily available on the market, dark, milk and even white chocolate can be produced on the ChocoEasy® quickly, cost-efficiently and consistently. A broad range of machines allows production of batches from 25 to 6000 kg within the enclosed, space-saving module. Thanks to innovative technology, the process steps conching and fine grinding – combined with the user-friendliness of the module – guarantee high quality, and reproducible, chocolates. There are no boundaries to your imagination when developing new formulations with the ChocoEasy®.
Bu doğal ürün günümüz toplumumuzda çok yönlü kullanılabilir - hem saf halinde, hem de türevleri şeklinde (yani selüloz bazlı kimyasal bakımdan değiştirilmiş bir madde). Kimyasal açıdan bakıldığında selüloz bir polisakkarittir; yani bir selüloz molekülü birçok şeker yapıtaşından (daha doğrusu glikoz) oluşan uzun bir zincirdir.
Le papier est certainement la première chose qui vient à la pensée pour la plupart des gens quand ils pensent à la cellulose. Bien-sûr c’est correct, mais ce n’est qu’une fraction de la gamme d’applications actuelle de ce matériau. Ce produit naturel a de nombreuses utilisations dans la société d’aujourd’hui – à la fois dans sa forme pure ou bien sa forme dérivée (ex. substance chimique avec une base de cellulose). D’un point de vue chimique, la cellulose est un polysaccharide : une molécule de cellulose a été assemblée dans une longue chaîne à partir de blocs de sucre (spécifiquement : glucose).
Papier ist sicherlich der erste Gedanke, den die meisten Menschen mit dem Begriff „Zellstoff“ oder „Cellulose“ verbinden. Das ist natürlich richtig, aber nur ein Bruchteil der tatsächlichen Einsatzbereiche dieses Stoffes. Dieses Naturprodukt wird in unserer Gesellschaft heute vielfältig genutzt – sowohl in seiner reinen Form oder als sog. Derivat (d.h., eine chem. veränderte Substanz auf Cellulosebasis). Chemisch gesehen ist Cellulose ein Polysaccharid; d. h. ein Cellulosemolekül ist aus vielen Zuckerbausteinen (genau: Glucose) zu einer langen Kette zusammen gebaut worden.
Lo primero que viene a la mente cuando se habla de celulosa es el papel. Esto es correcto, pero solo se trata de una fracción dentro del amplio rango de aplicaciones actuales de este material. Es un producto natural de variados usos en nuestra sociedad - tanto en su forma pura o como derivado (esto es, una sustancia alterada químicamente, con una base de celulosa). Desde el punto de vista químico, la celulosa es un polisacarido (donde una molécula de celulosa se ha unido a una larga cadena de bloques componentes de azúcar (especialmente glucosa)).
Papel é certamente a primeira coisa que vem à mente da maioria das pessoas quando pensam em celulose. Claro que é coreto, mas é somente uma fração da gama atual de aplicações para este material. Este produto natural tem várias utilizações na sociedade de hoje - na sua forma pura ou derivados (ex. substância quimicamente alterada com base de celulose). Do ponto de vista químico, a celulose é um polissacarídeo; ex. a molécula de celulose tem sido agregada à uma longa cadeia de blocos de açúcares (especificamente: glucose).
Papier jest z pewnością pierwszą rzeczą, jaką większość ludzi kojarzy z celulozą. Jest to oczywiście poprawne spostrzeżenie, jednak przedstawia ono jedynie ułamek rzeczywistej skali zastosowań tego materiału, jakie znajduje on we współczesnym świecie: zarówno w czystej postaci, jak i w postaci tak zwanych pochodnych (chemicznie zmienione substancje na bazie celulozy). Z chemicznego punktu widzenia celuloza jest polisacharydem, to znaczy, cząstka celulozy została połączona w długi łańcuch z wielu jednostek cukru (dokładnie, glukozy).
Hem pasta ve keklerin üzerine ince kaplama olarak, hem tatlı ve içecek üretmek için hem de lezzetli atıştırmalıkları tamamlamak için; beyaz şeker kristalleri gıdaları tatlandırmakta vazgeçemeyeceğimiz yardımcılarımızdır.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Die Anforderungen der verarbeitenden Industrie an die technische Ausführung mechanischer Anlagen und Verfahren steigt beständig. Maschinenkonstruktionen oder Anlagenkonzepte in gasdichter oder druckstoßfester Ausführung sind bereits eine übliche Notwendigkeit, um der bestehenden Vorschriftenlage Rechnung zu tragen. Neue Produktqualitäten und/oder Produktionswege stellen weitere spezifische Anforderungen, wie das Beispiel der Zellstoffverarbeitung zeigt.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Hem pasta ve keklerin üzerine ince kaplama olarak, hem tatlı ve içecek üretmek için hem de lezzetli atıştırmalıkları tamamlamak için; beyaz şeker kristalleri gıdaları tatlandırmakta vazgeçemeyeceğimiz yardımcılarımızdır.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Egal ob als feine Glasur auf Kuchen und Keksen, zur Herstellung von Süßwaren und Getränken, oder auch nur zur optischen Abrundung von leckeren Nachspeisen, die weißen Zuckerkristalle sind in unseren Breitengraden für die Süßung von Lebensmitteln nicht mehr wegzudenken. Außer dem hauptsächlich verwendeten "groben" Kristallzucker bzw. der Zuckerraffinade wird für viele Anwendungen in Haushalt und Industrie die deutlich feinere Form des Zuckers (Puderzucker) benötigt. Die Herstellung dieses feinen Zuckers erfolgt auf dem Wege der mechanischen Zerkleinerung von Zuckerkristallen auf modernen Prallmühlen.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Hem pasta ve keklerin üzerine ince kaplama olarak, hem tatlı ve içecek üretmek için hem de lezzetli atıştırmalıkları tamamlamak için; beyaz şeker kristalleri gıdaları tatlandırmakta vazgeçemeyeceğimiz yardımcılarımızdır.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Die Anforderungen der verarbeitenden Industrie an die technische Ausführung mechanischer Anlagen und Verfahren steigt beständig. Maschinenkonstruktionen oder Anlagenkonzepte in gasdichter oder druckstoßfester Ausführung sind bereits eine übliche Notwendigkeit, um der bestehenden Vorschriftenlage Rechnung zu tragen. Neue Produktqualitäten und/oder Produktionswege stellen weitere spezifische Anforderungen, wie das Beispiel der Zellstoffverarbeitung zeigt.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Hem pasta ve keklerin üzerine ince kaplama olarak, hem tatlı ve içecek üretmek için hem de lezzetli atıştırmalıkları tamamlamak için; beyaz şeker kristalleri gıdaları tatlandırmakta vazgeçemeyeceğimiz yardımcılarımızdır.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Egal ob als feine Glasur auf Kuchen und Keksen, zur Herstellung von Süßwaren und Getränken, oder auch nur zur optischen Abrundung von leckeren Nachspeisen, die weißen Zuckerkristalle sind in unseren Breitengraden für die Süßung von Lebensmitteln nicht mehr wegzudenken. Außer dem hauptsächlich verwendeten "groben" Kristallzucker bzw. der Zuckerraffinade wird für viele Anwendungen in Haushalt und Industrie die deutlich feinere Form des Zuckers (Puderzucker) benötigt. Die Herstellung dieses feinen Zuckers erfolgt auf dem Wege der mechanischen Zerkleinerung von Zuckerkristallen auf modernen Prallmühlen.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Hem pasta ve keklerin üzerine ince kaplama olarak, hem tatlı ve içecek üretmek için hem de lezzetli atıştırmalıkları tamamlamak için; beyaz şeker kristalleri gıdaları tatlandırmakta vazgeçemeyeceğimiz yardımcılarımızdır.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Die Anforderungen der verarbeitenden Industrie an die technische Ausführung mechanischer Anlagen und Verfahren steigt beständig. Maschinenkonstruktionen oder Anlagenkonzepte in gasdichter oder druckstoßfester Ausführung sind bereits eine übliche Notwendigkeit, um der bestehenden Vorschriftenlage Rechnung zu tragen. Neue Produktqualitäten und/oder Produktionswege stellen weitere spezifische Anforderungen, wie das Beispiel der Zellstoffverarbeitung zeigt.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Kakao, şeker ve süt tozu gibi önemli hammaddeler arasındaki kimyasal yüzey tepkimesi ve tat difüzyonu ve başlangıç malzemesinde nem oranının düşürülmesi verimli biçimde tam bir sıcaklık denetimiyle ve konçun kontrollü şekilde havalandırılmasıyla yapılır.
Der revolutionäre Prozess arbeitet beim Trockenconchieren mit einem sehr niedrigen Fettgehalt, was zum einen Energie spart und zum anderen dazu führt, dass das Produkt in viel kürzerer Zeit das volle Aroma und die nötige rheologische Konsistenz entwickelt. Die Säuren aus der Kakao-Fermentation, wie z.B. Essigsäure, verflüchtigen sich während dieses Prozessschritts sehr effizient und die Schokoladenmasse erhält das gewünschte milde Aroma. Dies geschieht durch Belüftung der "trockenen" Schokoladenmasse unter langsamem Mischen. Die chemische Oberflächenreaktion und Geschmacksdiffusion zwischen den wichtigsten Rohstoffen Kakao, Zucker und Milchpulver, sowie die Reduktion der Feuchtigkeit des Ausgangmaterials erfolgt effizient durch eine exakte Temperaturüberwachung und eine kontrollierte durchlässige Belüftung der Conche. In dieser Phase sind weder aufwendige Maschinenanpassungen an jede Produktvariante nötig, noch ein Hochleistungsmischer um die Kakao-Zucker-Milchpulver-Partikel zu dispergieren.
Un milenio antes que los europeos descubrieran América, los nativos ya conocían el cacao como alimento y como estimulante natural. Al principio, a los europeos no le gustó el sabor de esa mezcla de cacao sin azúcar. Pero esto cambió cuando, con la adición de miel o azúcar de caña los productos de cacao se extendieron rápidamente por todo el mundo. La palabra chocolate proviene del azteca "xocóatl", de "xócoc" (=agrio, amargo, especiado) y "atl" (=agua). Hoy en día podemos encontrar el chocolate en multitud de formas y calidades diferentes. La composición y los requisitos de los productos de cacao y chocolate vienen estrictamente prescrita por la directiva EU 2000/36/EC.
Aproximadamente um milênio antes da descoberta da América pelos Europeus, o cacau já era conhecido pelos nativos como alimento e estimulante natural. Primeiramente os europeus não gostaram do sabor desta mistura de cacau que não era doce. Isto porém mudou com a adição de mel ou cana-de-açúcar nos produtos de cacau, que rapidamente se espalharam pelo mundo. Ao longo do tempo, a palavra que usamos atualmente – chocolate – trazida da palavra Asteca "xocóatl", de "xócoc" (= azedo, amargo, picante) e "atl" (= água). Hoje o chocolate está disponível em uma variedade enorme de tipos, quantidades, formatos e sabores. Eles são divididos em chocolate amargo, ao leite e branco, no qual a composição e requisitos dos produtos de cacau e chocolate que eles contém estão estritamente prescritos na Diretiva EU 2000/36/EC.
Już na tysiąc lat przed odkryciem Ameryki przez Europejczyków, kakao znane było ludom tubylczym, służąc im zarówno jako pożywienie, jak i naturalny stymulant. Początkowo Europejczykom nie przypadł do gustu smak niesłodzonego kakao. Kiedy jednak zaczęto do niego dodawać miód oraz trzcinę cukrową, produkty wyrabiane na bazie kakao szybko stały się popularne na całym świecie. Z czasem wykształciła się nazwa, której używamy dzisiaj powszechnie – czekolada. Pochodzi ona od azteckiego „xocóatl”, złożonego z dwóch słów: „xócoc” (kwaśny, gorzki, ostry) oraz „atl” (woda). Dziś czekolada dostępna jest w wielu odmianach o rozmaitych właściwościach, formach i smakach. Wyróżnia się czekoladę gorzką, mleczną i białą, dla których to rodzajów skład i wymagania odnoszące się do zawartego w nich kakao i produktów czekoladowych, określa ściśle prawo UE – dyrektywa 2000/36/WE.
Hem pasta ve keklerin üzerine ince kaplama olarak, hem tatlı ve içecek üretmek için hem de lezzetli atıştırmalıkları tamamlamak için; beyaz şeker kristalleri gıdaları tatlandırmakta vazgeçemeyeceğimiz yardımcılarımızdır.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Egal ob als feine Glasur auf Kuchen und Keksen, zur Herstellung von Süßwaren und Getränken, oder auch nur zur optischen Abrundung von leckeren Nachspeisen, die weißen Zuckerkristalle sind in unseren Breitengraden für die Süßung von Lebensmitteln nicht mehr wegzudenken. Außer dem hauptsächlich verwendeten "groben" Kristallzucker bzw. der Zuckerraffinade wird für viele Anwendungen in Haushalt und Industrie die deutlich feinere Form des Zuckers (Puderzucker) benötigt. Die Herstellung dieses feinen Zuckers erfolgt auf dem Wege der mechanischen Zerkleinerung von Zuckerkristallen auf modernen Prallmühlen.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
Whether used for the fine icing on cakes and cookies, in the production of confectionery and drinks, or for the visual rounding off of delicious desserts, in our latitude we cannot imagine a life without white sugar crystals for the sweetening of foodstuffs. Apart from the "coarse" crystal sugar or refined sugar which is mainly used, the considerably finer form of sugar, icing sugar, is required for many applications in the household and in industry. The manufacture of this fine sugar is carried out by mechanically milling sugar crystals on modern impact mills.
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Kakao, şeker ve süt tozu gibi önemli hammaddeler arasındaki kimyasal yüzey tepkimesi ve tat difüzyonu ve başlangıç malzemesinde nem oranının düşürülmesi verimli biçimde tam bir sıcaklık denetimiyle ve konçun kontrollü şekilde havalandırılmasıyla yapılır.
Due the revolutionary “Conching by NETZSCH” concept, which employs very low fat content during the exclusive dry conching step, it is possible to achieve the whole flavor and rheological development in much shorter time and saving energy. The acids from cocoa fermentation, like acetic acid, are volatilized in very efficient way on this step giving the mild flavor desired for chocolate mass. This is obtained through the exclusive thoroughly volumetric aeration of the dry chocolate mass under slow agitation. The surface chemical reactions and flavor diffusion between the main raw materials cocoa, sugar and milk, as well the reduction of the starting moisture, occur efficiently in a suitable environment due the perfect temperature control and controlled porous aeration of the Conch. It is the result of intelligent combination of temperature, time and process sequence, no need of complex machinery adjustments for each product variation or high energy agitator to disperse the cocoa-sugar-milk particles on this moment of the process.
Due the revolutionary “Conching by NETZSCH” concept, which employs very low fat content during the exclusive dry conching step, it is possible to achieve the whole flavor and rheological development in much shorter time and saving energy. The acids from cocoa fermentation, like acetic acid, are volatilized in very efficient way on this step giving the mild flavor desired for chocolate mass. This is obtained through the exclusive thoroughly volumetric aeration of the dry chocolate mass under slow agitation. The surface chemical reactions and flavor diffusion between the main raw materials cocoa, sugar and milk, as well the reduction of the starting moisture, occur efficiently in a suitable environment due the perfect temperature control and controlled porous aeration of the Conch. It is the result of intelligent combination of temperature, time and process sequence, no need of complex machinery adjustments for each product variation or high energy agitator to disperse the cocoa-sugar-milk particles on this moment of the process.
Due the revolutionary “Conching by NETZSCH” concept, which employs very low fat content during the exclusive dry conching step, it is possible to achieve the whole flavor and rheological development in much shorter time and saving energy. The acids from cocoa fermentation, like acetic acid, are volatilized in very efficient way on this step giving the mild flavor desired for chocolate mass. This is obtained through the exclusive thoroughly volumetric aeration of the dry chocolate mass under slow agitation. The surface chemical reactions and flavor diffusion between the main raw materials cocoa, sugar and milk, as well the reduction of the starting moisture, occur efficiently in a suitable environment due the perfect temperature control and controlled porous aeration of the Conch. It is the result of intelligent combination of temperature, time and process sequence, no need of complex machinery adjustments for each product variation or high energy agitator to disperse the cocoa-sugar-milk particles on this moment of the process.
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Kakao, şeker ve süt tozu gibi önemli hammaddeler arasındaki kimyasal yüzey tepkimesi ve tat difüzyonu ve başlangıç malzemesinde nem oranının düşürülmesi verimli biçimde tam bir sıcaklık denetimiyle ve konçun kontrollü şekilde havalandırılmasıyla yapılır.
Due the revolutionary “Conching by NETZSCH” concept, which employs very low fat content during the exclusive dry conching step, it is possible to achieve the whole flavor and rheological development in much shorter time and saving energy. The acids from cocoa fermentation, like acetic acid, are volatilized in very efficient way on this step giving the mild flavor desired for chocolate mass. This is obtained through the exclusive thoroughly volumetric aeration of the dry chocolate mass under slow agitation. The surface chemical reactions and flavor diffusion between the main raw materials cocoa, sugar and milk, as well the reduction of the starting moisture, occur efficiently in a suitable environment due the perfect temperature control and controlled porous aeration of the Conch. It is the result of intelligent combination of temperature, time and process sequence, no need of complex machinery adjustments for each product variation or high energy agitator to disperse the cocoa-sugar-milk particles on this moment of the process.
Due the revolutionary “Conching by NETZSCH” concept, which employs very low fat content during the exclusive dry conching step, it is possible to achieve the whole flavor and rheological development in much shorter time and saving energy. The acids from cocoa fermentation, like acetic acid, are volatilized in very efficient way on this step giving the mild flavor desired for chocolate mass. This is obtained through the exclusive thoroughly volumetric aeration of the dry chocolate mass under slow agitation. The surface chemical reactions and flavor diffusion between the main raw materials cocoa, sugar and milk, as well the reduction of the starting moisture, occur efficiently in a suitable environment due the perfect temperature control and controlled porous aeration of the Conch. It is the result of intelligent combination of temperature, time and process sequence, no need of complex machinery adjustments for each product variation or high energy agitator to disperse the cocoa-sugar-milk particles on this moment of the process.
Due the revolutionary “Conching by NETZSCH” concept, which employs very low fat content during the exclusive dry conching step, it is possible to achieve the whole flavor and rheological development in much shorter time and saving energy. The acids from cocoa fermentation, like acetic acid, are volatilized in very efficient way on this step giving the mild flavor desired for chocolate mass. This is obtained through the exclusive thoroughly volumetric aeration of the dry chocolate mass under slow agitation. The surface chemical reactions and flavor diffusion between the main raw materials cocoa, sugar and milk, as well the reduction of the starting moisture, occur efficiently in a suitable environment due the perfect temperature control and controlled porous aeration of the Conch. It is the result of intelligent combination of temperature, time and process sequence, no need of complex machinery adjustments for each product variation or high energy agitator to disperse the cocoa-sugar-milk particles on this moment of the process.
Kakao, şeker ve süt tozu gibi önemli hammaddeler arasındaki kimyasal yüzey tepkimesi ve tat difüzyonu ve başlangıç malzemesinde nem oranının düşürülmesi verimli biçimde tam bir sıcaklık denetimiyle ve konçun kontrollü şekilde havalandırılmasıyla yapılır.
Der revolutionäre Prozess arbeitet beim Trockenconchieren mit einem sehr niedrigen Fettgehalt, was zum einen Energie spart und zum anderen dazu führt, dass das Produkt in viel kürzerer Zeit das volle Aroma und die nötige rheologische Konsistenz entwickelt. Die Säuren aus der Kakao-Fermentation, wie z.B. Essigsäure, verflüchtigen sich während dieses Prozessschritts sehr effizient und die Schokoladenmasse erhält das gewünschte milde Aroma. Dies geschieht durch Belüftung der "trockenen" Schokoladenmasse unter langsamem Mischen. Die chemische Oberflächenreaktion und Geschmacksdiffusion zwischen den wichtigsten Rohstoffen Kakao, Zucker und Milchpulver, sowie die Reduktion der Feuchtigkeit des Ausgangmaterials erfolgt effizient durch eine exakte Temperaturüberwachung und eine kontrollierte durchlässige Belüftung der Conche. In dieser Phase sind weder aufwendige Maschinenanpassungen an jede Produktvariante nötig, noch ein Hochleistungsmischer um die Kakao-Zucker-Milchpulver-Partikel zu dispergieren.
Un milenio antes que los europeos descubrieran América, los nativos ya conocían el cacao como alimento y como estimulante natural. Al principio, a los europeos no le gustó el sabor de esa mezcla de cacao sin azúcar. Pero esto cambió cuando, con la adición de miel o azúcar de caña los productos de cacao se extendieron rápidamente por todo el mundo. La palabra chocolate proviene del azteca "xocóatl", de "xócoc" (=agrio, amargo, especiado) y "atl" (=agua). Hoy en día podemos encontrar el chocolate en multitud de formas y calidades diferentes. La composición y los requisitos de los productos de cacao y chocolate vienen estrictamente prescrita por la directiva EU 2000/36/EC.
Aproximadamente um milênio antes da descoberta da América pelos Europeus, o cacau já era conhecido pelos nativos como alimento e estimulante natural. Primeiramente os europeus não gostaram do sabor desta mistura de cacau que não era doce. Isto porém mudou com a adição de mel ou cana-de-açúcar nos produtos de cacau, que rapidamente se espalharam pelo mundo. Ao longo do tempo, a palavra que usamos atualmente – chocolate – trazida da palavra Asteca "xocóatl", de "xócoc" (= azedo, amargo, picante) e "atl" (= água). Hoje o chocolate está disponível em uma variedade enorme de tipos, quantidades, formatos e sabores. Eles são divididos em chocolate amargo, ao leite e branco, no qual a composição e requisitos dos produtos de cacau e chocolate que eles contém estão estritamente prescritos na Diretiva EU 2000/36/EC.
Już na tysiąc lat przed odkryciem Ameryki przez Europejczyków, kakao znane było ludom tubylczym, służąc im zarówno jako pożywienie, jak i naturalny stymulant. Początkowo Europejczykom nie przypadł do gustu smak niesłodzonego kakao. Kiedy jednak zaczęto do niego dodawać miód oraz trzcinę cukrową, produkty wyrabiane na bazie kakao szybko stały się popularne na całym świecie. Z czasem wykształciła się nazwa, której używamy dzisiaj powszechnie – czekolada. Pochodzi ona od azteckiego „xocóatl”, złożonego z dwóch słów: „xócoc” (kwaśny, gorzki, ostry) oraz „atl” (woda). Dziś czekolada dostępna jest w wielu odmianach o rozmaitych właściwościach, formach i smakach. Wyróżnia się czekoladę gorzką, mleczną i białą, dla których to rodzajów skład i wymagania odnoszące się do zawartego w nich kakao i produktów czekoladowych, określa ściśle prawo UE – dyrektywa 2000/36/WE.