your wife – Traduction en Croate – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      14 Résultats   6 Domaines
  5 Résultats  
At five o'clock I told the whole truth: "Your wife, your father and your mother, Forget, live only, but do not talk about it "
U pet popodne sam rekao cijelu istinu: "Vaša supruga, tvoj otac i tvoja majka, Zaboraviti, Ne živimo više, ali ne razgovarati o tome "
  3 Résultats  
Visnja Spajic: Your family – your wife and your child – were they patient during your crisis? When did you turn back to them?
Višnja Spajić: Vaša obitelj, supruga i dijete koje ste imali, koliko su bili strpljivi u vrijeme Vaše krize i kada ste im se vratili?  
When will you stop - beating your wife? In other words the very question implies something which is not true. Sometimes the minority of scientific, reasonable persons proposing a theory are the ones later proven correct.
Jesmo li se već sreli? Sjetite se da se s druge strane nalazi osoba kada dajete ovakvu (oprostite mi, ali) neupućenu izjavu da je jedan od nas neupućen ili glup, molim vas.  
THE YOUNGER ONE: That couldn't have happened to you. You were invaluable to your wife. That stays, that's worth something, and because of that you know, up until the last breath, that life was worth living.
STARIJI: Ne osuđuj je. Ima tih koji su pobjegli na prvi znak nemira, na prvi šušanj, a kamoli pucanj. I ja im to ne zamjeram. I ti ne bi trebao. Pogotovo njoj.