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Keybot 3 Results
  Things you should see i...  
On a day like we had that day, you simply wish that one of small lovely houses by the stream is yours, that you can sit here and listen the water purling around these stones. Maybe, one day we’ll be able to do that, who knows.
Za ovako lijepog dana čovjek poželi da je jedna od kućica uz potok njegova i da može tu zaleći i slušati kako potok žubori. Tko zna, možda jednog dana i budemo mogli, nikad se ne zna.
  Neither pro nor con jus...  
At that point you decide that this pipe is broken, and that you can’t get cold water, but then there is a colleague of yours, laughing and saying “yeah yeah, we all need to learn it”, and then instead of turning this circle control he tilts it for 45 degrees, and there it is, cold water.
Ajde, taj je grijač sam po sebi logičan, ali onda pokušate otvoriti vodu i standardno vrtite slavinu u krug, jer se ona vrti u krug. Međutim, ništa se ne događa. Vrtite natrag, naprijed, ide to baš lagano bez nekog opterećenja pa pomislite da je razbijena slavina i odustanete. E ne, onda vam priđe kolega i kaže vam da to okretanje služi za ukras, da se hladna voda pušta tako da taj cijeli kotač zakrivite pod 45 stupnjeva prema zidu, a ne u smjeru okretanja.
  14 days adventure in Au...  
And the best thing is, all the facilities are still fully functional, so visitors can search for gold on their own, and what ever you can find it’s yours, and you can take it home. I always thought that searching for gold as seen in western movies is a piece of cake, you dig a little, you mix the soil in the pan, you take the gold and you are rich.
Najbolje od svega je to što su postrojenja još u funkciji pa kao posjetitelj možete i vi sami tražiti zlato, a sve što pronađete je vaše i možete odnijeti kući. Oduvijek sam mislio da je traganje za zlatom k’o u kaubojskim filmovima jednostavna stvar, malo zagrabite zemlje i pijeska, malo to prodrljate kroz vodu i eto zlata, bogati ste odmah.