yourself – Kroatisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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Keybot 12 Ergebnisse - Appli...  
Europass curriculum vitae (CV) and Europass Language Passport, which you have to write or fill out yourself
dva dokumenta (Europass curriculum vitae (CV)) i Europass Language Passport) koje ispunjavate sami; - Compe...  
Test yourself in an international business environment.
Develop your management and financial skills. - Highe...  
You also have a possibilty to join a Year Plus that is specially designed to help you acquire language and other skills, expertise in your chosen field of study as well as the opportunity to familiarize yourself with the culture, history and Slovenia in general.
Imate i mogućnost pridruživanja Letu Plus, koji je posebno osmišljen, kako bi vam pomogao da steknete jezične i druge vještine, stručnost u odabranom području studija, kao i priliku da se upoznate s kulturom, poviješću i Slovenijom općenito. - Appli...  
Depending on the competition, you can either mail the letters of recommendation yourself, together with the rest of your application documents, or they can be sent in by the person who wrote them. In any case, the letter of recommendation must be sealed in a separate envelope and bear the signature of the person who wrote it and/or the official stamp of the institution which issued it.
Ovisno o natječaju, pismo preporuke šaljete osobno, zajedno sa svim dokumentima, ili ih šalje osoba koja je pisala preporuku. U oba slučaja preporuka mora biti zatvorena u zasebnoj omotnici i mora preko preklopa omotnice imati potpis i/ili pečat osobe koja je pisala preporuku ili institucije u čije ime Vam je preporuku napisala.