youth – Kroatisch-Übersetzung – Keybot-Wörterbuch

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Keybot      630 Ergebnisse   86 Domänen  
Programs for Youth
Programi za mlade
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Project: Climate change and Youth's European action
Projekt: Klimatske promjene i mladi Europe na djelu
  9 Treffer  
Youth (in) culture
Pro(iz)vedi mladost u kulturi
  2 Treffer  
The Coalition of Youth Associations – KUM from Split, with partners, the International Centre for Children and Youth New Sarajevo from Sarajevo and KUD Network from Ljubljana, carried out the programme titled S – S, which primarily connected the independent cultural scenes of Split and Sarajevo.
Electronic.Pact.2005.Tour promovirao je elektroničku glazbu, a proveli su ga [mamatronic] – Multimedijalni institut [mi2] iz Zagreba s partnerima: KUD-om Kataman iz Ljubljane i inicijativom Belgradeyard Soundsystem / Dis-patch iz Beograda.
  24 Treffer  
Education & Youth
Obrazovanje i mladi
  25 Treffer  
The temple is located behind the maze of streets in the neighborhood bars and restaurants high, so it's not surprising that the doors of the church, besides poor, youth are wagered local distributing cards that promise the best fado tourist city hopefully.
Hram se nalazi iza labirint ulicama barova i restorana u gornjem djelu grada, pa nije čudno da su vrata crkve, Osim loše, mlade se okladio lokalne distribuciju karata koje obećavaju najbolje fada turistički grad nadamo.  
The festival has also been supported by: Austrian Cultural Forum, French Institute, Italian Institute for Culture, Creative Europe Program of the European Union: Moving Beyond Inclusion, Migrant Bodies. Partners: Ars Kopija, Ginger Sushi, Lana's Duckass. Program partners: Zagreb Dance Centre, Zagreb Youth Theatre ZKM. Media coverage: Radio 101, Kulturpunkt,
35. Tjedan suvremenog plesa su potpomogli: Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske, Grad Zagreb. Potporu Festivalu ove su godine pružili i: Austrijski kulturni forum, Francuski Institut, Talijanski institut za kulturu. EU program Kreativna Europa: Moving Beyond Inclusion, Migrant Bodies. Partneri: Ars Kopija, Ginger Sushi, Lana´s Duckass. Programski partneri: Zagrebački plesni centar, Zagrebačko kazalište mladih. Medijski prate: Radio 101, Kulturpunkt,
  37 Treffer  
Educational center for youth
Obrazovni centar za žene i mlade
  5 Treffer  
– establishment of the Youth Forum against domestic violence was a successful attempt to motivate young people to take part in the activities referring to society problems solving ;
-formiranje Mladinskog Foruma protiv porodično nasilje je uspješan obid da se potaknu u ukluče mlade ljudi u rešavanju opštestvenih problema.  
Through his university electronics engineering study he developed educational tools in the field of digital electronics and coding suited for high school students. Along with the founders, Paolo has developed the educational projects of the Institute for Youth Development and Innovativity, where he works as Head of Operations.
Paolo je strastven u vezi obrazovanja i obraznovnoj tehnologiji te istinski 'maker'. Na svom studiju elektroničkog inženjerstva razvio je obrazovne alate u područjima digitalne elektronike i programiranja pogodnim za učenike srednjih škola. Zajedno s osnivačima, Paolo je razvio obrazovne projekte Instituta za razvoj i inovativnost mladih, gdje je zaposlen kao voditelj projekata.
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Photography course for youth
Foto tečaj za mlade
  12 Treffer  
SALTO-YOUTH is a network of 8 resource centres, created by the European Commission in 2000 and working on European priorities within the youth field.
SALTO-YOUTH je mreža koja okuplja 8 resursnih centara, kreirana od strane Europske komisije 2000. godine. Mreža djeluje u okviru europskih prioritetnih područja u sektoru mladih.
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Creating chances for youth
Stvaranje prilika za mlade
  48 Treffer  
  6 Treffer  
Les Percussions de Strasbourg, Zagreb Youth Theatre
Les Percussions de Strasbourg, ZKM, 27. 4.  
BADco’s works have been presented in: Zagreb, Dubrovnik (Art Workshop Lazareti), Rijeka (Male scene, Drugo More, Rijeka Summer Nights), Pula (MKFM), Osijek (Barutana, National theatre Osijek), Umag (Golden Lion Festival), Zadar (Zadar snova, Monoplay Festival), Karlovac (Free Dance Festival), Sisak (KKV), Rovinj (Blitz Festival), Split (Youth Center), Prague (Dance Zone, 4+4 Days in Motion), Warsaw (Rozdroze Festival), London (The Place/Aerowaves, Chelsea Theater), Greifswald (Tanztendänzen), Amsterdam (Julidans), Luxemburg (Coeur des Capucines), Sibiu (International Theatre Festival), Bergen (BIT, Oktoberdans), New York (PS122, La MaMa), San Diego (Sushi), Berlin (Podewill, Sophiensalle / Tanz im August, Volksbühne), Vienna (Tanzquartier Wien, GarageX), Ljubljana (Cankarjev dom/Exodos, Aksioma, Stara Elektrarna / Maska), Sarajevo (National theatre / Days of Croatian Culture), Novi Sad (Infant, Balkan Dance Platform, PerArt / Serbian National Theatre), Belgrade (Kondenz Festival, BITEF teatar / TkH), Piran (Tartini theatre), Athens (BYCEM, The Onassis Cultural Center), Tallin (Kanuti Gildi Saal), Klaipeda, Gdansk, Liepaja, Koper, Podgorica (FIAT), Skopje (Balkan Dance Platform), Stuttgart (Treffpunkt), Riga (Homo Novus), Constanta, Regensburg (Donumenta), Graz (Steirischer Herbst), Odessa, Istanbul, Madrid (In-presentable), Tromso (Radstua Theatre), Exeter, Bath, Lincoln (LPAC), Ankara, Roubaix (Les Reperages), Copenhagen (Metropolis Biennalen), Gothenburg (SKOGEN), Skegness, Ghent (CAMPO nieuwpoort), Akçakoca, Ünye, Çamlıhemşin, Hopa, Batumi, Stockholm (Orionteatern, Theater Guillotine, MDT), Venice (54th Venice Biennale), Kortrijk (BUDA), Caen (Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen), Bilbao (Alhóndiga)…
Predstave i instalacije BADco. izvedene su u: Zagrebu, Dubrovniku (Art radionica Lazareti), Rijeci (Male scene, Drugo More, Riječke ljetne noći), Puli (MKFM), Osijeku (Barutana, HNK Osijek), Umagu (Zlatni lav), Zadru (Zadar snova, Monoplay festival), Karlovcu (Free Dance Festival), Sisku (KKV), Rovinju (Blitz festival), Splitu (Dom omladine), Pragu (Dance Zone, 4+4 Days in Motion), Varšavi (Rozdroze Festival), Londonu (The Place/Aerowaves, Chelsea Theater), Greifswaldu (Tanztendänzen), Amsterdamu (Julidans), Luksemburgu (Coeur des Capucines), Sibiu (International Theatre Festival), Bergenu (BIT, Oktoberdans), New Yorku (PS122, La MaMa), San Diegu (Sushi), Berlinu (Podewill, Sophiensalle / Tanz im August, Volksbühne), Beču (Tanzquartier Wien, GarageX), Ljubljani (Cankarjev dom/Exodos, Aksioma, Stara Elektrarna / Maska), Sarajevu (Narodno kazalište Sarajevo / Dani hrvatske kulture), Novom Sadu (Infant, Balkan Dance Platform, PerArt / Srpsko narodno pozorište), Beogradu (Kondenz Festival, BITEF teatar / TkH), Piranu (Tartini theatre), Ateni (BYCEM, Kulturni centar Onassis), Talinu (Kanuti Gildi Saal), Klaipedi, Gdansku, Liepaji, Kopru, Podgorici (FIAT), Skopju (Balkan Dance Platform), Stuttgartu (Treffpunkt), Rigi (Homo Novus), Constanti, Regensburgu (Donumenta), Grazu (Steirischer Herbst), Odessi, Istanbulu, Madridu (In-presentable), Tromsu (Radstua), Exeteru, Bathu, Lincolnu (LPAC), Ankari, Roubaixu (Les Reperages), Kopenhagenu (Metropolis Biennalen), Goteborgu (SKOGEN), Skegnessu, Ghentu (CAMPO nieuwpoort), Akçakoci, Ünye, Çamlıhemşinu, Hopi, Batumiju, Štokholmu (Orionteatern, Theater Guillotine, MDT), Veneciji (54th Venice Biennale), Kortrijku (BUDA), Caenu (Centre Chorégraphique National de Caen), Bilbau (Alhóndiga)…
  2 Treffer  
The flag was originally made for the "Jan Žiška" Czechoslovak brigade of the National Liberation Army and Partisan Units by the youth of village Trojeglava (today in Dežanovac community near Daruvar) on 1 October 1944, that afterwards served as the model for the Czech minority flag in the Socialist Yugoslavia.
Zastava je češka (čehoslovačka) zastava sastavljena od dvije pruge, bijele iznad crvene i plavog trokuta u koplje, sa žuto obrubljenom crvenom peterokrakom zvijezdom u sredini bijele pruge. Originalnu zastavu izdradila je omladina sela Trojeglava (danas u općini Dežanovac u blizini Daruvara), 1. listopada 1944. godine za čehoslovačko brigadu NOV i POJ "Jan Žiška". Ona je kasnije poslužila kao model za zastavu češke narodnosti u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji.  
inclusion of youth.
Uključivanje mladih.
  2 Treffer  
Youth Participation
Promicanje sudjelovanja mladeži  
Predrag Pujic, the director of the Youth Centre in Trebinje, said that while it was natural for members of one ethnic group to want to be united in one state, joining Serbia would not offer a magical solution for RS’s problems.
Predrag Pujić, direktor Parlamenta mladih u Trebinju, kaže da, iako je prirodno da pripadnici jedne etničke grupe žele živjeti u jednoj državi, spajanje sa Srbijom ne bi ponudilo čarobno rješenje za probleme Republike Srpske.
  2 Treffer  
Pekarna Magdalenske mreže is a non-governmental, non-profit institution, founded in 1997 as an organisation for encouraging and supporting programme and project cooperation among individuals and groups conducting artistic, cultural, educational, research, ecological, informative and humanitarian activities as well as for granting assistance in solving their short or long-term residential needs for creative spaces. It works in three main areas: Independent culture, youth and social activism.
Pekarna Magdalenske mreže je nevladina, neprofitna institucija osnovana 1997. kako bi poticala i podržavala programsku i projektu suradnju među pojedincima i grupama na polju umjetničke produkcije, edukacije, istraživačkog rada, ekologije i humanitarnog rada te pružila podršku u dugoročnom rješavanju prostornih potreba za takvo djelovanje. U fokusu PMM-a je alternativna kultura, podzastupljene forme umjetnosti i programi za mlade, a programski je podijeljena na tri polja: nezavisna kultura, mladi i društveni aktivizam.  
For summer evenings, the harbor is full of yachts and tourist excursion boats, and Kacic Square in the center of town is full of youth that enjoys entertaining and cultural events.
Za ljetnih večeri luka je puna jahti i turističkih izletničkih brodova, a Kačićev trg u središtu grada pun je mladosti koja uživa u zabavnim i kulturnim priredbama.  
Djurdjenovac has kept that image until the present day, but numerous former objects have been practically irrecoverably destroyed or are not in function, either because of negligence of local authorities or because of the usual natural course of things - affected by the ravages of time (once beautiful Djurdjenovac park, stands of the sport stadium, athletic course around the football field, firefighting tower, clerks club, sports hall, the open pool next to Djurdjenovac fishponds, dance stage within the old fire station, youth meeting-place in front of the villa, old school premises, the auto-moto club premises, many social buildings or even certain parts of the settlement).
Tu je sliku Đurđenovac zadržao sve do danas s tim da su mnogi prijašnji objekti praktički bespovratno uništeni ili nisu u funkciji što nebrigom lokalne vlasti, što uobičajenim prirodnim tijekom - nagriženi zubom vremena (nekad prekrasni đurđenovački park, tribine sportskog stadiona i atletska staza oko nogometnog igrališta, vatrogasni toranj, činovnički dom, sportska dvorana, otvoreni bazen pored đurđenovačkih ribnjaka, plesna pozornica u krugu starog Vatrogasnog doma, okupljalište mladih ispred vile, prostorije stare škole, prostorije auto - moto kluba, mnoge društvene zgrade ili čak pojedini dijelovi naselja).  
Still, it's true: the Spirit with the Tomahawk has been on the newsstands for forty years now, and he shows absolutely no signs of wearing out. On the contrary, he continues to live through new and surprising adventures every month, maintaining an enviable freshness. After four decades, Zagor is still a youth in top form, bless him.
Možda bih trebao reæi da ih ne pokazuje. Bilo bi ljepše. I u principu je takoðer toèno: Duh sa Sjekirom se pojavljuje na kioscima veæ 40 godina i apsolutno se ne otrcava. Dapaèe, nastavlja proživljavati nove i iznenaðujuæe avanture svaki mjesec, zadržavajuæi zavidnu svježinu. Nakon èetiri desetljeæa, Zagor je još uvijek mladiæ u punoj formi, blago njemu.  
Over the years, has established wide network of collaborating cultural institutions and individuals, locally, in Serbia, in the region and internationally. In 2007, co-established Youth Center CK13 (, one of the rare autonomous spaces dedicated to activism, self-organization and independent cultural production. kreira prostor za otvoreni dijalog, eksperimentalnu edukaciju, saradnju i istraživanje, kao i slobodan pristup različitim izvorima znanja. U okviru aktivnosti, do sada je organizovano više stotina javnih događaja: predavanja i prezentacija gostujućih umetnika i teoretičara, radionica, izložbi, konferencija i internacionalni izdavački projekat. Tokom godina rada, je uspostavio mreže saradničkih kulturnih organizacija i pojedinaca, lokalno, regionalno i internacionalno. Godine 2007. je su-osnovao Omladinski centar CK13 (, jedno od retkih autonomnih prostora posvećenog aktivizmu, samo-organizovanju i nezavisnoj kulturnoj produkciji. Od 2012. godine, blisko sarađuje sa Grupom za konceptualnu politiku – GKP ( iz Novog Sada na zajedničkim projektima, teorijskim istraživanjima, izdavaštvu i politikama stanovanja i lokalne samouprave (kroz projekat „Lokalne politike i urbano samoupravljanje“,
  9 Treffer  
9th International Children and Youth Animation Film Festival Varaždin/Rijeka
9. internacionalni festival animiranog filma djece i mladih Varaždin/Rijeka  
Sale of second class of donated clothing in Cakovec Social cooperative Humana Nova, in collaboration with the Department of social welfare from Cakovec, is organizing a two-day sale of second class of donated worn clothes in Čakovec. The sale will take place in youth centre called "Prostor" (complex of "Stari hrast", near the overpass, Dr. Ivana Novaka 38), on Thursday and Friday (29 and 30th March), from 9..
Prodaja 2. klase donirane odjeće u Čakovcu Socijalna zadruga Humana Nova, u suradnji s Zavodom za socijalnu skrb iz Čakovca, organizira dvodnevnu prodaju 2. klase donirane nošene odjeće u Čakovcu. Prodaja će se odvijati u Prostoru (kompleks Stari hrast, kod nadvožnjaka, Dr. Ivana Novaka 38), u četvrtak i petak (29. i 30. ožujka), u vremenu od 9 do 17 sati. Druga klasa donirane nošene odjeće... Više -
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