zoe – Slovenian Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  2 Hits access2eufinance.ec.europa.eu  
Zoe makes a splash
Zoja se vrže v vodo
The President of the Greek Parliament Zoe Konstantopoulou recently launched the Truth Commission on Public Debt. The Commission, comprised of debt specialists from around the world, is auditing Greece’s debt with the purpose of identifying how much of it is actually legal, legitimate, and sustainable.
Predsednica grškega parlamenta, Zoe Konstantopoulou je pred kratkim ustanovila Komisijo resnice o javnem dolgu. Komisija, ki jo sestavljajo dolžniški strokovnjaki s celega sveta, pregleduje grški dolg z namenom, da se ugotovi, kolikšen del dolga je sploh legalen, legitimen in poplačljiv.