zone of – Slovenian Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  WP7 Amendment of the GI...  
By analysing the high-risk areas, it was observed that some of them just fall behind the zone of drinking water withdrawal. In scenario 2, it was decided to reduce the impact on these areas by simulating the measures of grassland cover of the vineyards and the conversion of maize to grassland for all the agricultural crops that fall within the areas classified as high risk and very high risk.
Analiza območij z visokim tveganjem je pokazala, da se nekatera izmed njih nahajajo prav v bližini črpališč pitne vode. Zaradi tega smo se odločili, da v scenariju 2, poskusimo zmanjšati človekov vpliv izrecno na teh področjih. Ukrep zasajanja vinogradov s travo in spreminjanja koruznih njiv v travnike, smo torej predvideli za tiste njive, ki se nahajajo na področjih z visokim ali zelo visokim tveganjem.