zurich – Slovenian Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
  5 Hits badoo.com  
Zurich, Switzerland
Zürich, Švica
Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
Switzerland (via Zurich)
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Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
  2 Hits www.via-alpina.org  
For Manuel Hefti unfortunately the journey was cut short by an injury. But this is only a temporary stop. Splendid images, stories and numerous podcasts document his first month of hiking, between the Zurich hills and the Dolomites: perleneuropas.blogspot.ch.
Manuel Hefti je moral pot žal zaradi poškodbe predčasno prekiniti. A to le začasno. Čudovite fotografije, besedila in številni podcasti dokumentirajo njegov prvi mesec po poteh züriške regije Oberland vse do Dolomitov: perleneuropas.blogspot.ch.
Delivering the Special Winston Churchill Lecture 2011 at the University of Zurich on 9 November, President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy underlined that to stay on course the EU needs growth, which is also a global responsibility.
Predsednik Evropskega sveta Herman Van Rompuy je 9. novembra 2011 na posebnem predavanju o Winstonu Churchillu na univerzi v Zürichu poudaril, da EU za preživetje potrebuje rast, za katero pa mora poskrbeti ves svet.
  3 Hits www.bt.design  
As the Zurich Radical Artists wrote in their manifesto in 1919: “The means that serve abstraction are of synthetic, anorganic and impersonal sort, meaning an operation with formal and sensual essence. The abstract is the primary form of art. Abstractions are the essential human abilities slumbering in everyone. Abstract art means the enormous broadening of the sentiment of freedom of man.”
Kot so zapisali v manifestu iz leta 1919 švicarski radikalni umetniki: »Sredstva, ki služijo abstrakciji, so sintetična, anorganska in brezosebna, kar pomeni delovanje znotraj formalnega in senzualnega bistva. Abstraktno je primarna oblika umetnosti. Abstrakcije so bistvene človeške sposobnosti, speče v vsakem posamezniku. Abstraktna umetnost je razširitev občutka človeške svobode.«
Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
Meeting eggs in Zurich, Switzerland
Jajčasti sejni prostori v Zürichu
Switzerland (via Zurich)
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But there’s more; the capital of dance is confronted with its limits: this explosion of collective physicality is not a style, nor a discipline, but a deeply rooted faith of the body in forms of communication with the place and others in that place. That is something we don’t have as a source, but which audiences (both the varied KVS audience in Brussels and the festival audience in Zurich) seem to lap up eagerly.
Pravim, da je Badke velik dar za Bruselj. Gladko ovrže vsak kliše o Palestincih. In še več, prestolnica plesa se sooča s svojimi mejami: ta eksplozija kolektivne telesnosti ni slog, ni disciplina, pač pa globoko ukoreninjena vera telesa v oblike komuniciranja s prostorom in z drugimi v tem prostoru. To je vir, ki ga mi pač nimamo, a ga občinstvo (različno občinstvo KVS v Bruslju in tisto na festivalu v Zürichu) željno vsrkava. Ne gre za to, da mi rešujemo Palestince, temveč prihajajo Palestinci rešiti nas – pred našim prevladujočim možganskim plesom.