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Keybot      8 Ergebnisse   2 Domänen
  2 Treffer www.google.com.mt  
For example, Google’s spell checking software was developed by analyzing previous searches where users had corrected their own spelling.
Isibonelo, isofthiwe yokuhlola ukupela ye-Google yaqanjwa ngokuhlaziya usesho lwangaphambilini lapha abasebenzisi balungise khona ukupela kwabo.
Teach Internet safety. It’s impossible to monitor your child’s online activity all the time. As they get older, they need to know how to use the Internet safely and responsibly when they’re on their own.
Fundisa ukuphepha kwe-intanethi.Akwenzeki ukuqapha yonke imisebenzi eyenziwa yingane yakho ku-inthanethi ngaso sonke isikhathi. Njengoba zikhula, zidinga ukwazi ukusebenzisa i-intanethi ngokuphepha nangokuzibophezela uma zizimele.