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We will ask for your consent before using information for a purpose other than those that are set out in this Privacy Policy.
Sizoyicela imvume yakho ngaphambili kokusebenzisa imininingwane ngenhloso engafani naleyo ebekwe Emgomeni Wobumfihlo.
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Google gives you a personal, worldwide, royalty-free, non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the software provided to you by Google as part of the Services. This license is for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Services as provided by Google, in the manner permitted by these terms.
U-Google ukunikeza isigunyazo sakho somhlaba wonke, esingakhokhelwa, esingadluliseki nekungesakho kuphela ukuze usebenzise isofutiwe ohlinzekelwe yona u-Google njenge ngxenye Yohlelo. Lesi sigunyazo senzelwe kuphela ukukuvumela ukuthi usebenzise uphinde uthokozele imivuzo Yohlelo oluhlinzekwe u-Google, ngendlela egunyazwe ilemibandela. Awuvumelekile ukuthi ukopishe, uguqule, usabalalise, udayise noma uthelise nganoma iyiphi ingxenye Yohlelo lwethu noma okuyingxenye yesofutiwe, kanti futhi awuvumelekile ukuguqula noma uzame ukususa ikhodi ewumthombo yesofutiwe, ngaphandle uma umthetho ukuvimba lokho kunqanda noma ume unemvume ebhalwe phansi.
  Google Terms of Service...  
When you upload or otherwise submit content to our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content. The rights you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting, and improving our Services, and to develop new ones.
Uma ulayisha noma uthumela ngenye indlela into Ezinhlelweni zethu, unikeza u-Google (kanye nalabo esisebenza nabo) emhlabeni wonke jikelele isigunyazo sokusebenzisa, sethule, silondoloze, sakhe kabusha, siguqule, senze imisebenzi esuselwe (njengaleyo esuke ekuhunyushweni, ukuboniselwa noma ezinye izinguquko esizenzayo ukuze izinto zakho eziqukethwe zisebenze kangcono nezinhlelo zethu), uxhumana, ushicilela, udlala emphakathini, uveza emphakahtini noma usabalalisa leyonto equkethwe. Amalungelo owahlinzekayo kuleso sigunyazo enzelwe inhloso enomkhawulo wokusebenzisa, ukuthuthukisa, kanye nokwamukela Izinhlelo zethu nokwenza ezintsha. Isigunyazo siyaqhubeka ngisho ngabe uyama ukusebenzisa uhlelo lwethu (isibonelo, ukwenziwa kohlu lwebhizinisi olengeze ku-Google Maps). Ezinye izinhlelo kungenzeka zikuhlinzeke ngezindlela zokufinyelela nokususa izinto eziqukethwe esezihlinzekwe kulolo hlelo. Kwezinye izinhlelo zethu, kunemibandela noma izisetho ezinciphisa ububanzi bokusebenzisa kwethu okuqukethwe okuthunyelwe kulezo zinhlelo. Qinisekisa ukuthi unamalungelo afanele ukusinikeza isigunyazo sanoma ikuphi okuqukethwe okuthumele ohlelweni lwethu.
  Google Terms of Service...  
Some jurisdictions provide for certain warranties, like the implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. To the extent permitted by law, we exclude all warranties.
Ezinye izindawo zihlinzeka iziqiniseko ezithize, njengesiqiniseko sokudayisa, ukulungela inhloso ethize kanye nokulandelwa. Sizibeka eceleni zonke iziqiniseko ngokuvunyelwe umthetho.
  Google Terms of Service...  
We recognize that in some countries, you might have legal rights as a consumer. If you are using the Services for a personal purpose, then nothing in these terms or any additional terms limits any consumer legal rights which may not be waived by contract.
Siyaqonda ukuthi kwamanye amazwe, kungenzeka sibe namalungelo omthetho njengabathengi. Uma usebenzisa Izinhlelo ngezizathu eziqondene nawe, akukho lutho kulemibandela noma eminye imibandela eyengeziwe ezibeka umkhawulo kunoma imaphi amalungelo omthengi okungenzeka angavezwa isivumelwane.