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We may combine personal information from one service with information, including personal information, from other Google servicesfor example to make it easier to share things with people you know. Depending on your account settings, your activity on other sites and apps may be associated with your personal information in order to improve Google’s services and the ads delivered by Google.
Kungenzeka sihlanganise ulwazi lomuntu siqu kusuka kwenye isevisi, okubandakanya iminingwane yabantu, kusuka kwamanye amasevisi e-Google - isibonelo ukuze kubelula ukwabelana izinto nabantu obaziyo. Kuye ngezilungiselelo zakho ze-akhawunti yakho, umsebenzi wakho kwamanye amasayithi nezinhlelo zokusebenza zingahlotshaniswa nolwazi lwakho lomuntu siqu ukuze kuthuthukiswe amasevisi e-Google kanye nezikhangiso ezilethwa yi-Google.
  Privacy Policy – Privac...  
This activity might come from your use of Google products like Chrome Sync or from your visits to sites and apps that partner with Google. Many websites and apps partner with Google to improve their content and services. For example, a website might use our advertising services (like AdSense) or analytics tools (like Google Analytics). These products share information about your activity with Google and, depending on your account settings and the products in use (for instance, when a partner uses Google Analytics in conjunction with our advertising services), this data may be associated with your personal information.
Lo msebenzi ungavela kusukela ekusebenziseni kwakho imikhiqizo ye-Google efana Nokuvumelanisa i-Chrome noma kusukela ekuvakasheni kwakho kumasayithi nezinhlelo zokusebenza eziba ngozakwethu be-Google. Amawebhusayithi amaningi nezinhlelo zokusebenza zisebenzisana ne-Google ukuthuthukisa okuqukethwe kwazo namasevisi. Ngokwesibonelo, iwebhusayithi ingase isebenzise amasevisi ethu okukhangisa (njenge-AdSense) noma amathuluzi okuhlola (afana ne-Google Analytics). Leyo mikhiqizo yabelana ngolwazi mayelana nomsebenzi wakho ne-Google futhi, kuncike kuzilungiselelo zakho ze-akhawunti kanye nemikhiqizo esebenzayo (isibonelo, uma uzakwethu asebenzisa i-Google Analytics ngokuhlangana namasevisi ethu okukhangisa), le datha ingahlotshaniswa nolwazi lomuntu siqu.