site – Traduction en Zoulou – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Our Good to Know site helps you stay safe and protect your family’s information online. Visit to learn more
Isayithi lethu lokuhle okumele ukwazi likusiza ukuthi uhlale uvikelekile futhi livikela ulwazi lomndeni wakho ku-intanethi. Vakasha ukuze ofunde kabanzi  
If you have young children, you might use the Internet with them. For older children, you could talk about what kinds of site they like to visit and what isn’t appropriate for your family. You can also check where your kids have been by looking at the history in your browser menu.
Yazi ukuthi izingane zakho ziya kuphi ku-intanethi.Uma unezingane ezincane, ungasebenzisa i-inthanethi nazo. Ezinganeni ezinkulu ungakhuluma mayelana nokuthi zithanda ukuvakashela izinhlobo ezinjani zamasayithi nokuthi yini okungalungele umndeni wakho. Futhi ungahlola lapho izingane zakho ezazikhona ngokubuka emlandwini kumenu yesiphequluli sakho. Enye inketho yokusebenzisa amathuluzi okuhlunga afana ne-Google SafeSearch.