tab – Zulu Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Keybot      30 Results   5 Domains
  6 Hits  
If you are exploring one website on your browser and would like to look quickly at another website, all you need to do is create a tab. The tab is basically another window within the same browser. By creating a tab, you can easily jump between websites.
Ngokuvamile, iselula ixhuma ku-intanethi ngesiginali efanayo engenazintambo esetshenziswa ukufona. Ifoni yakho ixhuma ku-cell tower endaweni, lapho ke ikuxhuma ku-intanethi. Ngoba ukuthumela idatha phakathi kwamadivayisi eselula ne-intanethi kungabiza, abahlinzeki nge-intanethi bakhokhisa amacelo edatha.
  6 Hits  
If you are exploring one website on your browser and would like to look quickly at another website, all you need to do is create a tab. The tab is basically another window within the same browser. By creating a tab, you can easily jump between websites.
Ngokuvamile, iselula ixhuma ku-intanethi ngesiginali efanayo engenazintambo esetshenziswa ukufona. Ifoni yakho ixhuma ku-cell tower endaweni, lapho ke ikuxhuma ku-intanethi. Ngoba ukuthumela idatha phakathi kwamadivayisi eselula ne-intanethi kungabiza, abahlinzeki nge-intanethi bakhokhisa amacelo edatha.
  6 Hits  
If you are exploring one website on your browser and would like to look quickly at another website, all you need to do is create a tab. The tab is basically another window within the same browser. By creating a tab, you can easily jump between websites.
Ngokuvamile, iselula ixhuma ku-intanethi ngesiginali efanayo engenazintambo esetshenziswa ukufona. Ifoni yakho ixhuma ku-cell tower endaweni, lapho ke ikuxhuma ku-intanethi. Ngoba ukuthumela idatha phakathi kwamadivayisi eselula ne-intanethi kungabiza, abahlinzeki nge-intanethi bakhokhisa amacelo edatha.
  6 Hits  
If you are exploring one website on your browser and would like to look quickly at another website, all you need to do is create a tab. The tab is basically another window within the same browser. By creating a tab, you can easily jump between websites.
Ngokuvamile, iselula ixhuma ku-intanethi ngesiginali efanayo engenazintambo esetshenziswa ukufona. Ifoni yakho ixhuma ku-cell tower endaweni, lapho ke ikuxhuma ku-intanethi. Ngoba ukuthumela idatha phakathi kwamadivayisi eselula ne-intanethi kungabiza, abahlinzeki nge-intanethi bakhokhisa amacelo edatha.
  6 Hits  
If you are exploring one website on your browser and would like to look quickly at another website, all you need to do is create a tab. The tab is basically another window within the same browser. By creating a tab, you can easily jump between websites.
Kwezinye izikhathi amagama esikrinini sakho angahle abemakhulu kakhulu noma abemancane kakhulu kuwe ukuthi uwafunde kahle. Ukuze ushintshe usayizi wamagama, cindezela futhi ubambe inkinobho [control] noma [command] kukhibhodi yakho bese uthephe ukhiye wokuhlanganisa [+] noma wokukhipha [-]. Ukukhetha u-[+] kuozkwenza amagama wakho abemakhulu, bese ukukhetha u-[-] kuzokwenza amagama wakho abemancane.