unless – Zulu Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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Ukusebenzisa izinhlelo zethu akukwenzi umnikazi kwanoma iliphi ilungelo lempahla yokucatshangiwe Ezinhlelweni zethu noma okuqukethwe ofinyelela kukho. Ngeke ukwazi ukuthi usebenzise okuqukethwe ohlelweni lwethu ngaphandle uma uthole imvume kumnikazi wawo noma uma uvunyelwe umthetho ngandlela thize. Le mibandela ayikunikezi ilungelo lokusebenzisa nanoma ikuphi ukuthuthukisa umfanekiso noma ama-logo asetshenziswa ezinhlelweni zethu. Ungasusi, usithe noma uguqule noma iziphi izaziso zomthetho ezivezwe nohlelo lwethu noma kulo uqobo
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U-Google ukunikeza isigunyazo sakho somhlaba wonke, esingakhokhelwa, esingadluliseki nekungesakho kuphela ukuze usebenzise isofutiwe ohlinzekelwe yona u-Google njenge ngxenye Yohlelo. Lesi sigunyazo senzelwe kuphela ukukuvumela ukuthi usebenzise uphinde uthokozele imivuzo Yohlelo oluhlinzekwe u-Google, ngendlela egunyazwe ilemibandela. Awuvumelekile ukuthi ukopishe, uguqule, usabalalise, udayise noma uthelise nganoma iyiphi ingxenye Yohlelo lwethu noma okuyingxenye yesofutiwe, kanti futhi awuvumelekile ukuguqula noma uzame ukususa ikhodi ewumthombo yesofutiwe, ngaphandle uma umthetho ukuvimba lokho kunqanda noma ume unemvume ebhalwe phansi.