want – Traduction en Zoulou – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      9 Résultats   2 Domaines
  2 Résultats www.google.com.mt  
For example, if someone is already a contact, Google will autocomplete their name if you want to add them to a message in Gmail.
Isibonelo, uma umuntu usevele ungoxhumana naye, i-Google izoqedela ngokuzenzakalelayo igama lakhe uma ufuna ukumengeza kumlayo ku-Gmail.
  2 Résultats google.com  
When you do, we’ll ask for personal information, like your name, email address, telephone number or credit card. If you want to take full advantage of the sharing features we offer, we might also ask you to create a publicly visible Google Profile, which may include your name and photo.
Imininingwane osinikeza yona Isibonelo, iningi lezinhlelo zethu zidinga ukuthi ubhalisele i-akhawunti yakwa-Google. Uma wenza lokho, siyokucela imininingwane eqondene nawenjenge gama lakho, ikheli le-imeyini, inombolo yocingo noma ikhadi lesikweleti. Uma ufuna ukuzitika ngokugcwele ngento yokwabelana esiyihlinzekayo, kungenzeka sikucele wenze iphrofayela ye-Google ebonakala emphakathiniengabandakanya igama nesithombe sakho.