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Keybot      13 Ergebnisse   8 Domänen
Keep computers in a central place. This will make it easier to keep an eye on your children’s activities.
Beka amakhompuyutha endaweni emaphakathi.Lokhu kuzokwenza kubelula ukuqhapha imisebenzi yezingane zakho.
Open source software is important to us. Some software used in our Services may be offered under an open source license that we will make available to you. There may be provisions in the open source license that expressly override some of these terms.
Isofutiwe yomthombo ovulekile ibalulekile kuthina. Amanye amasofutiwe asetshenziswa ezinhlelweni zethu kungenzeka ahlinzekwe ngaphansi kwesigunyaziso somthombo ovulekile esingenza ukuthi ufinyelele kuwo. Kungenzeka kube khona ukubalulwa okusesigunyazweni somthombo ovulekile esingaphezulu kwalemibandela.
  2 Treffer www.google.no  
To change the size of the words on your browser, press and hold the [control] or [command] button on your keyboard and tap on the plus [+] or minus [-] key. Selecting [+] will make your words bigger, and selecting [-] will make your words smaller.
Ngaphambi kokuqala ukuhlola iwebhu, uzodinga ukusetha icebo ngomhlinzeki nge-intanethi. Umhlinzeki nge-intanethi yinkampani ekuvumela ukuthi ufinyelele i-intanethi namanye amasevisi ewebhu. Bahlinzeka ngezindlela ezahlukene zokuxhuma kufaka phakathi i-dial-up, ikhebuli, ama-fiber optic noma i-Wi-Fi. Lolo xhumo lunquma isivinini sokufinyelela kwakho ku-intanethi.
  2 Treffer maps.google.ca  
To change the size of the words on your browser, press and hold the [control] or [command] button on your keyboard and tap on the plus [+] or minus [-] key. Selecting [+] will make your words bigger, and selecting [-] will make your words smaller.
Njengoba uya elabhulali ‘ukuyohlola’ amabhuku, ungathola noma uhlole amakhasi ku-intanethi usebenzisa isiphequluli sewebhu. Isiphequluli uhlobo lwesofthiwe kukhompyutha yakho elikuvumela ukuthi ufinyelele ku-intanethi. Isiphequluli sisebenza njengewindi elikubonisa amawebhusayithi ahlukahlukene lapho kukhona khona ulwazi. Okufanele ukwenze ukuthayipha ikheli lewebhu esipheqululini sakho futhi uyiswa ngokushesha kuleyo webhusayithi.
  2 Treffer www.google.ie  
To change the size of the words on your browser, press and hold the [control] or [command] button on your keyboard and tap on the plus [+] or minus [-] key. Selecting [+] will make your words bigger, and selecting [-] will make your words smaller.
Ngaphambi kokuqala ukuhlola iwebhu, uzodinga ukusetha icebo ngomhlinzeki nge-intanethi. Umhlinzeki nge-intanethi yinkampani ekuvumela ukuthi ufinyelele i-intanethi namanye amasevisi ewebhu. Bahlinzeka ngezindlela ezahlukene zokuxhuma kufaka phakathi i-dial-up, ikhebuli, ama-fiber optic noma i-Wi-Fi. Lolo xhumo lunquma isivinini sokufinyelela kwakho ku-intanethi.
  2 Treffer www.google.li  
To change the size of the words on your browser, press and hold the [control] or [command] button on your keyboard and tap on the plus [+] or minus [-] key. Selecting [+] will make your words bigger, and selecting [-] will make your words smaller.
Ngaphambi kokuqala ukuhlola iwebhu, uzodinga ukusetha icebo ngomhlinzeki nge-intanethi. Umhlinzeki nge-intanethi yinkampani ekuvumela ukuthi ufinyelele i-intanethi namanye amasevisi ewebhu. Bahlinzeka ngezindlela ezahlukene zokuxhuma kufaka phakathi i-dial-up, ikhebuli, ama-fiber optic noma i-Wi-Fi. Lolo xhumo lunquma isivinini sokufinyelela kwakho ku-intanethi.
Open source software is important to us. Some software used in our Services may be offered under an open source license that we will make available to you. There may be provisions in the open source license that expressly override some of these terms.
Isofutiwe yomthombo ovulekile ibalulekile kuthina. Amanye amasofutiwe asetshenziswa ezinhlelweni zethu kungenzeka ahlinzekwe ngaphansi kwesigunyaziso somthombo ovulekile esingenza ukuthi ufinyelele kuwo. Kungenzeka kube khona ukubalulwa okusesigunyazweni somthombo ovulekile esingaphezulu kwalemibandela.
  2 Treffer mail.google.com  
To change the size of the words on your browser, press and hold the [control] or [command] button on your keyboard and tap on the plus [+] or minus [-] key. Selecting [+] will make your words bigger, and selecting [-] will make your words smaller.
Ngaphambi kokuqala ukuhlola iwebhu, uzodinga ukusetha icebo ngomhlinzeki nge-intanethi. Umhlinzeki nge-intanethi yinkampani ekuvumela ukuthi ufinyelele i-intanethi namanye amasevisi ewebhu. Bahlinzeka ngezindlela ezahlukene zokuxhuma kufaka phakathi i-dial-up, ikhebuli, ama-fiber optic noma i-Wi-Fi. Lolo xhumo lunquma isivinini sokufinyelela kwakho ku-intanethi.