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Ukusebenzisa izinhlelo zethu akukwenzi umnikazi kwanoma iliphi ilungelo lempahla yokucatshangiwe Ezinhlelweni zethu noma okuqukethwe ofinyelela kukho. Ngeke ukwazi ukuthi usebenzise okuqukethwe ohlelweni lwethu ngaphandle uma uthole imvume kumnikazi wawo noma uma uvunyelwe umthetho ngandlela thize. Le mibandela ayikunikezi ilungelo lokusebenzisa nanoma ikuphi ukuthuthukisa umfanekiso noma ama-logo asetshenziswa ezinhlelweni zethu. Ungasusi, usithe noma uguqule noma iziphi izaziso zomthetho ezivezwe nohlelo lwethu noma kulo uqobo
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Ungazixhaphazi izinhlelo zethu Isibonelo, ungagxambukeli ohlelweni lwethu noma uzame ukufinyelela kulona usebenzisa indlela noma imiyalelo ehlinzekwe ithina. Ungasebenzisa izinhlelo zethu ngendlela egunyazwe umthetho kuphela, okubandakanya imithetho yokulawula ukuthumela nokwamukela izinto. Kungenzeka simise okwesikhasha noma siyeke ukuhlinzeka izinhlelo zethu kuwena uma ungahambisani nemibandela noma imigomo yethu noma uma siphenya ngokungaziphathi kahle okusolwayo.
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Uma ulayisha noma uthumela ngenye indlela into Ezinhlelweni zethu, unikeza u-Google (kanye nalabo esisebenza nabo) emhlabeni wonke jikelele isigunyazo sokusebenzisa, sethule, silondoloze, sakhe kabusha, siguqule, senze imisebenzi esuselwe (njengaleyo esuke ekuhunyushweni, ukuboniselwa noma ezinye izinguquko esizenzayo ukuze izinto zakho eziqukethwe zisebenze kangcono nezinhlelo zethu), uxhumana, ushicilela, udlala emphakathini, uveza emphakahtini noma usabalalisa leyonto equkethwe. Amalungelo owahlinzekayo kuleso sigunyazo enzelwe inhloso enomkhawulo wokusebenzisa, ukuthuthukisa, kanye nokwamukela Izinhlelo zethu nokwenza ezintsha. Isigunyazo siyaqhubeka ngisho ngabe uyama ukusebenzisa uhlelo lwethu (isibonelo, ukwenziwa kohlu lwebhizinisi olengeze ku-Google Maps). Ezinye izinhlelo kungenzeka zikuhlinzeke ngezindlela zokufinyelela nokususa izinto eziqukethwe esezihlinzekwe kulolo hlelo. Kwezinye izinhlelo zethu, kunemibandela noma izisetho ezinciphisa ububanzi bokusebenzisa kwethu okuqukethwe okuthunyelwe kulezo zinhlelo. Qinisekisa ukuthi unamalungelo afanele ukusinikeza isigunyazo sanoma ikuphi okuqukethwe okuthumele ohlelweni lwethu.