with people – Traduction en Zoulou – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      12 Résultats   5 Domaines
  5 Résultats www.google.com.mt  
"connect with people"
"xhumana nabantu"
Beware of strangers. Teach your children not to arrange in-person meetings with people that they “meet” online and not to share personal information with online strangers, because people may not be who they claim to be.
Qaphela abantu ongabazi.Fundisa izingane zakho ukungahleli imihlangano yokuhlangana nabantu “ezihlangene” nabo ku-inthanethi, futhi nokungabi ulwazi oluyimfihlo nabantu ezihlangana nabo ku-intanethi ngoba abantu kungenzeka bangabi ilokho abathi bayikho.
  2 Résultats maps.google.no  
We may combine personal information from one service with information, including personal information, from other Google services – for example to make it easier to share things with people you know. We will not combine DoubleClick cookie information with personally identifiable information unless we have your opt-in consent.
Kungenzeka sihlanganise imininingwane yomuntu esuka kwenye ohlelweni lwe-Google iya kolunye – isibonelo ukwenza kube lula ukwabelana izinto nabantu obaziyo. Ngeke sihlanganise imininingwane ye-cookie ye-DoubleCick kanye nemininingwane yomuntu ehlonzekayo ngaphandle uma uvumile.
  2 Résultats www.google.cn  
We may combine personal information from one service with information, including personal information, from other Google services – for example to make it easier to share things with people you know. We will not combine DoubleClick cookie information with personally identifiable information unless we have your opt-in consent.
Kungenzeka sihlanganise imininingwane yomuntu esuka kwenye ohlelweni lwe-Google iya kolunye – isibonelo ukwenza kube lula ukwabelana izinto nabantu obaziyo. Ngeke sihlanganise imininingwane ye-cookie ye-DoubleCick kanye nemininingwane yomuntu ehlonzekayo ngaphandle uma uvumile.
  2 Résultats maps.google.it  
We may combine personal information from one service with information, including personal information, from other Google services – for example to make it easier to share things with people you know. We will not combine DoubleClick cookie information with personally identifiable information unless we have your opt-in consent.
Kungenzeka sihlanganise imininingwane yomuntu esuka kwenye ohlelweni lwe-Google iya kolunye – isibonelo ukwenza kube lula ukwabelana izinto nabantu obaziyo. Ngeke sihlanganise imininingwane ye-cookie ye-DoubleCick kanye nemininingwane yomuntu ehlonzekayo ngaphandle uma uvumile.