work – Traduction en Zoulou – Dictionnaire Keybot

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Keybot      15 Résultats   1 Domaine  
Watch some of our parents at Google talking about how they manage their children’s safety online, and read safety tips from Google below. Or read advice on specific safety issues, such as inappropriate content and cyber bullying, from child safety experts we work with.
Buka abanye bethu abangabazali e-Google bekhuluma mayelana nokuthi bakuphatha kanjani ukuphepha kwezingane zabo ku-intanethi futhi bafunda amathiphu okuphepha kusuka ku-Google ngezansi. Noma funda imiyalo ezindabeni ezicacisiwe zokuphepha okufana nokuqukethwe okungalungile kanye nobuxhwanguxhwangu baku-intanethi kusuka ezazini zezokuphepha kwezingane ezisebenza ngakho.