you need to – Zulu Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Internet 101 – Know you...  
If you are exploring one website on your browser and would like to look quickly at another website, all you need to do is create a tab. The tab is basically another window within the same browser. By creating a tab, you can easily jump between websites.
Kwezinye izikhathi amagama esikrinini sakho angahle abemakhulu kakhulu noma abemancane kakhulu kuwe ukuthi uwafunde kahle. Ukuze ushintshe usayizi wamagama, cindezela futhi ubambe inkinobho [control] noma [command] kukhibhodi yakho bese uthephe ukhiye wokuhlanganisa [+] noma wokukhipha [-]. Ukukhetha u-[+] kuozkwenza amagama wakho abemakhulu, bese ukukhetha u-[-] kuzokwenza amagama wakho abemancane.
  Internet 101 – Know you...  
If you need to hop on the bus or find the nearest subway, certain online maps like Google Maps can help you get from where you are to where you need to be. On Google Maps, type in your origin address and your destination address.
Izinjini zokusesha zibeka leyo miphumela ngokukhasa nangenkomba lonke ulwazi olukhona ku-intanethi. Ulwazi lomhlaba luba luningi ngokuphindwe kabili njalo eminyakeni emibili nenselele yokuxhuma abantu nalokho abakufunayo ayibilula – ikakhulukazi u-16% wosesho nsuku zonke olusha. Onjiniyela badinga ukusebenza kanzima ukuthuthukisa usesho ukuze amabhizinisi namakhasimende batholane.
  Internet 101 – Know you...  
If you need to hop on the bus or find the nearest subway, certain online maps like Google Maps can help you get from where you are to where you need to be. On Google Maps, type in your origin address and your destination address.
Izinjini zokusesha zibeka leyo miphumela ngokukhasa nangenkomba lonke ulwazi olukhona ku-intanethi. Ulwazi lomhlaba luba luningi ngokuphindwe kabili njalo eminyakeni emibili nenselele yokuxhuma abantu nalokho abakufunayo ayibilula – ikakhulukazi u-16% wosesho nsuku zonke olusha. Onjiniyela badinga ukusebenza kanzima ukuthuthukisa usesho ukuze amabhizinisi namakhasimende batholane.