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  Opportunità biex nġeddu...  
L-Arċisqof jippreżenta lill-Gvern ta' Malta rapport tal-Knisja fuq il-Presidenza Maltija tal-Kunsill tal-UE
The Archbishop presents the Government of Malta a Church report on the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the EU
L-Arċisqof jippreżenta fondi miġbura minn RT4Charity – 05.11.15
Five Church Entities benefit from €960,000 from donations – 06.11.15
L-Arċisqof jippreżenta ittra liż-Żgħażagħ - 27/11/10
Archbishop Presents Letter to the Youth - 27/11/10
  1 – 7 ta’ Settembru- ma...  
L-Arċisqof jinawgura is-sena pastorali taċ-Ċentru ta’ Vokazzjonijiet Djoċesani u fl-istess okkażjoni jirringrazzja lil Fr Michael Bellizzi li kien direttur taċ-Ċentru u jippreżenta lid-Direttur il-ġdid, Fr Charlon Muscat, fis-Seminarju, tal-Virtù.
6.30 p.m. The Archbishop inaugurates the new pastoral year at the Diocesan Vocation Centre , thanks Fr Michael Bellizzi who ended his ministry as Director and presents the new Director, Fr Charlon Muscat, at the Seminary, tal-Virtù.
  Mons. Pawlu Cremona O.P...  
L-Istemma ta’ Mons. Pawlu Cremona O.P. tirapreżenta l-kunjomijiet tal-ġenituri tiegħu, aħmar għal Cremona l-kunjom a’ missieru, u blu għal Cauchi, l-kunjom t’ommu. L-ordni Dumnikana, kappa sewda fuq abitu abjad, il-palju abjad bi slaleb suwed, li sinjal tradizzjonali tal-grad u l-awtorita’ ta’ Arċisqof Metropolitana li l-Papa jagħti kull sena lill-Isqfijiet il-ġodda nhar id-29 ta’ Ġunju, festa ta’ San Pietru u San Pawl.
The Coat of arms of Mgr Paul Cremona O.P. represents the surnames of his parents, red for Cremona and blue for Cauchi; the Dominican Order, a black cape on a white habit; and a white palium with black crosses, which is the traditional symbol of the grade and authority given to new archbishops by the Pope on June 29, the feast of St Peter and St Paul. The coat of arms also includes a green ecclesiastical hat and 10 tassels on each side, a symbol of the Archbishop's authority. At the back is the eight-pointed Maltese Cross, which indicates the nationality of the Archbishop, and the Patriarchal Cross.
  Għaqda Studenti tat-Teo...  
Li tirrappreżenta lill-membri tagħha ma’ l-awtoritajiet Universitarji.
To represent its members with the University authorities.