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  Parcs Canada - Internal...  
En Californie, dans des zones peuplées de renards nains et de coyotes, on a installé des clôtures comportant des espaces tout juste assez grands pour permettre aux renards d'échapper à leurs prédateurs, notamment aux coyotes.
In, California, Wyoming, and Colorado deer underpasses were constructed to allow major deer migrations to move between critical summer and winter ranges along several State routes and Interstate highways. Deer-proof fencing and one-way gates were installed on rights-of-way adjacent to major deer movement corridors to keep deer off the highway and to channel them to crossing structures. In California, a fencing application in areas with kit fox and coyotes provides a gap under the fence just large enough for the kit fox to negotiate at full run so that they can escape predators such as the coyote. Passage monitoring and road kill data are used in the above jurisdictions as indicators of crossing structures effectiveness, and their impact on habitat connectivity and reducing road kill.
  Parcs Canada - Parc nat...  
Les forêts de Kejimkujik sont peuplées par des résineux dans une proportion d’environ 20 %; une fraction de ces résineux se compose d’imposantes pruches du Canada, des rescapées de l’ancienne forêt. Les zones peuplées de pruches créent une atmosphère calme dans une forêt ouverte.
About one-fifth of Kejimkujik’s forests are softwoods. A fraction of these are towering groves of old-growth Eastern hemlocks. Pure hemlock stands create an open and quiet forest atmosphere. They began to establish themselves hundreds of years before today’s 350-year old trees even took root. Although some foresters consider old trees “overmature,” these old-growth woodlands have important value.