zones pilotes – English Translation – Keybot Dictionary

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  Programme D'Actions Pri...  
Les 10 et 11 mai 2017, le CAR/PAP a accueilli dans ses bureaux la 2eme réunion du comité de pilotage du projet Co-Evolve. L'évenement, qui a réuni 29 participants représentants de 6 institutions partenaires et de 6 zones pilotes du projet, a été une opportunité de faire le point sur les progres des activités en cours.
On 10 and 11 May 2017, PAP/RAC hosted in its premises the 2nd Steering Committee meeting of the Co-Evolve project. The event that gathered 29 participants including representatives of 6 project partner institutions and 6 pilot areas was an opportunity to review the progress of project activities.
  Programme D'Actions Pri...  
Co-evolve comportera deux phases : une premiere phase d’étude, qui consistera a réaliser un état de l’art des thématiques au niveau méditerranéen et au niveau des zones pilotes et a l’analyser, et une seconde phase de test, lors de laquelle les instruments, politiques, stratégies et plans conjoints identifiés préalablement dans les activités pilotes seront testés afin de mettre en place des solutions applicables a un ensemble plus large d’utilisateurs et de territoires.
CO-EVOLVE will be divided into two phases: studying, which consists in analysing and defining the state of the art at MED and pilot area scale and testing, during which instruments, policies, strategies and joint plans already identified in M1 through pilot activities will be tested in order to set up solutions applicable to a wider set of users and territories.
  Programme D'Actions Pri...  
Le projet reconnaît que le renforcement de la coopération entre les régions ainsi que le développement conjoint et le transfert des approches, outils, lignes directrices et bonnes pratiques sont des enjeux cruciaux pour le développement d’un tourisme côtier et maritime durable. Une analyse des menaces et des facteurs favorisants pour un tourisme durable a l’échelle de la méditerranée sera réalisée, et des études locales dans les sept zones pilotes seront menées.
The project recognises that a key challenge for sustainable coastal and maritime tourism development is the strengthening of cooperation among regions and the joint development and transferring of approaches, tools, guidelines and best practices. It brings together an analysis at MED scale of threats and enabling factors for sustainable tourism with local studies on seven representative Pilot Areas. The aim is to demonstrate through pilot actions the feasibility and effectiveness of an ICZM/MSP-based planning process.
  Programme D'Actions Pri...  
L'un des objectifs de la réunion était de présenter l'avancement de l'analyse des principales menaces et facteurs favorisants la co-évolution d'un tourisme côtier et marin durable en Méditerranée, qui est actuellement élaborée par les partenaires institutionnels avec le soutien des coordinateurs des zones pilotes.
One of the meeting objectives was to present the progress of the analysis of the key threats and enabling factors for co-evolution of sustainable coastal and marine tourism in the Mediterranean, which is currently being developed by institutional partners with the support of pilot area coordinators. Another important item of the agenda was the presentation of the progress of work in the pilot areas which are located in Croatia, France, Greece, Italy and Spain. Even though their work will officially start when the analysis is finalized, a preliminary work has already been launched, including the identification of the main stakeholders and interviews with tourism actors in order to fine tune the proposed activities.
  Programme D'Actions Pri...  
L'un des objectifs de la réunion était de présenter l'avancement de l'analyse des principales menaces et facteurs favorisants la co-évolution d'un tourisme côtier et marin durable en Méditerranée, qui est actuellement élaborée par les partenaires institutionnels avec le soutien des coordinateurs des zones pilotes.
One of the meeting objectives was to present the progress of the analysis of the key threats and enabling factors for co-evolution of sustainable coastal and marine tourism in the Mediterranean, which is currently being developed by institutional partners with the support of pilot area coordinators. Another important item of the agenda was the presentation of the progress of work in the pilot areas which are located in Croatia, France, Greece, Italy and Spain. Even though their work will officially start when the analysis is finalized, a preliminary work has already been launched, including the identification of the main stakeholders and interviews with tourism actors in order to fine tune the proposed activities.
  Programme D'Actions Pri...  
Dans l'apres-midi de la seconde journée, une visite technique sur l'une des zones pilotes – la Baie de Kaštela – a été organisée pour les participants. A Kaštel Sućurac, un représentant du partenaire du projet RERA, l'institution publique pour la coordination et le développement du comitat de Split-Dalmatie, a informé les participants des enjeux et des opportunités de la zone.
In the afternoon of the second day of this fruitful meeting, a technical visit to one of the pilot areas - the Kaštela Bay was organized for the participants. In Kaštel Sućurac, a representative of the project partner RERA, the public institution for coordination and development of the Split-Dalmatia County, informed the participants on the issues and opportunities of the area. He explained that the Kaštela Bay had been previously assessed in UN environment/MAP studies as one of the “climatic hot spots” of the Croatian coast, and that it would be crucial to properly include that threat when planning tourism development. Participants were then taken to the castle of Kaštel Lukšić, and as the wind was raging that day they had an opportunity to see how waves were already entering through the main door, endangering the castle which could be of great value for cultural tourism.